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The One Faith, The One God

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Topic: The One Faith, The One God
Posted By: Raman
Subject: The One Faith, The One God
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 10:36am


In the very same way that throughout the ages, human race has looked for ways to make instruments and understand how the world that surrounds them operate, they have developed a relationship with something which is felt as supreme and beyond their human minds. God.


The relationship of humankind with God, along the ages, unfolds in the relationship of each individual with that supreme will, that supreme being, a wisdom beyond our individualized consciousness. And throughout the ages individuals and nations have established a personal relationship with that �It�


In the 21st century we are facing one of the most important challenges ever posed before humankind. In the age of globalisation, we have to find the common God to All Nations before we start killing each other on its name.


The world is pregnant, pregnant with ideas that will never germinate. The time to make a revolution has arrived, a revolution of ideas which are non other than those that gave us life when we all dreamt once with a better world where brother and sister meet again and realise that they are just but the same One Family.







IFSU is an initiative to bring back common sense to the troubled world of Faith in the One God, The House of the One Family, by pointing out how it is a Common Experience and a Common Knowledge of All Humankind.


In this troubled days were a clash of civilizations threatens our way of life and the achievements of centuries in our quest for liberty and realisation...


In times were desperation has taken over those that have been forloned and are blindly tearing appart the most important message humankind has ever received, the most accepted Universal Spiritual Truth:


La Ilahe illallah


There is no God but the Only One God


The One God that we all pray to. Our God. The One God humankind has established a relationship with.


IFSU will endeavour in bringing to a common knowledge and understanding this truth that we all already know and that is symbolised by its emblem which is one we will all relate to.


There is only One God to which we all aspire. With whom we all relate. Please take the time to read and understand this important message.


This truth has to be reworded and explained and brought to the common understanding of all humankind and has to be reminded in every temple, church, mosque, synagogue, around the world.


La Ilahe illallah


There is no God but the only One God.


A lot has been written about this very important relationship of humankind throughout history. The relationship of humankind with God has taken many forms and has evolved throughout ages and is today as strong as it has always been and even perhaps stronger.


The relationship of humankind with God still shapes our forthcomings... and more than ever in this century is on the basis of the most important world global unbalance.


Every group of human beings from whatever origin and whatever culture and whatever time, from the banks of the Amazon to the high hills of the Himalayas, from the splendour of churches, mosques, temples and synagogues of all around the orb to the huts of any shaman, missioners priest or imam, this relationship is promoted and guided to us... humankind... and the most important truth of that relationship has to be repeated and repeated again from every place in the orb, in the news, in the papers, in the TV programs, at every church., temple or synagogue please repeat this message till everybody understand its truth...


La Ilahe illallah


We have called him by many names, but we all relate to Him as One, We have tried to describe his nature and dressed him in many attributes, but we all know he is even beyond that, as our minds cannot grasp to understand its vastness. He, She or It... he is only One, The One God we all pray to, and no one individual, no one nation has any exclusive rights to Him, He to whom we relate to every day of our lives, has genuinely expressed himself as the Only One, to many in many forms, and Quantum physics, and Modern science with its counterintuitive way of thought can also help us to unfold how can the same particle be at two places at the same time, being just one, how can the same One God speak through many mouths in many sacred langauges, The same sacred language, the same sacred word, although apparent reality may make you think of Arab, Hebrew, and Sanskrit as a different langauge. They are all the same language. The language of God, the word through which he reveals himself in One Language, our language, our Only One God, our only One language.


People want to know, since the first human being to our days people have wanted to know. Even if the mind does not ask it, there is an inward urge that shouts us all the time asking one question only, and that question is: Who am I?

And when we ask ourselves what I am going to eat today, its not only hunger, it is also the question of Why... why should not I be worthy to feed me and my children... Am I impossible? Who am I?


And that answer can only be answered through our relationship with what Is, because this One God to whom we relate manifests to us through what is.


Men and woman from all ages and places have dreamt, flying with their imagination, and with a magic wand have exercised miracles their dreams demands, and with the supreme power of The Only one Lord of everything existing they have performed miracles, have flown as superman, like knights have fought dragons and giants disguised as windmills. The fairy tales and stories that have modelled our behaviour, they all express that quest. Our quest. Sustained in the fairy tales we all believe.


Does this mean that fairies don�t exist?


No. Of course not. By no means common sense would advise to kill Tinkerbell by denying their existence.


What more existence could something have when it carries throughout generations the models that have shaped our behaviour. The stories that we have listened and inherited in our families when our eyes started to open and to understand this relationship of me, our individuality, with what is: Fairies and all the characters of the tales and stories that shaped our understanding of what exist; and in the very same way, but very much so,  The Personal One God exists and our relationship with Him is the most important relationship, and in fact the only relationship that exists...


Our relationship with what is, the answer to the question. Who am I?


Man know thy self...


