Professor Michiko Hikida was spot on about OSU protest

On Tuesday May 1, I attended a protest at the South Oval at Ohio State University where students were demanding OSU to divest investments from companies with links to Israel and calling to end Israel’s genocide and forced starvation in Gaza.

The atmosphere was peaceful and festive and student activists passed sandwiches and slices of watermelons. I was there at the protest with my son who attends OSU. It is offensive for OSU and the media to call students' family members as "unaffiliated" and "agitators." You don't even have to be a "student" to take part in the protest at OSU. Do you?

I met a lot of old friends and made a new one in the form of Assistant Professor Michiko Hikida of OSU, Department of Teaching and Learning. I learned from her that she attended the April 25 massive protest where nearly 40 protesters (students, faculty, and community members) were brutalized and violently arrested by Ohio State Troopers.

To my surprise, the Columbus Dispatch ran a guest column for her on May 1 the same day I saw her, which was titled "Shameful Ted Carter sanctioned an armed invasion, putting Ohio State students in harm's way." Ted Carter is the newly elected President of OSU. First, I asked her why she was at the protest. She said, "These are my kids!" She meant the students of course. I was speechless to say the least by her unexpected response. I asked her if she was concerned about her job. She shook her head as a sign of no way!

Professor Michiko & Mahmoud El-Yousseph

Here is highlight of what Professor Hikida wrote in part in her letter to her boss in the Dispatch article,

" Watching those officers in riot gear stream onto the oval April 25, night, knowing that I was too far away to help and that you, OSU President Ted Carter, sanctioned armed strangers to invade our learning space makes me sick. "She further argued, " It is our job to protect the young people in our care as they learn to stand up for what they believe, as the learn to fight for what they believe is right. No longer a proud Buckey. Ohio State president using dog muzzle speech. How dare you put them in harm's way. You should be ashamed of yourself."

I thought to myself for a moment what would have happened if White House or US State Department staff would write a column challenging President Biden or Secretary of State Blinken for funding and supporting the Israeli genocide in Gaza. How long would it be before that staff get sacked?

Meanwhile, Professor Hikida framed what happened brilliantly by accusing OSU President Ted Carter of cooperating with Ohio State Troopers who brutalize students, faculty, and community members for standing up for what's right. One student who suffered a concussion during her final week spoke at Columbus City Council and made a plea to have the charges dropped. Protesters' religious rights were also violated while in custody. Female Muslim students were forced to remove their hijab, denied the right to pray, and have halal food.

It is offensive that OSU and the media would call students' family members of April 25 protest as "unaffiliated" and "agitators." You don't even have to be a student" to take part in the protest at OSU. Do you? I must confess that after learning that Professor H has no roots or connection the Middle East, I did admire her even more for her courage and dedication.

OSU President Ted Carter and OSU PD cooperated to brutalize students, faculty, and community members for standing up for what's right. One student who suffered a concussion during her final week spoke at Columbus City Council and made a plea to have the charges dropped. Protesters religious rights were also violated while in custody. Female Muslim students were forced to remove their hijab, denied the right to pray, and have halal food.

I am grateful to Professor Michiko Hikida for having the courage to defend her students and calling out the OSU and law enforcement violent and hostile response.

Finally, students have every right to advocate for causes they believe in. Arresting students and faculty for speaking about Palestine and condemning the Israeli genocide and forced starvation in Gaza is repugnant. OSU cannot penalize, suspend or expel students because it is publicly funded, therefore, it is obligated to uphold students’ first amendment rights, which includes the right to free speech and peaceful assembly.

Mahmoud El-Yousseph is a Palestinian freelance writer and retired USAF veteran who lives in Westerville, Ohiop. He could be reached at: [email protected]

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