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Category: General
Forum Name: General Discussion
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Posted By: zanab
Date Posted: 17 February 2008 at 7:48am

As-Salaamu Alakum Brothers and Sisters


Sorry if I have posted this thread in the wrong place-(I�m new).


The purpose of this thread is to let all my muslim brothers and sisters know that Wikipedia has a picture of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) so please go on this link to sign up the petition to remove the pictures. We need 10000 signatures to remove it.  We �currently� have 4300 - om-wikipedia


As some brothrs and sisters know that In Islam picture of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and other Humans are not allowed. But Wikipedia editors are showing illustrations with face illustrated and face is veiled or white washed. But still they are offensive to Muslims. I request all brothers and sisters to sign this petitions so we can tell Wikipedia to respect the religion and remove the illustrations.  


Posted By: awais_rauf
Date Posted: 19 February 2008 at 4:14am
We should also post the same topic on other forums too and those of us who sign the petition should reply on this thread this will help the thread to remain on the front page.

    My request to moderators is to make it sticky.

Posted By: Aminah07
Date Posted: 19 February 2008 at 8:26am

ASA Sr and br,

JazakAllahuKhair for the post if you check the archives Insha'Allah I believe in the general section there was already a thread for this that another br posted with links to a  petition that you can sign. All you have to do is comment on that thread and I believe it will come back to the front page. You can also ask a moderator to combine this with that thread if possible. But I don't know if it would be a good thing to post it in every section it would be better to keep the interest on one main thread.


Posted By: zanab
Date Posted: 20 February 2008 at 1:36pm

Salam all Brothers and sisters


Those of you that have Facebook, please announce this there, more and more people will get to know about the site.




Posted By: Sign*Reader
Date Posted: 20 February 2008 at 2:20pm
The internet is the greatest paradox the US have created, think of any thing and it is there; it is full of good and evil. The porn industry has had major investment in it's expansion and use. Then came Google and now nothing escapes it even this discussion; it is bigger than big brother created by the relentless Race

You have a bone to pick with Wiki image here what about Google images. There are more images there than Wiki! Did you know who drew the images originally? The Muslims!
I reckon you are a Sunni Muslims so have an uphill battle in this arena, there are countless images made by Muslims themselves; if you visit Iran probably you could buy lots of them from the hawkers particularly set of the holy family per the shiits!
No body has control over this crazy cyberspace not even the original creators!


Kismet Domino: Faith/Courage/Liberty/Abundance/Selfishness/Immorality/Apathy/Bondage or extinction.

Posted By: zanab
Date Posted: 21 February 2008 at 3:08am

No I did not know who draw the images originally! However, I do know that it was a evil man from Denmark (not a muslim) tried to drew our beloved prophet Mohammad (peace and blessing be up on him) and I do not for a minute believe a true muslim could draw those pictures.



Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 21 February 2008 at 3:55am

The Wikipedia article on Muhammed has classical examples of art from the Middle East and Ottoman Empire.  Those were not done by Danish Cartoonists.  Also, Wikipedia is edited by the users.  So even petitioning for htem to be removed could get them placed back onto the article later.

There is a big different between an insulting cartoon of a bomb for a turban and an illustration of an important historical figure. 

Posted By: zanab
Date Posted: 21 February 2008 at 1:39pm

I fully understand that Wikipedia is an open source, and therefore if they are removed they could be placed back again on the site.  However, being a muslim it is our duty to respect and protect our beloved prophet. 


In Islam pictures of living things are forbidden to draw, for this reason I do believe that regardless of what the picture is trying to illustrate no body should have the right to put those pictures online. 



Posted By: martha
Date Posted: 21 February 2008 at 11:48pm

Salaams Sister,

I understand your points. We very recently had a thread on the very same topic, regarding wilpedia. However the images you are so concerned about are ones which muslims themselves drew several hundred years ago. I am neither condoning or condeming these . As these images are all different I dont see that they are true likenesses of our Prophet (pbuH)

However, this discussion raises the subject in my mind, of photographs and TV in our time. Many will say that photographs are forbidden. Then we would have to also question posters displayed of political muslim figures during elections. I dont see muslims forbidding these, and as such I see no harm in them. The discussion on TV also provides varying answers. TV can be harmful, then again it can be very educational.

I think it is important to respect the differences. I am muslim, but have photographs of my children in my home, because they do not live with me. I do not idolise them, nor see them as anything other than my children. No person can convince me to remove these photos. Why should I? They do no harm.

