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Daily words in original Arabic (Fussha)!

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Topic: Daily words in original Arabic (Fussha)!
Posted By: thatpage
Subject: Daily words in original Arabic (Fussha)!
Date Posted: 20 December 2012 at 7:33am
Assalaamu Alaykum, (Peace be upon you all).

Brought to you from Arabic words in its original form known as Fussha.

Watch this space as we assist you in learning some fundamental words, we will provide words from the famous syllabus 'Arabic Language between your hands'.

We will start off with questions and all its forms, tomorrow: InshaAllah.

In the meantime if you have any questions regarding the Language then please do not hesitate to contact us, here in this form or at the website above.

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 23 December 2012 at 9:51am
In simple terms, a list below shows the questions and type of questions used in Arabic language. Without confusing digest this first.

What? - ما؟ (Maa)
Who? - من؟ (Man)
From? - من؟ (Min)
Which? - اي؟ (Ayya)
Why? لماذا؟ (Limaadaa)
For what? لما؟ (Limaa)
Where? - أين؟ (Ayna)
To where? - ?الى أين (Ilaa Ayna)
When? - متى؟ (Mataa)
For who? - لمن؟ (Liman)
How? - كيف؟ (Kyfa)
How many/much? - كم؟ (Kam)
How much/By how much? - بكم؟ (Bikam)
Is/are/do/did? - هل؟ (Hal)
Is there? - ?هل يوجد (Hal Yuo jad)
Is/are/do/did? Same as (Hal) however there is a subtle difference will explain later - أ؟ (a�)

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 23 December 2012 at 11:02am
In english, we use '?' to mark a question, well, in Arabic, it is the opposite to indicate a question '؟'.

What's your name?     ما اسمك؟ (ma-smuka?)
What's the difference between us and them?     ما الفرق بيننا وبينهم؟ (ma al-farq bainana wa-bainahum?)
What do you want?     ماذا تريد؟ (maada turiid?)
What shall I tell you?     ماذا أقول لك؟ (maada aquul lak?)
To where shall I go? (if you take the 'ilaa {means to}' off, then it means, where shall I go?)      ?أذهب الى أين (ilaa ayna idhab)
Where are you from?      ?أنت من أين (min ayna ant)
Where is the museum?     أين المتحف؟ (ayna l-mathaf?)
Where are you going?      الى أين ذاهبة؟ (ilaa ayna daahiba?)
Why did you go to Egypt?     لماذا ذهبت الى مصر؟ (li-maada dahabti ila misr?)
Why do you hate him?     لماذا تكرهه؟ (li-maada takrahu?)
Why did he pick her?     لماذا اختارها؟ (li-maada ixtaarha?)
When will Hasan return?     متى سيعود حسن؟ (mata saya'uud Hasan?)
When is your birthday?     متى عيد ميلادك؟ (mata 'iid miilaadak?)
Who are you?     من أنت؟ (man anta?)
Whose book is this?     لمن هذا الكتاب؟ (li-man haada l-kitaab?)
Whom/who did you meet?     من قابلت؟ (man qaabalt?)
How are you?     كيف حالك؟ (kayfa Haaluka?)
How did you know?     كيف عرفت؟ (kayfa 'arafta?)
What time is it?     كم الساعة؟ (kam as-saa'a?)
How old are you?     كم عمرك؟ (kam 'umruk?)
How many students are in the university?     كم طالبا في الجامعة؟ (kam Taaliban fil-jaami'a?)
How much is this book?     بكم هذا الكتاب؟ (bi-kam haada l-kitaab?)
How much do you love Egypt?     كم تحب مصر؟ (kam tuhibb misr?)
How much money do you have (with you?)     كم معك من المال؟ (kam ma'aka min al-maal?)
How long have you been living here?     منذ متى تعيش هنا؟ (mundu mata ta'ii� huna?)
How many hours did the operation/process last?     كم ساعة دامت العملية؟ (kam saa'a daamit al-'amaliyya?)
Are you Egyptian?     هل انت مصري؟ (hal anta misri?)
***Is this university famous?     هذه الجامعة مشهورة؟ (haadihi l-jaami'a ma�huura?)
أليس كذلك؟ (a-laysa kadaalika?) Isn't that so?
أغدا ألقاك؟ (a-ġadan alqaak?) Will I see you tomorrow?
Is there an office close by/near? - هل يوجد مكتب قريب؟

