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Daniel Dworsky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Daniel Dworsky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 January 2007 at 1:21pm
Uri Avnery
20.1.07          ; 

                      A Freedom Ride

MAHATMA GANDHI would have loved it. Nelson Mandela would have
saluted. Martin Luther King would have been the most excited - it would
have reminded him of the old days.

Yesterday, a decree of the Officer Commanding the Central Sector,
General Yair Naveh, was about to come into force. It forbade Israeli
drivers from giving a ride to Palestinian passengers in the occupied
territories. The knitted-Kippah-wearing General, a friend of the settlers,
justified this as a vital security necessity. In the past, inhabitants of the
West Bank have sometimes reached Israeli territory in Israeli cars.

Israeli peace activists decided that this nauseating order must be
protested. Several organizations planned a protest action for the very day
it was due to come into force. They organized a "Freedom Ride" of Israeli
car-owners who were to enter the West Bank (a criminal offence in itself)
and give a ride to local Palestinians, who had volunteered for the action.

An impressive event in the making. Israeli drivers and Palestinian
passengers breaking the law openly, facing arrest and trial in a military

At the last moment, the general "froze" the order. The demonstration was
called off.

THE ORDER that was suspended (but not officially rescinded) emitted a
strong odor of apartheid. It joins a large number of acts of the occupation
authorities that are reminiscent of the racist regime of South Africa, such
as the systematic building of roads in the West Bank for Israelis only and
on which Palestinians are forbidden to travel. Or the "temporary" law that
forbids Palestinians in the occupied territories, who have married Israeli
citizens, to live with their spouses in Israel. And, most importantly, the
Wall, which is officially called "the separation obstacle". In Afrikaans,
"apartheid" means separation.

The "vision" of Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert amounts to the
establishment of a "Palestinian state" that would be nothing more than a
string of Palestinian islands in an Israeli sea. It is easy to detect a
similarity between the planned enclaves and the "Bantustans" that were
set up by the White regime in South Africa - the so-called "homelands"
where the Blacks were supposed to enjoy "self-rule" but which really
amounted to racist concentration camps.

Because of this, we are right when we use the term "apartheid" in our
daily struggle against the occupation. We speak about the "apartheid wall"
and "apartheid methods". The order of General Naveh has practically
given official sanction to the use of this term. Even institutions that are
far from the radical peace camp did relate it to the Apartheid system.

Therefore, the title of former President Jimmy Carter's new book is fully
justified - "Palestine - Peace not Apartheid". The title aroused the ire of
the "friends of Israel" even more than the content of the book itself. How
dare he? To compare Israel to the obnoxious racist regime? To allege that
the government of Israel is motivated by racism, when all its actions are
driven solely by the necessity to defend its citizens against Arab
terrorists? (By the way, on the cover of the book there is a photo of a
demonstration against the wall that was organized by Gush Shalom and
Ta'ayush. Carter's nose points to a poster of ours that says: "The Wall -
Jail for Palestinians, Ghetto for Israelis".)

It seems that Carter himself was not completely happy with the use of this
term. He has hinted that it was added at the request of the publishers,
who thought a provocative title would stimulate publicity. If so, the ploy
was successful. The famous Jewish lobby was fully mobilized. Carter was
pilloried as an anti-Semite and a liar. The storm around the title displaced
any debate about the facts cited in the book, which have not been
seriously questioned. The book has not yet appeared in Hebrew.

BUT WHEN we use the term "Apartheid" to describe the situation, we have
to be aware of the fact that the similarity between the Israeli occupation
and the White regime in South Africa concerns only the methods, not the
substance. This must be made quite clear, so as to prevent grave errors in
the analysis of the situation and the conclusions drawn from it.

It is always dangerous to draw analogies with other countries and other
times. No two countries and no two situations are exactly the same. Every
conflict has its own specific historical roots. Even when the symptoms are
the same, the disease may be quite different.

These reservations all apply to comparisons between the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict and the historical conflict between the Whites and the
Blacks in South Africa. Suffice it to point out several basic differences:   

(a) In SA there was a conflict between Blacks and Whites, but both agreed
that the state of South Africa must remain intact- the question was only
who would rule it. Almost nobody proposed to partition the country
between the Blacks and the Whites.

