Oil Spill
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Topic: Oil Spill
Posted By: Tiffany
Subject: Oil Spill
Date Posted: 23 June 2010 at 11:26am
Recently, there's been an oil-spill on the eastern sea-board in the U.S.A. I live in Alaska, U.S.A., so I know what an oil-spill is like, seeing as we had one in Valdez.
Anyway, the CEO of British Petroleum decided that, instead of helping us to clean up the mess one day, he was going to go sailing on his yacht. This made many people angry.
One comedian over here decided that the best way to solve this problem was to take a submarine and launch a missile at the yacht from underwater. I know that it doesn't sound funny, but you should have seen the pictures that were shown.
No blood or anything, but I think it serves him right. You see, he said that he would do whatever he could to help, and here he is on a luxurious yacht, and, in reality, he is refusing to do anything about our problem.
Personally, I find his actions insulting.
Posted By: semar
Date Posted: 23 June 2010 at 12:12pm
Yes it is irresponsible action. However because it already happened so what I can say, hopefully by "sailing" he can refresh his mind and can come up with "miracle" solution to solve oil-spill problem.
------------- Salam/Peace,
"We are people who do not eat until we are hungry and do not eat to our fill." (Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
"1/3 of your stomach for food, 1/3 for water, 1/3 for air"
Posted By: martha
Date Posted: 23 June 2010 at 2:17pm
Look! IT IS NOT CALLED BRITISH PETROLEUM ANYMORE!!!! It is not even British anymore.
It was renamed BP several years back. It's shareholders are as follows, for those that don;t know
40% British shareholders
39% AMERICAN shareholders
21% Other.
Why are people blaming ONE man who has happened to take a day off to go sailing since the disaster. Is he not allowed to pee anymore either?
It was NOT his fault,so why is he held responsible? I believe he wasn;t even there on the day of the disaster. Do you think he went diving and pulled the plug that day?
The US government APPROVED the safety regulations of the whole set up. Why don't you blame America also? Good lord! Your President needs educating in this matter also. Please tell him to stop saying British Petroleum!
Please get your facts right Americans!! It is called BP!!!! ANd for a country that is guilty of most of the pollution then I think you are living double standards here.
MAny thanks.!
------------- some of us are a lot like cement:- all mixed up and permanently set
Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 25 June 2010 at 10:44am
martha calm down 
I, myself have been under the impression to this day or until I read your post and looked it up, that its was still British Petroleum. If people still under the impression that its still British petroleum then maybe it's the fault of the company for not doing a world wide advertisement of the change.
From wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP
Recent years
British Petroleum merged with /wiki/Amoco - Amoco (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana) in December 1998, #cite_note-29 - [30] becoming BP Amoco plc. #cite_note-namechg-30 - [31] In 2000, BP Amoco acquired /wiki/ARCO - Arco (Atlantic Richfield Co.) #cite_note-31 - [32] and /wiki/Burmah_Oil - Burmah Castrol plc. #cite_note-32 - [33] In 2001 the company formally renamed itself as BP plc #cite_note-namechg-30 - [31] and adopted the tagline "Beyond Petroleum," which remains in use today. It states that BP was never meant to be an abbreviation of its tagline. Most Amoco stations in the United States were converted to BP's brand and corporate identity. In many states, however, BP continued to sell Amoco branded gasoline even in service stations with the BP identity as Amoco was rated the best petroleum brand by consumers for 16 consecutive years and also enjoyed one of the three highest brand loyalty reputations for gasoline in the US, comparable only to /wiki/Chevron_Corporation - Chevron and /wiki/Shell_Oil - Shell . In May 2008, when the Amoco name was mostly phased out in favour of "BP Gasoline with Invigorate", promoting BP's new additive, the highest grade of BP gasoline available in the United States was still called Amoco Ultimate.
~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~
Posted By: martha
Date Posted: 25 June 2010 at 11:22am
Angel wrote:
martha calm down
I, myself have been under the impression to this day or until I read your post and looked it up, that its was still British Petroleum. If people still under the impression that its still British petroleum then maybe it's the fault of the company for not doing a world wide advertisement of the change.
From wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP
<SPAN id=Recent_years =mw-line>Recent years</SPAN>
<SPAN =mw-line></SPAN>British Petroleum merged with /wiki/Amoco - - Amoco[/COLOR - (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana) in December 1998,<SUP id=cite_ref-29 =reference> #cite_note-29 - - <SPAN>[</SPAN>31<SPAN> - </SPAN> In 2000, BP Amoco acquired /wiki/ARCO - - Arco (Atlantic Richfield Co.)[/COLOR - <SUP id=cite_ref-31 =reference> #cite_note-31 - - <SPAN - [</SPAN - 33<SPAN - - </SPAN - [/COLOR - In 2001 the company formally renamed itself as BP plc<SUP id=cite_ref-namechg_30-1 =reference> #cite_note-namechg-30 - /wiki/Chevron_Corporation - - Chevron[/COLOR - and /wiki/Shell_Oil - - Shell[/COLOR - . In May 2008, when the Amoco name was mostly phased out in favour of "BP Gasoline with Invigorate", promoting BP's new additive, the highest grade of BP gasoline available in the United States was still called Amoco Ultimate. |
Hi Angel,
I think my point is that often Americans don't have much idea what goes on in the rest of the world. (sorry you guys..but you are renowned for that..just as we in UK are renowned for wet weather)
So sometimes I have to shout a little, lol, just to correct the majority
Seems like the company is really trying to sort it.
Oh! thats some link! lol Really, I do hope it gets sorted asap
------------- some of us are a lot like cement:- all mixed up and permanently set
Posted By: abuayisha
Date Posted: 25 June 2010 at 12:41pm
"Is he not allowed to pee anymore either?" Interesting, there is a joke floating around about BP (Bee Pee). http://www.ebaumsworld.com/jokes/read/1039401/ - http://www.ebaumsworld.com/jokes/read/1039401/
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cartype.com/pics/1315/full/bp_logo1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cartype.com/pages/387/bp&h=1720&w=1248&sz=168&tbnid=h8GMTvNiwzM63M:&tbnh=264&tbnw=191&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbp%2Blogo&hl=en&usg=__pP0gSh_6jI3GjsyL1imh2R56uDg=&sa=X&ei=BgclTOHWLIG78ga9q7zEDw&ved=0CBoQ9QEwAQ - http://www.bp.com/home.do?categoryId=1&contentId=2006973 - http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/Picture-326.png">
Posted By: Tiffany
Date Posted: 25 June 2010 at 3:02pm
Again, I have to apologize for my behavior. The joke was, in itself, crude, and disrespectful.
Yes, Martha, I realize that Americans meddle too much in the affairs of other countries. That is something I have never agreed with. I didn't support our last president, and, to some degree, as much as I like and support President Obama, he is a little questionable, too, and rather provocative.
As far as living the good life, maybe you're right. After all, I have government benefits, and I live in a nice, one-bedroom apartment. I get $1,022 a month, because I am unable to work. I have started to praise Allah at least once a day for the wonderful things he has given me. I don't know anything about Islam at the moment, so this is really all I can do, until I can find someone to give me some literature. Maybe I should ask Allah to help those in need, and put them in my prayers? I know that he listens to people, even those like me, who have mental illnesses.
If Allah can hear a new-born's cry as s/he enters this world (which I'm sure he does), then he will hear my first attempts at prayer, and guide me to the straight way.
Funny thing: I was angry yesterday. Quietly, I began to praise Allah for all the good he has given me and all the wonderful people in my life. I felt a sense of contentment and calm, and while I didn't stop being angry, I did calm down enough to look at the situation, and realize that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.
Peace be to His Prophet, and praise Allah for his goodness. Finally, I can try to control my temper. You have no idea how long I've been searching and waiting to find something that works. You find solutions to your problems in the most unlikely of places.
May you have a good day.
