Ottomans vs. Christians: Battle for Europe (3 of 3)

Category: Asia, Europe, Life & Society, Videos Topics: History, Ottoman Empire Views: 1049

History Documentary hosted by Julian Davison, published by Discovery Channel in 2016 - English narration

Ottomans Versus Christians: Battle For Europe The Mediterranean may be a beautiful tourist destination today but in the 16th century it was the central arena for an almighty power struggle between Christian Europe and the formidable Muslim Ottoman Empire that lasted for over four centuries.

Our third and final episode looks at the Ottoman Empire’s slow decline in the face of Russian expansion and explores the complex alliances it would forge with European powers in an effort to survive. The map of Europe would be radically redrawn and the Ottoman Empire would come to a humiliating end, giving birth to the modern Turkish Republic.

  Category: Asia, Europe, Life & Society, Videos
  Topics: History, Ottoman Empire
Views: 1049

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