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America, the Disliked, but why so much?

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Hanan View Drop Down
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Edited by Hanan
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Israfil View Drop Down
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Wow a lot to reply...I had a long night (We celebrated because we graudated the academy) so I will reply to each of you individually.
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herjihad View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Whisper Whisper wrote:

I can't believe you are spreading such inaccuracies. 

Neither can I believe it.

But only for the simple reason that she is not spreading any inaccuracies. I won't be able to find one single instance when she has failed to stand up and tell anything but straight simple truth - and with courage that I would love to acquire.

It's very easy to just come up with I can't believe you are spreading such inaccuracies, but it would be interesting to see how you back your claims up with solid historical references?

I won't hold my breath, but it would be interesting to see how you prove to us that the US were something handcrafted by God in person.


Dear Sasha and Hanan,

Thanks so much for responding for me.  I appreciate your support and understanding a lot.

Salaamu Alaykum

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.
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Originally posted by Patty Patty wrote:

herjihad said:

"I used to feel this way about America.  But there are some anomalies to think about.  When this wonderful document was created, humans were kidnapped from their homes and brought to be slaves in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Even after they arrived, they had rights, their children had rights.  And the greedy, evil slaveowners passed new American, anti-human laws which said that their children would also be slaves, thus creating an easy, cheap labor source, an underclass of subhumans, in their point of view, for all time.

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution did not free these people.  They freed themselves with the help of anti-slavery souls, Allah bless them all. Harriet Tubman should be on the dollar bill instead of that other guy. 

Have you read the history that is taught to our kids?  We can see some of the truths on PBS and in the libraries and bookstores, but they are still teaching lies about slavery and the souless people, our revered forefathers, who not only allowed it, but encouraged it for their own economic gain."

I can't believe you are spreading such inaccuracies.  The slaves who first came here were sold to slave traders by AFRICAN AND ARAB slave traders.  They SOLD their own people for the money.

My response:  First of all, do you understand that people might view someone who writes this way as aggressive?

Secondly, you are not correct.  No one in Africa sold their own people.  (If they did, I have never read about it!  Do you have a reference?) Warring tribes, as with warring Indian tribes in America, used to keep their captives as slaves.  That they sold their own slaves was not selling their own people.

In America we fought the Civil War, brother fighting against brother to free the slaves.  More men were lost during the American Civil War than in any other war in history.  That is  how determined and committed we were to freeing the slaves. 

Your tone here when you say "In America" seems to attack the validity of anyone not being in America as a respondent to this issue.  Unfortunately, at least some of my family, if not most of it, were the people supporting slavery.  And I condemn them.  I rejoice that they lost.  Look at the reality, not the propaganda.  Lincoln was committed to unifying the nation, not freeing slaves.  "We" were determined to fight and kill anyone who would take our "property" from us.  And "we" continued to oppress and deny the humanity of blacks until ... wait, until today.  A lot of the folks I know in Appalachia still use the "N" word derogatorily and people like me (and you) are called "N" lovers.

President Lincoln most certainly does deserve to be on the $5.00 bill. 

Do you purposely twist things people say?  I said the $1 dollar bill -- Washington the slave owner. 

I like the list Sister Hanan made:  Now, I propose that all past slave owners be taken off all American money to show our real life support for our African American citizens. (That means Lincoln stays, silly!)

Slavery STILL PERSISTS in many parts of Africa, Asia, and South America....but NOT in the US. 

America encourages slavery all over the world.  And I personally helped free a slave, so I know that it exists.  I gave up employment that my family needed to accomplish it.  America gives billions of dollars and military support to slave owning countries.  America has supported the ghetto wall Israel is building and the slaughter of the Lebanese, Phalasteeni, and soon the Syrian people by its agent, its baby, Israel.  The people there are enslaved to poverty and oppression sponsored by our country.  We should be ashamed, you and I Patty, for not stopping.  You know, it's our duty to stop it.

Slavery was/is never right.  It is a horrible sin, and we have taken great strides to free this country from it. 

As I said, we need to stop exporting tyranny that encourages slavery, and supporting countries with slavery militarily.  And we do have slavery here.  We need to care about our home and clean it up and leave the oil rich, resource rich countries alone.  Our presence overseas encourages tyranny, nepotism, and slavery.