Our conflict is between two different nations with different national
identities, each of which places the highest value on a national state of its

(b) In SA, the idea of "separateness" was an instrument of the White
minority for the oppression of the Black majority, and the Black
population rejected it unanimously. Here, the huge majority of the
Palestinians want to be separated from Israel in order to establish a state
of their own. The huge majority of Israelis, too, want to be separated
from the Palestinians. Separation is the aspiration of the majority on both
sides, and the real question is where the border between them should
run. On the Israeli side, only the settlers and their allies demand to keep
the whole historical area of the country united and object to separation,
in order to rob the Palestinians of their land and enlarge the settlements.
On the Palestinian side, the Islamic fundamentalists also believe that the
whole country is a "waqf" (religious trust) and belongs to Allah, and
therefore must not be partitioned.

(c) In SA, a White minority (about 10 percent) ruled over a huge majority
of Blacks (78 percent), people of mixed race (7 percent) and Asians (3
percent). Here, between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, there are
now 5.5 million Jewish-Israelis and an equal number of Palestinian-Arabs
(including the 1.4 million Palestinians who are citizens of Israel).

(d) The SA economy was based on Black labor and could not possibly have
existed without it. Here, the Israeli government has succeeded in
excluding the non-Israeli Palestinians almost completely from the Israeli
labor market and replacing them with foreign workers.    

IT IS important to point out these fundamental differences in order to
prevent grave mistakes in the strategy of the struggle for ending the

In Israel and abroad there are people who cite this analogy without paying
due attention to the essential differences between the two conflicts. Their
conclusion: the methods that were so successful against the South
African regime can again be applied to the struggle against the
occupation - namely, mobilization of world public opinion, an
international boycott and isolation.

That is reminiscent of a classical fallacy, which used to be taught in logic
classes: an Eskimo knows ice. Ice is transparent. Ice can be chewed. When
given a glass of water, which is also transparent, he thinks he can chew it.

There is no doubt that it is essential to arouse international public
opinion against the criminal treatment by the occupation authorities of
the Palestinian people. We do this every day, just as Jimmy Carter is doing
now. However, it must be clear that this is immeasurably more difficult
than the campaign that led to the overthrow of the South African regime.
One of the reasons: during World War II, the people who later became the
rulers of South Africa tried to sabotage the anti-Nazi effort and were
imprisoned, and therefore aroused world-wide loathing. Israel is accepted
by the world as the "State of the Holocaust Survivors", and therefore
arouses overwhelming sympathy.

It is a serious error to think that international public opinion will put an
end to the occupation. This will come about when the Israeli public itself
is convinced of the need to do so.

There is another important difference between the two conflicts, and this
may be more dangerous than any other: in South Africa, no White would
have dreamt of ethnic cleansing. Even the racists understood that the
country could not exist without the Black population. But in Israel, this
goal is under serious consideration, both openly and in secret. One of its
main advocates, Avigdor Lieberman, is a member of the government and
last week Condoleezza Rice met with him officially. Apartheid is not the
worst danger hovering over the heads of the Palestinians. They are
menaced by something infinitely worse: "Transfer", which means total

SOME PEOPLE in Israel and around the world follow the Apartheid analogy
to its logical conclusion: the solution here will be the same as the one in
South Africa. There, the Whites surrendered and the Black majority
assumed power. The country remained united. Thanks to wise leaders,
headed by Nelson Mandela and Frederick Willem de Klerk, this happened
without bloodshed.

In Israel, that is a beautiful dream for the end of days. Because of the
people involved and their anxieties, it would inevitably turn into a
nightmare. In this country there are two peoples with a very strong
national consciousness. After 125 years of conflict, there is not the
slightest chance that they would live together in one state, share the
same government, serve in the same army and pay the same taxes.
Economically, technologically and educationally, the gap between the two
populations is immense. In such a situation, power relations similar to
those in Apartheid South Africa would indeed arise.