Likewise, I am not disturbed by images of the Prophet, which are all different. Wikpedia explains when these were drawn or painted. They are not recent. As for the Dutch illustrations, the person involved will receive his lot from Allah, for his insult towards the Prophet(pbuH). Of course we can express our disapproval of these, but we are living in an age where these kind of illustrations will become more prominent in the world. Recently on the forum, we had every thread invaded by vile depictions and photos of the Prophet(pbuH). They obviously should not have been on the forum, but unfortunately as access to IC is so easily obtained by anyone, it did not forsee these. It gave the moderators a huge problem for 24hours.

I have never understood the ruling on drawings of living things in general. Perhaps this can be explained to me. I am willing to listen. Personally, I de-sensitise myself from issues that have no bearing on my everyday life as a muslim. I have full trust on Allah that He understands the thoughts and intentions of my heart. I am afterall the only person responsible in getting to Jannah. The success or failure of this is not in anyone elses hands.

some of us are a lot like cement:- all mixed up and permanently set

Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 22 February 2008 at 12:21am
Originally posted by zanab zanab wrote:


In Islam pictures of living things are forbidden to draw, for this reason I do believe that regardless of what the picture is trying to illustrate no body should have the right to put those pictures online. 


Sadly, Zanab, I disagree.  First off, Muslims aren't the only people on earth.  Secondly, not all Muslims agree with you on this.  Thus you cannot FORCE your ideals on another.  If you don't approve, don't go there.  Boycott Wikipedia and stick to Islamic sites.  The images were done by MUSLIMS and we not done (unlike the Danish Cartoons) to insult.  Therefore, if you don't like it, don't go.

I am tired of this same attitude from Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Athiests alike.  We're Right, Your Wrong, so you Must conform because its what we believe.

What ever happened to no compulsion in religion?

Walk down the streets of Tehran and you will see pictures of the Companions, etc.  Look at the Artwork from the Golden Era and you will see pictures of Muhammed, the magical creature that bore him to Jerusalem and all sorts of things.

Its like these jerks in Afghanistan that blew up those ancient Buddhas.  They had no right, they were a part of our collective history and did not belong to them.

I am really getting tired of having other peoples beliefs forced on others.  Didn't God make the world big enough that you can live your life without making trouble for others?

Posted By: Hayfa
Date Posted: 22 February 2008 at 6:11am

I think that when we go into "rights" everything is quite hazy.

As mentioned we live in a planet of 7.5 billion people. And in the world of fast moving information it will only bring us closer.

Martha, why no pictures... well becasue we people tend to worship or place on higher values the people in our lives rather then Allah. Many people do worship people be it famous people, sports heroes, family members etc. By lmiiting the drawings helps people to avoid "shirk."

Whereas I don't think anyone an stop the dipictions of the Prophet (PBUH) I do agree that we as Mislims should not participate in this. The reason why: Christianity. We should at all costs avoid worshiping of a person. I would be shocked to see a picture in any Muslim's home. Yes some people along the way drew pictures. Just cause one Muslim did something does not make it "ok." I see Muslims drink, does not make it ok.

And whereas "you" may not get confused this does not mean other won't. Islam is about what is best for the community. Not the individual. Its like what responsibility do we have as a community. If people have all these pictures up of the Prophet (PBUH) it would influence people.

What is compulsion? well it is relative when you want to protect your children. In Islam Shirk is the worst think anyone can do. Would you want to risk your children getting the idea it is okay to do this? this is the worst sin. Parents seek to protect there kids from many thing. For Muslims they do it not just in the home but the communities in which they live in. 


When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi

Posted By: martha
Date Posted: 01 March 2008 at 4:54am

Salaams Sister Zanab,

Please excuse my delay in replying. I have been away from the PC for some days, and have just received your message.

The hadith you mention is vague, but I wonder whether it was intended for muslims of that time, when Islam was new, and people were most likely to stray.

So many of our instructions relate to those early times. People were used to worshipping idols then and needed clarity.

I mentioned about photos,because it relates to our modern time. And many scholars disagree on this issue. Where do we get our reliable sources on our daily issues now? And who do we trust? And why did you not choose to answer my question? Why do people always live in the past?

I wonder what words our Prophet(pbuH) would say if he were here today. I'm sure some hadiths would be different, and he would make clear all the doubts and concerns of the people today. In many ways Islam is old fashioned. I do not suggest we live unhealthly, unclean lives. But Islam needs to be brought up to date. I dont see one scholar or imam I can believe in.

Hayfa, thanks for your reply also. But I am concerned that you suggest Islam is for the community, not the individual. But I think you refer to the instructions for all in Islam, in general.

some of us are a lot like cement:- all mixed up and permanently set

Posted By: Ramala
Date Posted: 15 March 2008 at 11:23pm
Hayfa - there are not 7.5 billion people living on the planet ... yet. It is currently at about 6.5 billion.


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