NASA - Live Earth from Space

Category: Nature & Science, Videos Topics: Space And Astronomy Channel: Live Tv Views: 10936

Live video of "Earth from space" - as seen from the International Space Station (ISS) live stream.  ISS circles the earth at 240 miles above the planet, on the edge of space in low earth orbit.  The station is crewed by NASA astronauts as well as Russian Cosmonauts and a mixture of Japanese, Canadian and European astronauts as well.

The ISS passes into the dark side of the earth for roughly half of each of its 90 minute orbits. As the Space Station passes into a period of night every 45 mins video is unavailable - during this time, and other breaks in transmission recorded footage is shown when back in daylight earth will recommence.

HD footage captured by ISS HDEV cameras on board the International Space Station. By the courtesy of International Space Station: UStream live Feed From the NASA HDEV live cameras on the ISS ( ).

  Category: Nature & Science, Videos
  Topics: Space And Astronomy  Channel: Live Tv
Views: 10936

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