Yes, there are many poor blacks living in ghettos, I've been there and worked with them.  I was also raised in poverty in Appalachia....white children know poverty too, herjihad, it's just not as publicized as it is for black people. 

So you wear your previous poverty as a badge of honor?  What should I do with mine and my children's?  Deny it?

I think it would be a good idea to go back and read a few history books. 

This kind of remark is aggressive and insulting.  You know that I have read and have been reading a lot of history books because of my kids being in school.  Also, because of my interest in it when I had the time, I read books on many topics of history.

As for me, although I am a white Irish-American lady, I have many black friends.  Many of my girlfriends married black men, and live very good lives.  There are MANY Muslims near where I live....we all live together peacefully. 

That's lovely.  I feel bad about living in such peacefullness while my country is invading and destroying so many other places. I had a bagel for breakfast, Al-Hamdulilah, yet millions of Lebanese have no breakfast, no home, no peace, no safety, because of my goverment.

We have no problems...that's one reason this site bothers me.  I look for the good and positive, but everyone else tries to spread only the bad and pessimism. 

It's my strong opinion that you bother this site as well.  You are spreading the bad American aggressive attitude that shames us all over the world.  Your views are pessimistic about the brothers and sisters on this site whom I love for the fact that they are Muslims and the fact that they believe in Peace through self-defense.  There is no dignity or honor in begging your attacker to stop, especially when they just laugh at you.  The oppressed people must defend themselves in order to receive Allah's blessings. (Do NOT go into your 9/11 speech.  We have stated repeatedly that we don't support suicide bombings and we don't support murder of innocents.)  I could have been in that building.  My family and friends live near all of the places that were bombed by those cowards.  We are talking about the fact that Israel receives billions of dollars, weapons and rhetorical support from America, therefore we are responsible for the deaths in Lebanon.

Just this morning at mass, we had a visiting priest from Haiti who runs an orphanage for 420 children (orphans).  He is a white priest, and has devoted his life to giving this poor children a home.  They call him Papa.  He said he is not trying to raise "little Catholics"....they are free to choose whatever religion they like because "we all worship the same God."  I thank God for saints on earth like Father Marc.  If more people spent time trying to actually DO something positive rather than spreading lies and stories of bigotry, we could see very good changes in the world....but to continue to spead false tales, to have a depressed, pessimistic attitude does absolutely no good for anyone. 

If Marc went to Lebanon, he would be appalled and would spread the truth that America needs to stop giving its unconditional military support to Israel.  (Maybe I said that wrong:  Its destruction of Israel by engaging it as an agent to fulfill our evil agenda of greed and destruction in the middle east so that it can be "Reborn" to suit our demographic, economic, and political purposes.

Your attitude is aggressive.  You attack people that I care for ceaselessly.  You accuse them of the very wrongdoing that you are guilty of.  Please stop it.  Aren't there Catholic feel-good sites you'd like to spend your time on since you find us so unworthy?

Salaamu Alaykum (The Islaamic greeting for an Islaamic Website!)

God's Peace!

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.
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Whisper said,

"Brother, we often try to remember that, but have not been able to see when was it last that the US followed some laws?"


What about when the government executed that white, American, Catholic, Timothy McVeigh for bombing the Oklahoma Federal Building and murdering many innocent men, women, and children?  Just a thought.  There are many others, but for me, a non-muslim, to post them here would be considered too "aggressive".





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"My response:  First of all, do you understand that people might view someone who writes this way as aggressive?"

Why is it that anytime I express an opposing view, I am "aggressive", but everyone else who is Muslim is quite welcome to express their opinions?  This doesn't seem fair to me.

"Secondly, you are not correct.  No one in Africa sold their own people.  (If they did, I have never read about it!  Do you have a reference?)"

Yes, I do have a reference to provide:

Millennium issue: Slavery

Guilty parties

Dec 23rd 1999
From The Economist print edition

IN HIS memoirs, published in England in 1789, Olaudah Equiano told how, as a child in what is now Nigeria, he was stolen into slavery:

One day, when all our people were gone out to their works as usual, and only I and my dear sister were left to mind the house, two men and a woman got over our walls, seized us and, without giving us time to cry out, stopped our mouths, and ran off with us into the wood. Here they tied our hands and continued to carry us as far as they could. < = =text/> Click Here!

Equiano, separated from his sister, was sold to an African chief, who sold him on to a trader, who took him to the coast and sold him in turn to an English slave ship.

