About Arabic phonetic Search and the Do's and Dont's

  • With phonetic search, your wish came true. For the first time ever, you can now type in any portion of any Arabic Verse from the Holy Qur'an ( such as "innaa Ateyna" ) in anyway you think it is right. Simply guess its spelling and give it a try. With its 90% accuracy, you'll be glad you did.
  • Don't think you might make a mistake in the spelling, phonetic search will fix it on the fly.
  • HINT: When searching try multiple words instead of single words. For example do not simply search for "DUNYA">, search "FID DUNYA". Instead of searching simply the word "Rasool,qualift it a little more with "Rasool Allah">. Sometimes, the more you type the better it is.
  • To goto the beginning of a specific sura in the Qur'an, simply type in its sura number and click Find. For example, to go to Sura 2 ( Baqara ), type 2 and click FIND.
  • To go to a specific ayah, enter its reference in the following form; Sura Number:Verse Number. For example, to go the 3rd verse of the Sura 100, type in 100:2 and click Find.
  • You can also enter English words ( "Paradise" for example ) and submit for search.This would search the current translation. To search Turkish, first set the display translation to Turkish before entering a Turkish word for search.
  • Phonetic Search is also accessible at your portable wireless device at mobile.islamiCity.com
  • With MP3 Builder, you can collect as many verses as you wish in the order you wish and in the verse repeation count as you wish. With MP3 Builder you can build a CD content for memorization purposes.