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Topic: Prophet Muhammad ( SAW ) as Kalki Avatar Posted: 11 March 2006 at 5:52am |
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in Hindu Scripture |
Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay, a Hindu professor, in his stunning book claims that the description of the "Avatar" found in the holy books of the Hindu religion, matches the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PUBH). Recently in India, a fact-revealing book has been published. The book has been the topic of discussion and gossip all over the country. If the author of this book were a Muslim, he probably would have been arrested or murdered. Perhaps all copies of this book would have been confiscated. Maybe, even a ban would have been extended. A riot and violence would have broken out against innocent Muslims and their blood would have been shed.
Amazingly the author of this book, Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay, is a learned and famous Hindu professor. The book is Kalki Avatar. Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay is a Hindu Brahmin of Bengali origin. He is a research scholar at Allahabad University.
After years of research, he published this book, and no less than eight pundits have endorsed and certified his points of argument as authentic. According to Hindu belief, the Hindu world awaits "the guide and leader", named Kalki Avatar. However, the description as given in the holy scriptures of the Hindu points only to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) of Arabia. Therefore, the Hindus of the whole world should not wait any longer for the arrival of Kalki Avatar (the spirit) and should readily accept Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) as Kalki Avatar.
These are the FACTS verified and supported by eight other eminent pundits.
What the author says is that Hindus, who are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kalki Avatar, are simply subjecting themselves to never ending pain. Because, such a great messenger has already arrived and departed from this world fourteen centuries ago. The author produces the following sound evidences from the Vedas and other holy books of the Hindu religion in support of his claim: 1. In the Puranas (Hindu scriptures), it is stated that Kalki Avatar would be the last messenger of God in this world. He would be for guidance of the whole world and all human beings.
2. According to a Hindu religion prediction the birth of Kalki Avatar would take place in an isle, which again according to Hindu religion is Arab Region.
3. In books of Hindus, the names of the father and the mother of Kalki Avatar are given as VISHNUBHAGAT and SUMAANI respectively. If we examine the meaning of these names we shall come to some very interesting conclusion. VISHNU (meaning God) + BHAGAT (meaning Slave). Slave of God = ABDULLAH (in Arabic) is the name of Prophet's (PBUH) Father. SUMAANI (meaning peace or calmness). Aamenah (in Arabic means peace) is the name of Prophet's (PBUH) Mother.
4. In the religious books of Hindus, it is mentioned that the staple food of Kalki Avatar would be dates and olives and he would be the most honest and truthful person in the region. Without any doubt the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is acclaimed to possess these qualities.
5. It is stated in Vedas (holy book of Hindu Religion) that the birth of Kalki Avatar would take place in an honourable clan. This perfectly fits the Quraysh where Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) belonged to.
6. God would teach Kalki Avatar through His messenger (angel) in a cave. Allah taught Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) through His messenger Jibraeel (Gabriel) in a cave known as Ghaar-e-Hira.
7. God would provide Kalki Avatar with a very speedy horse to ride and travel the whole world and the seven skies. Indication of burraq (horse) and Me'raaj (the night when Prophet [PBUH] travelled the seven skies).
8. God would provide Kalki Avatar with divine help. This was particularly proved in the Battle of Uhud.
9. Another dazzling account given about Kalki Avatar was that he would be born on the 12th of a month. Whereas the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was born on the 12th of Rabbi ul Awwal (Hijra Calendar).
10. Kalki Avatar would be an excellent horse rider and a swordsman. The author here draws the attention of Hindus that the real days of horses and swords have gone and the present time of guns and missiles. So it would be foolish on the part of those who still expect Kalki Avatar, who should be an excellent rider and swordsman to come. In fact, the divine book, the Holy Qur'an, contains qualities and signs attributed to Kalki Avatar reflecting on the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
The author has given numerous arguments in favour of his claim that Kalki Avatar is in fact Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and those who still await the arrival of Kalki Avatar should not waste time 4.htm |
Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13
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Posted: 13 March 2006 at 7:32am |
Dear Peacemaker,
Thank you for your updates. It is very strange that whilst I read the Bible (NT), I felt empty but when I read Prophet's biography and his words, I feel like sailing on the sea.
I do not know if Evangelists have been harrassing this forum for ages. However, I find that around the world and wherever I go, I could easily bump into one of them. Sometimes, I feel that TO BE SAFE, it is easy to just tell them that I am a Christian Evangelist too. To the extent, I needed to be in disguise as Christian Evangelist in order to stay away from their harrassment. This is certainly an act of hypocrite which I am aware of. Unfortunately, that is the only way out from the spot lights.