In Israel, the demographic demon is lurking. There is an existential angst
among the Jews that the demographic balance will change even within the
Green Line. Every morning the babies are counted - how many Jewish
babies were born during the night, and how many Arab. In a joint state,
the discrimination would grow a hundredfold. The drive to dispossess
and expel would know no bounds, rampant Jewish settlement activity
would flourish, together with the effort to put the Arabs at a disadvantage
by all possible means. In short: Hell.

IT MAY be hoped that this situation will change in 50 years. I have no
doubt that in the end, a federation between the two states, perhaps
including Jordan too, will come about. Yasser Arafat spoke with me about
this several times. But neither the Palestinians not the Israelis can afford
50 more years of bloodshed, occupation and creeping ethnic cleansing.

The end of the occupation will come in the framework of peace between
the two peoples, who will live in two free neighboring states - Israel and
Palestine - with the border between them based on the Green Line. I hope
that this will be an open border.

Then - inshallah - Palestinians will freely ride in Israeli cars, and Israelis
will ride freely in Palestinian cars. When that time comes, nobody will
remember General Yair Naveh, or even his boss, General Dan Halutz.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Daniel Dworsky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 January 2007 at 2:02pm
Uri Avnery

                Manara Square, Ramallah

IT WAS murder in broad daylight. Undercover soldiers disguised as Arabs,
accompanied by armored vehicles and bulldozers and supported by
helicopter gunships, invaded the center of Ramallah. Their aim was to kill
or capture a Fatah militant, Rabee' Hamid. The man was wounded but
managed to escape.

As always, the place was teeming with people. Manara Square is the heart
of Ramallah, full of life, both walking and driving. When people realized
what was going on, they started to throw stones at the soldiers. These
responded by shooting wildly in all directions. Four bystanders were
killed, more than 30 wounded.

The routinely mendacious army press release announced that the four
had been armed. Indeed? One of them was a street vendor named Khalil
al-Bairouti, who used to sell hot beverages from a small cart at this place.
Another was Jamal Jweelis from Shuafat near Jerusalem, who had come to
Ramallah to buy new clothes and sweets for the engagement party of his
brother, which was scheduled for the next day. Hearing that approaching
bulldozers were crushing vehicles in the street, Jamal ran out of the shop
to remove his car.

That happened nine days ago. A "routine" action, like so many others that
take place in the occupied Palestinian territories almost daily. But this
time it created an international uproar, because on that very day Ehud
Olmert was due to meet the President of Egypt, Husni Mubarak in Sharm
el Sheikh. The host was deeply offended. Do the Israelis despise him so
much, that they so lightly put him to shame in the eyes of his people and
the Arab world? At the end of the meeting, he gave vent to his anger in no
uncertain terms, in the presence of Olmert, who muttered some weak
words of apology.

In Israel, the usual game of passing the buck, known as "covering one's
ass", began. Who was responsible? As usual, someone low down in the
hierarchy. The Prime Ministers's people first suspected that the Minister
of Defense, Amir Peretz, had done it to trip up Olmert. Peretz denied any
prior knowledge of the action, and passed the buck on to the Chief-of-
Staff, who, he implied, wanted to bring about the downfall of both Olmert
and Peretz. The C-o-S transferred the responsibility to the Commander of
the Central Front, Ya'ir Naveh, a Kippa-wearing general known as
especially brutal, with extreme right-wing views. In the end it was
decided that some officer lower down had approved the action, and that
all the responsibility was his.

Even if you believe all these denials - and I most certainly do not - the
image is no less disturbing: a chaotic army, out of control, where every
officer can do as he sees fit (or unfit).

TWO DAYS later, my wife Rachel and I visited the place. It was early
evening. Under an intermittent drizzle, Manara ("lighthouse") Square was
again teeming with people. Traffic jams blocked all the six streets leading
to the square

Zacharia, the Palestinian friend who was accompanying us, was clearly
worried. He tried to persuade us not to go there so soon after the
incident. But nothing happened.

Posters of Arafat were hanging on the column in the center of the square
and on some walls. In a mini-market there were photos of Saddam
Hussein. One of the walls carried angry graffiti: "We Don't Need Your Aid!"
(You the Americans? The Europeans? The aid agencies?)

The four lions surrounding the column in the square looked to me forlorn
and helpless. One of them is wearing a watch on his leg. The designer
had added the watch as a joke and the Chinese who were contracted to
produce the lions according to the plan did precisely that.