Praise Allah for his ability to bring peace to my heart and to my mind, and may he do the same for you.
Posted By: martha
Date Posted: 26 June 2010 at 1:37pm
Hi Tiffany,
I actually think you're doing great.
It's good to analyis ourselves, try figure out where we're headed.
And God will always listen of course.
I love to thank Him for my blessings. Like you I am on benefits and unable to work.So it looks like we have a few things in common :)
I can;t see you can go wrong anywhere as long as you;re doing your best. That is all He expects of us at the end of the day. Your personal relationship with Him will last and grow daily as you learn more.
Hope you are having a good weekend.
Chat soon x
------------- some of us are a lot like cement:- all mixed up and permanently set
Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 30 June 2010 at 7:31am
martha wrote:
Angel wrote:
martha calm down
I, myself have been under the impression to this day or until I read your post and looked it up, that its was still British Petroleum. If people still under the impression that its still British petroleum then maybe it's the fault of the company for not doing a world wide advertisement of the change.
From wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP
<SPAN id=Recent_years =mw-line>Recent years</SPAN>
<SPAN =mw-line></SPAN>British Petroleum merged with /wiki/Amoco - Amoco[/COLOR"> (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana) in December 1998,<SUP id=cite_ref-29 =reference> #cite_note-29 - <SPAN">[</SPAN">30<SPAN">"></SPAN">[/COLOR"> becoming BP Amoco plc.<SUP id=cite_ref-namechg_30-0 =reference> #cite_note-namechg-30 - <SPAN>[</SPAN>31<SPAN>"></SPAN> In 2000, BP Amoco acquired /wiki/ARCO - Arco (Atlantic Richfield Co.)[/COLOR"> <SUP id=cite_ref-31 =reference> #cite_note-31 - <SPAN">[</SPAN">32<SPAN">"></SPAN">[/COLOR"> and /wiki/Burmah_Oil - Burmah Castrol[/COLOR"> plc.<SUP id=cite_ref-32 =reference> #cite_note-32 - <SPAN">[</SPAN">33<SPAN">"></SPAN">[/COLOR"> In 2001 the company formally renamed itself as BP plc<SUP id=cite_ref-namechg_30-1 =reference> #cite_note-namechg-30 - <SPAN>[</SPAN>31<SPAN>"></SPAN> and adopted the tagline "Beyond Petroleum," which remains in use today. It states that BP was never meant to be an abbreviation of its tagline. Most Amoco stations in the United States were converted to BP's brand and corporate identity. In many states, however, BP continued to sell Amoco branded gasoline even in service stations with the BP identity as Amoco was rated the best petroleum brand by consumers for 16 consecutive years and also enjoyed one of the three highest brand loyalty reputations for gasoline in the US, comparable only to /wiki/Chevron_Corporation - Chevron[/COLOR"> and /wiki/Shell_Oil - Shell[/COLOR"> . In May 2008, when the Amoco name was mostly phased out in favour of "BP Gasoline with Invigorate", promoting BP's new additive, the highest grade of BP gasoline available in the United States was still called Amoco Ultimate. |
Hi Angel,
I think my point is that often Americans don't have much idea what goes on in the rest of the world. (sorry you guys..but you are renowned for that..just as we in UK are renowned for wet weather)
So sometimes I have to shout a little, lol, just to correct the majority
Seems like the company is really trying to sort it.
Oh! thats some link! lol Really, I do hope it gets sorted asap

I haven't looked into it but I think Kevin Costner has some solution that he proposed.