To read the entire history go to this link: Story_ID=347154

"So you wear your previous poverty as a badge of honor?  What should I do with mine and my children's?  Deny it?"

I certainly don't consider it a "badge of honor"....I brought it up only to show that white children live in extreme poverty in the US as well as children of other races/cultures.  Nothing more, nothing less.

"If Marc went to Lebanon, he would be appalled and would spread the truth that America needs to stop giving its unconditional military support to Israel.  (Maybe I said that wrong:  Its destruction of Israel by engaging it as an agent to fulfill our evil agenda of greed and destruction in the middle east so that it can be "Reborn" to suit our demographic, economic, and political purposes."

Yes, you're right.  Father Marc would be appalled.  He is a very unbiased, loving man.  His heart goes out to ALL who are suffering.  Unfortunately, he is unable to "bilocate" and must remain with the children in his orphanage in Haiti....the poorest country in this hemisphere.

"Your attitude is aggressive.  You attack people that I care for ceaselessly.  You accuse them of the very wrongdoing that you are guilty of.  Please stop it."

Dear herjihad, you are the one screaming at me.  I am not being aggressive....I am only expressing my opinion(s), which differ from yours on this particular topic.  I also happen to care for the people on this site who have been very kind to me.  Even though I have not been able to agree much with Sasha, I don't mean to be unkind toward him.  We are all just people, herjihad.

"Aren't there Catholic feel-good sites you'd like to spend your time on since you find us so unworthy?"

Actually, I do visit Catholic sites (more arguments there than on this site)   But we don't tell the others to leave because we disagree with them.  Where did you get the idea I find persons on this site "unworthy"?  Do you believe that I feel that way just because I don't agree with 100% of everything said here?  I believe most here are quite worthy.  But I think you need to allow tolerance toward persons like myself who disagree with some of your opinions.

God's Peace Always.




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Patty View Drop Down
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"I won't hold my breath, but it would be interesting to see how you prove to us that the US were something handcrafted by God in person."

Humm, I was raised to believe that God/Allah handcrafted everyone and everything.....even Americans.


I don't know what the future holds....but I know who holds the future.
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Duende View Drop Down
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Brother Israfil, you asked for some personal reasons to explain
hatred for America, and not to keep coming back with quotes from
the media etc. For me personally, it is a matter of morality. The
United States of America speaks loudly about equality and human
rights, it has successfully sold itself through centuries of clever
manipulation of the media, as the policeman of the world:
upholding human rights and high minded values such as equality,
and freedom of speech.

The problem lies with the truth that America abuses human rights,
even within its own shores, but even more so on foreign territory.
America has disguised its true goals and aims behind a velvet
curtain adorned with the words 'free market', 'democracy', 'human
rights' and 'freedom of speech'. The horrible truth is that America
is a hypocritical nation posing as the moral overseer of the globe.

For me, it is this basic undeniable fact which makes me hate
America, although not Americans whom I see as naive pawns in the
grip of the 'democratically elected' morally corrupt leaders, which
your system keeps recycling.

No other nation on earth claims to be morally superior, the
American population, in the words of historian Howard Zinn,
suffers the "inability to think outside the boundaries of nationalism.
We are penned in by the arrogant idea that this country is the
centre of the universe, exceptionally virtuous, admirable, superior."

And in the words of journalist Jan Frel: �The extent to which
American exceptionalism is embedded in the national psyche is
awesome to behold.

While the United States is a country like any other, its citizens no
more special than any others on the planet, Americans still react
with amazed surprise at the suggestion that their country could be
held responsible for something as heinous as a war crime.

From the massacre of more than 100,000 people in the Philippines
to the first nuclear attack ever at Hiroshima to the unprovoked
invasion of Baghdad, U.S.-sponsored violence doesn't feel as wrong
and worthy of prosecution in internationally sanctioned criminal
courts as the gory, blood-soaked atrocities of Congo, Darfur,
Rwanda, and most certainly not the Nazis -- most certainly not.�

This is the reason, and I think the reason for most people in other
nations around the world, why we hate America today: you are
trained from an early age to believe you are exceptional, that your
country is exceptionally virtuous and that only in America can
anybody, as you say, �make a difference�. Well, Israfil, we just don�t
like the differences you�ve been making lately.
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