The Personal One God exists. They use many different names to refer to him, but we all regard him as the One Personal God. The Only One.


La Ilahe illallah


And we pray to the Only One God in search for answers and we follow the precepts he gave through the various traditions, but this quest is the same quest for ever


La Ilahe illallah


And this God is all his angels, and all his prophets, and all his messengers, and all his saints, and all his creation, and all humankind because he is the Creator, and is in His creation in the same way a painter is in his painting.


The One God, The Personal God, Christ.


Christ who incarnated. The totality of the emanation of creation is the Incarnation. Christ, and he is as much a person as you are but very much more because it is all inclusive and self sustained. In the same way that the totality of you incarnates in your body emanating your essence The Personal God incarnates in his creation emanating his essence through it an is The Person and your relationship with It is personal, as it cannot be otherwise.  In the very same way,  He spoke through  his prophet,  and  still speaks today through those who open their hearts sincerely to him. And he is One and Personal and we are all part of his family and his truth is One in the diversity of cultures and traditions, being all true, being all the same One Faith.


Please have this repeated till it sticks to our minds so that we realise that we are in The Common House of the One God, all of us, and we need to realise this and humanity needs to come into terms with God, or we will be bringing misery to the future of our children.


Send this email around and please if you can have it translated into Arab and make it circulate within the Arab world, do it, if you can translate it into hindi, also do it, and to chinneese and to any other language and let it be transmitted through the internet, because this is a truth we all intimately know and it is just a matter of wording it, to realise it, because we All need to realise that essential truth.


If this truth is realised by enough number of people, violence will cease and we will give ourselves the chance to solve our problems without offending the One God to whom we all pray.


All our beloved saints, angels, divine helpers, prophets, masters, avatars, are the emanation of Him, in the same way that heat is the emanation of fire, the fire that burns in our hearts in our quest to be one, the light from where we were created. And we are One Family, not two. One God and One Family. And all traditions are in harmony with each other and all represent the alliegance that God made with man. And his promise to our fathers will be kept, but we have to stop adoring idols and realise that he Is One, and this earth and this family of humankind might fight for things as all families do, but we have to respect Him among all other things, and not use his name in vain.

<>IFSU is going to dedicate its efforts to expand this message, simbolised by its emblem. Please get in touch with me if you would like to cooperate.

Understanding the One Faith of All Humankind

Posted By: amlhabibi2000
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 11:12am



Sounds like some thing I wrote....

Judgement day passes in the moment we decide something needs attention & we take positive action. Then there will be a great sorting out of people into groups, Inspired by Surah 99 Ayat 1-8

Posted By: AhmadJoyia
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 11:31am

This is indeed an interesting article. On one side you praise "Christ who incarnated." and on the other hand you detest "but we have to stop adoring idols", then what about "incarnated idols" as most of my Hindu brothers thinks about their worship to them? It seems, you have some preconcieved notions when you say "..Christ, and he is as much a person as you are but very much more because it is all inclusive and self sustained."

O my dear brother, is this not what St. Paul's famous tactics was when he commented about himself "16 But be that as it may, I did not burden you myself; nevertheless, crafty fellow that I am, I took you in by deceit."

Nevertheless, I honour your noble cause of unifying everone on the name of Only one God, the God to whom Jesus christ also used to pray. Would you then agree to me?

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 11:39am

Although it may be true in some grand sense, I think it is better for us to
disagree as long as we respect each other and try to understand different

We do not need to dilute our religions in order to cooperate.

Christian; Wesleyan M.Div.

Posted By: Raman
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 11:40am
Again, my brother Ahmad, I use the example of Christ not of Jesus, to point out what is the esence that must be understood.

Idols are other things different to Jesus, or Shiva or Vishnu, or the saints or the angels for that matter... those are just images that we sometimes use to pray to the One God.

Idols is Governments, Flags, Kingdoms, because those are not interested in you becoming more worthy or near to God, and they make you believe that they act in the name of God, but they only act on their name. Those are the ones that take you by deceit, you need to understand first the other faiths, to understand your faith, to understand there is only One Faith.

Understanding the One Faith of All Humankind

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 11:43am
Ahmad Joyia snuck in there while I was posting. My "nope" was directed to

Christian; Wesleyan M.Div.

Posted By: Raman
Date Posted: 25 July 2005 at 11:48am
Nobody is aking you, David, to dilute your religion. That is a strange way of understanding what the message is all about. You should follow your path earnestly but you will have to be very honest with yourself when you ask yourself What do you really know about The One God.

And if you get to know Him, You will get to know the essential truth revealed to our prophet. And that truth has been so much diluted by misinterpretations and by the lack of understanding of how He operates.

We are One Family, and you should not disregard blindly any other member of The Family, just because he was born and educted differently than you. When that happens you will be a little bit nearer to God than what you are now.

Understanding the One Faith of All Humankind

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