~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~
Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 30 June 2010 at 7:35am
abuayisha wrote:
"Is he not allowed to pee anymore either?" Interesting, there is a joke floating around about BP (Bee Pee). http://www.ebaumsworld.com/jokes/read/1039401/ - http://www.ebaumsworld.com/jokes/read/1039401/
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cartype.com/pics/1315/full/bp_logo1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cartype.com/pages/387/bp&h=1720&w=1248&sz=168&tbnid=h8GMTvNiwzM63M:&tbnh=264&tbnw=191&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbp%2Blogo&hl=en&usg=__pP0gSh_6jI3GjsyL1imh2R56uDg=&sa=X&ei=BgclTOHWLIG78ga9q7zEDw&ved=0CBoQ9QEwAQ - http://www.bp.com/home.do?categoryId=1&contentId=2006973 - http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/Picture-326.png"> |
~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~
Posted By: Sign*Reader
Date Posted: 15 July 2010 at 1:07am
How many people remember how much oil flowed into Persian Gulf in the first Iraqi invasion of 1990 cuz that didn't cover US beaches, the shoe is on the other foot...
Almost a billion gallons by some estimates and Saudis are still having their beaches cleaned up after 20 years! It was OK cuz they didn't go surfing or swimming like the Americans do ...It is a big hurt...
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2010/05/how-much-oil-has-spilled-in-the-gulf-of-mexico.html - THE METER on Gulf of Mexico
------------- Kismet Domino: Faith/Courage/Liberty/Abundance/Selfishness/Immorality/Apathy/Bondage or extinction.
Posted By: Tiffany
Date Posted: 15 July 2010 at 4:17am
Look, I don't often agree with the way my country handles things. America can be a rather strange place. I'm sorry about what happened to you. You are in pain, and that makes you angry. But I cannot do anything about that. I'm just me. I'm not your stereo-typical American, believe me. But this also means that I am not the one you should be blaming. Up until the time you mentioned this, I had known nothing about it. I am only twenty-five. That means that I was five years old when you were hurt; when your country was hurt; when you felt this devastation. I could not have possibly understood what you've been through.
However, I am one person, and, individually, so is everybody else in the US. Please, comfort us, because you understand our pain. I am begging you, do not condemn our country and laugh as we weep. Some of the men over on that end have even commit suicide because they thought that this would never get better. Please, do not offer cruelty, but comfort, because you know what we are going through.
I know you are human. I know you have a heart. I know that you are a good and decent human-being, and you care about what happens to others. Please forgive the people of my country that have wronged you, and have mercy. I would never have wished this kind of pain on you.
I don't know you, Sign*Reader, but in order to be on this board, you have to be a good person, otherwise you would not be here, and you would certainly not be a muslim. After all, muslims are supposed to be wonderful people that submit to Allah, who is most good, most beneficent, most merciful. Are you not like your maker, who had you wonderfully made?
In you, Allah made a wonderful person. If Allah thought you were bad and did not love you, he would have gotten rid of you a long time ago. Yes, the shoe is on the other foot, but don't be cruel. If you know how much this hurts, would you ever wish it on another human being? So please, be that wonderful person that you are, and at least have mercy on me. This is not easy for me to watch.
Posted By: martha
Date Posted: 15 July 2010 at 7:55am
It is really sad that this has happened. HOwever lets be sensible about this...11 men died I believe, is that right?
Sure, many hundreds of people have had their livelihoods damaged for some considerable time. BUt there has been more media coverage of the BP oil spill than Hurricane Katrina! ANd then almost 2,000 people lost their lives. So, where were all the Americans then? DId they all drive down to help those affected by the hurricane? Yet how many demonstrations have taken place over BP? Remember of course that it is no longer British Petroleum. So rather pointless to see British flags burning. Did the demonstrators burn the US flag too as 39% of BP shareholders are American?!
Personally I think Americans have little to gripe about in general. THey have not experienced modern warfare on their own land, AMericans are the most obese in the world which shows the living is also good. Prices are cheap too in practically everything from gas to a McDonalds burger.
It is really sad and almost funny to see people whinging about a genuine accident which, GOD willing, will be resolved soon.
As Sign* has said the shoe is on the other foot and the Americans just don;t like it. Would that be cos they aren;t in control of this situation?
------------- some of us are a lot like cement:- all mixed up and permanently set
Posted By: angelica
Date Posted: 05 November 2010 at 1:05am
you got a point but being a leader he should make actions immediately.. seeing his people in that situation is agonizing.