Edited by pauline35
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Posted: 13 March 2006 at 7:38am |
There is only one reason which I could not understand is WHY THEY CHOSE ME? WHY..TELL ME WHY?
I joined this forum on 15 November 2005. Can anyone tell me before 15 November 2005, was it like now (I refer to many evangelists log in this forum)? Or is it after 15 November 2005, that is to say that more evangelists log in this forum? If that is after my joining, then I must be the jinx that have brought more evangelists into this forum.
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Posted: 14 March 2006 at 9:51pm |
Hi pauline35,
You are welcome! Since Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh ) is the last Messenger of Allah, his description can be found at so many places. I am glad that you liked it.
Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13
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Posted: 02 April 2006 at 12:54am |
Assalamulaikum I've heard this before..during my Religious Comparative class. It was a very interesting issue. I never thought that Hindu scriptures got these kind of statements.
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Posted: 02 April 2006 at 10:30am |
Assalamu Alaikum:
Very interesting article. I wonder how most of the Hindus are taking it?
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Posted: 03 April 2006 at 10:16am |
Some very important questions needing urgent answers:
1) This article claims that Muhammad = Kalki Avatar. Avatar means an incarnation of God. So Muhammad is an incarnation. Which God's incarnation is Muhammad?
2) The article claims that Muhammad will be born in an isle, which is mentioned as the Arab region. Muhammad was indeed born in Arab, but isn't the Arabian region a peninsula?
3) The article also claims that Muhammad's father is known as Vishnubhagat. Visnubhagat = Vishnu (God) + Bhagat (Slave). Also, Abdullah means servant of Allah. Vishnubhagat = Abdullah. So the article claims that the servant of Vishnu is the same as a servant of Allah.
God = Vishnu = Allah. So Muslims accept only Allah as God. Here, Vishnu also means God. So are Vishnu & Allah the same person?
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Posted: 03 April 2006 at 10:13pm |
Hi Trident,
You have to look the context of Hindu Scriptures. I don't know what level of knowledge you have about Vedic scriptures and Sanskrit language. If you are here only to refute the "point of view" related to this article (as I have seen you before at other places ), all our talks would be fruitless. Moreover, I don't believe in debate, nor do I engage in debate. I rather believe in interfaith dialogue. This forum "Islam for non-Muslims" is not even for interfaith dialogue as there is separate forum for that. You may, however, ask questions here. Allah guides those who sincerely learn. I hope that you would, therefore, apply sincerity in your search of truth.
1. " This article claims that Muhammad = Kalki Avatar. Avatar means an incarnation of God. So Muhammad is an incarnation. Which God's incarnation is Muhammad? "
You are asking wrong question. Read the article again. It says, in the Puranas ( Hindu Scriptures ), it is stated that Kalki Avatar would be the last Messenger of God in this world. He would be for guidance of the whole world and all human beings. Kalki Avatar basically means here "THE GUIDE AND LEADER". This is another meaning of Avatar, its equivalent in English is Prophet. Therefore, don't use the meaning of Avatar as "incarnation of God" in this context, rather use the other meaning. 2. " The article claims that Muhammad will be born in an isle, which is mentioned as the Arab region. Muhammad was indeed born in Arab, but isn't the Arabian region a peninsula?"
Peninsula or not, he was born in an Arab country, Arab region. One of the meanings of isle is also "desert island". He was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Most of that Arab land is desert area or desert region.
3. "So Muslims accept only Allah as God. Here, Vishnu also means God. So are Vishnu & Allah the same person?"
According to Hinduism, the chracteristics of Vishnu is of eternal God who has preserving and protecting powers. Avtars of Vishnu appeared in the world either to correct some great evil or to effect some great good on earth. Of course, characteristics of Allah in Islam is different from that. Allah has 99 names. Out of those names, some of them correspond to the characteristics of Vishnu such as "Protector","'Everlasting","Avenger","Preserver" etc. We have no image of Allah as Muslims don't worship images or idols as Vishnu is worshipped in Hinduism. But, you are looking here equivalent or similar terms to get the message at two different places sent to the people thousands of years apart. You also have to keep in mind that books and practices lost their original message except Qur'an, but that is another topic.
Hope this helps.
Edited by peacemaker
Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13