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my revert story

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Category: Religion - Islam
Forum Name: Stories - How I Became Muslim?
Forum Description: Stories - How I Became Muslim?
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Topic: my revert story
Posted By: revert08
Subject: my revert story
Date Posted: 22 November 2014 at 2:51pm
My Revert story ♡↓↓↓
I grew up in a home with no religion ,as a child i used to pray to God and felt sad i didnt have a religion.My first pray that was answerd was when i was 6 years old.I was at school and was having a bad day ,i stood away from the other kids and prayed and asked God to make something good happen.
Then i found a braclet on the floor and handed it to my teacher ,then about a hour later a lady runs to me and hugs me ,and she give me a huge bag of sweets and toys turns out the braclet was hers and was very special to her ,so my pray was answerd a bad day became brillant what more could a kid want right?
I used to pray that when im older for God to give me a good husband and nice family in our own home and i said to God i dont want to be rich but just to have a happy family and husband (i was very young 6 or 7 i dont know why at that age i was thinking about my future husband lol)
i was always a shy,modest ,caring and sensitive girl growing up,often people took advantage of that.
Then as i hit my teens the innocence started to go ,i tried smoking ,mixed with not so good people,when i was 16 i got a boyfriend he was 8 years older than me ,he seemed perfect at first ,then to cut a long story short he controlled,manipulated and emotionally abused me for years,i finally got the courage to leave him and he stalked me also for years
i felt lost And alone as i was abused so long and made to feel like i needed this man that although i had courage to leave him ,i felt lost and in darkness ,i started doing haram stuff to try get through life ,but it never helped me ,i was depressed and was always trying to find love from somebody but let down always
One night i sincerly prayed and repented for all the bad i was doing ,i cried my heart out begging for God to show me the right path in life ,i made a promise that i will give up all the bad things but please guide me to the right path in life.

so i stuck to my promise ,i had a holiday booked for this week i decided was good chance to get away and think and better myself and be the girl i used to be,on this holiday i was in a muslim country Gambia ,i spent the week mixing with the poor ,i have always had a soft heart to the poor and always helped any poor person i could,but spending time with them for days ,seeing their beautiful smiles whilst they didnt have no shoes and thinking of all the moody british kids who have everything and not happy ,i was reflecting so much ,i was so happy i wanted to hide in a bush and not return to UK ,also i got a load of food bags of rice and a goat for the family i was staying with,they cooked the food and invited the whole village to eat with us and that food everyone had some and was full ,such a beautiful thing to see

back in UK i was still avoiding as much sin as i could ,i gave up drinking,my friends,i stopped the clubs and refused any dates and avoided men like the plague ,i was working and a pakistani lady came in,i asked her what religion she is ,she told me she a muslim,so i asked her to teach me about her religion

everything i read made sense and i got into reading about islam and anytime i had a question there was always a perfect answer.

i felt like in my heart i had always been a muslim with my views ect but just didnt know what i was and islam gave me everything i needed and wanted ,i studied the Quran with a one to one tutor during this time i was practising as a muslim but had not taken my shahada as i wanted to wait until i was sure islam was for me as i didnt want to start it and then leave .when i took my shahada a year later age 23 a weight was lifted and its like i was blind and now i see things for what they are.

Also my prayer was answerd Allah guided me to right path and my prayer about husband i prayed for as a child came true only Allah knows what i wanted as a husband and he gave me just that a chaste,humble,caring husband who would fight the world for me and protects me ,and he never judged my life before islam and helped me and supported me to move on from the emotional abuse i went through alhamduLillah

since i was guided i have a peace in my heart ,i dont get sad about my past and aslong as i keep up with prayer and Quran i dont get the anxiety and flashbacks of my past exeriences .my worst nightmere is that dark life without Allah

also stange thing is my name is a Muslim name, so i didnt need a new name when a reverted

My dear Sisters and Brothers never take your religion for granted yes their is alot of rules but its for your own protection walahi if you knew a life without these rules and the harm it does you would never be tempted to live a haram life ,

the only thing that can bring happiness is being close to Allah,taking girlfriends and boyfriends will destroy you in this life and the next,drinking,music and clubs will bring you in dangerous situations ,surrounded by heartless people and will cause you pain ,and shamefulness

Islam gives you honour,respect,dignity ,good health ,peace and the list does on

haram brings nothing but problems and depression

trust me if you love material things then go to a third world country and sit with the poor and look how they have nothing and have most beautiful smile ,whilst the rich have everything but are misrable

also dont under estimate dua its so powerful i would not be muslim today without dua and repentance

Posted By: semar
Date Posted: 22 November 2014 at 11:38pm

A beautiful inspiring story masha Allah.



"We are people who do not eat until we are hungry and do not eat to our fill." (Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

"1/3 of your stomach for food, 1/3 for water, 1/3 for air"

Posted By: revert08
Date Posted: 23 November 2014 at 7:20am
JazackAllahu khairan Alhamdulillah

Posted By: Abu Loren
Date Posted: 26 November 2014 at 5:08am
Alhamdulilahil Rabbil Alamin!

All praise is due to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala Lord of of the worlds who has guided you to His religion.

Posted By: abuayisha
Date Posted: 26 November 2014 at 6:51am

Posted By: fahmida24
Date Posted: 20 December 2014 at 3:19am
Alhamdulillah a beautiful life story...!  JazackAllahu Rabbil Alamin...! If possible try to read the reverted story of Hazrat Omar (R). Thanks to sharing your story sister.

Posted By: maryammm
Date Posted: 20 February 2015 at 6:30am
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatuLlaahi wa barakatuh.

It would really be appreciated if all converts could take the following questionnaire.

Many new Muslims leave Islaam as they do not have the help and support they need. Usool and International and Discover Islam London are conducting a research into various problems converts may face and the help that they need. -

Jezakum Allaahu khayran


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