***At-times questions can be asked without these terms, but rather from physical motion/emotion i.e. tone of voice, gesture and so on; having said that, you would perhaps use a verb or so to suggest your question. To understand this concept one would have to study the language a bit deeper than what is presented here. I mention this so that you are aware of this concept.
So, generally, in this type of situation, it is the question (Hal) would carry the meaning in your question; it is also similar to the rhetorical question in English.
You did it right/you have done it, yeah? Isn�t it done? نعم؟/صحيح فعلت (Fa'alta sahih/na'm)

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 25 December 2012 at 4:26am
I have seen and heard people use 'is there' 'هل هناك' (hal hunaaka) in the place of هل يوجد (Hal yuojad). the meaning of the two type of questions here would be understood in Fussha as, is there? However, the second is more appropriate as it literally means: is there? Whereas he first means literally: is over there? As an indication to distance, whereas the opposite an indication to close by is هنا (hunaa) which means: 'here'. I.e. هنا القاهرة (hunaa qaahirah) this means: Cairo is here.

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 25 December 2012 at 4:40am
Most of these words are found in the Quran exception to a few I.e Museum, students, university, office, and so on. having said that, these are daily day to day useful words.

Another point to mention here, in Fussha there is no specific word for 'is'.

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 04 January 2013 at 3:15pm
Another point, when you use this in question 'هل يوجد (Hal yuojad' then ensure that it is a masculine subject you are referring to, if the subject is feminine then you have to use (tuojad) with a 'Ta' توجد.

- 'ي' (ya) always represents masculine.
- 'ت' (ta) always represents feminine.

(Masjid is always masculine) ?هل يوجد مسجد في مصر (Hal Yuojad Masjid Fi Misr?) Is there a Masjid in Egypt?

(University is always feminine)?هل توجد جامعة في مصر (Hal Tuojad jaami'a Fi Misr?) Is there a University in Egypt?

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 15 January 2013 at 4:53am
Name � اِسْم (ism)
Allah (God) � اللّه (Allah)
The gracious � الرّحمان (Ar-Rahmaan)
The merciful � الرّحيم (Ar-Rahim)
Praise (note: it is not thank) � حَمْدٌ (Hamd)
Lord � ربّ (Rabb)
Universe � عالم(3aalam)
Master/king/lord � مالِك (Maalik)
Day � يَوْم (yaum)
Religion � دِيْن (Deen)
Path/way � صِراط (Sirat)
Straight � مُسْتَقِيْم (Mustaqim)
Direct/live/straightaway � مُباشَرَة (Mubaasharah)

Memorise all these, as most of these can be found in Surat Faatiha and elsewhere in the Qur�an. These are some of the most repeated Arabic words in the Qur�an, except for the last word. Thus the last word is essential in Arabic language, as it refers to live/direct; you will see it written in Makka/Madina channels to indicate live streaming.

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 18 January 2013 at 6:24am
تِيْن - Fig
زَيْتُوْن - Olive
هذا - This
بَلَد - Country
أمِيْن - Secure/Safe
إنْسان - Man
فِي - In
حَسَن - Good/Well
أَحْسَن - Better/Best
ثُمَّ - Then
أَمْر - Order, Command/Matter, thing

Many of these words can be found in Surah At-tin.

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 22 January 2013 at 11:14am
إذا - If
أَرْضٌ - Land/Earth
زِلْزالٌ - Earthquake
أَثْقالٌ - Loads/Burdens
ما - What
لَها - With it/that or for it/that
أَخْبارٌ - News (plural)
أعْمالٌ - Deeds/Works

These words can be found in Surah Zalzalah Earthquake.

Posted By: thatpage
Date Posted: 15 February 2013 at 2:41pm
Chapter (102) sūrat l-takāthur (The piling Up)

These words would be very beneficial for anyone trying to learn Arabic for the sake of understanding the Quran. They are also useful in general conversations.

Grave - قَبَر
Graves - مَقابِر
Until - حَتَّى
Nay - كلاَّ
Will in the future - سَوْف
If - إذا, لَوْ
Knowledge - عِلْم
Certainty - يَقيِن
Inferno/hell - جَحِيم

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