In the end we entered a coffee shop. While we were sitting and enjoying
the coffee, all the lights went out. Before we could start to worry, people
around us used their cigarette lighters and cellular phones. After some
minutes, the lights went on again.

On the way home to the hotel in a side street, we took a taxi. The driver,
who did not know that we were Israelis, talked all the way with his brother
in Arabic on his phone. He ended the conversation with three words:
"Yallah. Lehitraot. Bye." Yallah (something like OK) in Arabic. Lehitraot
("see you again") in Hebrew. Bye in English.

WHEN WE told our friends in Tel-Aviv that we were off to a conference in
Ramallah, they thought that we had taken leave of our senses. "To
Ramallah? And now of all times, after what has just happened there?"

The organizers of the conference - Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace,
an international group of academics - also hesitated. True, the
conference was arranged several weeks ago, but perhaps it would be best
to postpone it for a week or two? Was it wise to bring to Ramallah dozens
of Israelis, less than 24 hours after the killing?

In the end, it was decided, quite rightly, that this was exactly the right
time and place to convene the conference. The representatives of 23
Palestinian, 22 Israeli and 15 international organizations were lodged for
three days in a Ramallah hotel, met, ate together and discussed the one
subject that was on everybody's mind: how to act together to put an end
to the occupation which produces daily horrors like the Manara Square
killing spree?

It was important to hold the conference precisely at this place for another
reason: Since the murder of Yasser Arafat, the connections between the
Israeli and Palestinian peace forces at the higher level had become
tenuous. Unlike Arafat [incidentally, Uri Dan, Sharon's confidant, recently
put to rest any doubt that the late Palestinian President was indeed
murdered], Mahmoud Abbas obviously does not think that they are
important. That is one of the reasons - one of many - for the pessimism
that has infected parts of the peace camp.

Therefore, the very fact that such a conference was taking place was
important. Israelis, Palestinians and international activists mingled and
sat together, proposed actions, stressed the common aim. On the second
day, the conference broke up into smaller workshops, where participants
from Tel-Aviv and Hebron, Nablus and New York, Barcelona and Kfar-
Sava put forward ideas for joint actions.

There were also some stormy debates, though not between Israelis and
Palestinians, but about differences of opinion that did not follow national
lines. The most important one: Should the main effort be devoted to
action in the country or abroad?

The representative of an Israeli group argued with much feeling that there
was nothing to be done inside the country, that all the efforts should be
focused on winning over international public opinion, on the lines of the
world-wide boycott that had been so successful against South Africa. In
response, a Palestinian activist argued that the only important thing was
to influence public opinion in Israel, which was, after all, the occupier. I
also argued that the main effort should be directed towards Israel, even if
actions abroad can be useful, too. I vigorously opposed the idea of a
general boycott against Israel, because - among other things - it would
push the public into the arms of the Right. (However, I do support the
idea of a boycott against specific targets that are clearly identified with
the occupation, such as the settlements, suppliers of certain military
equipment, universities with branches in the occupied territories etc.)

SOME DAYS later a comparable meeting took place in the capital of Spain.
But there was a difference between the two conferences - much like the
difference between Sun Square in Madrid and Manara Square in Ramallah.

Madrid saw a congregation of respectable personalities, Members of the
Knesset (including supporters of the government that is responsible for
the bloodshed in Ramallah, one of them a representative of a neo-Fascist
party) together with some notables from the Palestinian authority and
their colleagues from Arab and other countries. In Ramallah there came
together the veterans of the fight for peace, people who had stood fast
dozens of times in a cloud of tear gas and against rubber-coated bullets.
One group of Palestinians and Israelis, who arrived together late on the
first day, came straight from a demonstration in Bil'in, where the army
had used a water cannon, tear gas and also rubber bullets.

The guests in Madrid had come by plane. The guests in Ramallah had a
much tougher time getting there. The Israelis had to squirm through
checkpoints on their way in, and even more on the way back. Israelis
(except settlers) break the law when they travel to the occupied
territories. But for the Palestinians, it was ten times harder to get to
Ramallah. A guest from Nablus told us that he had left home at 2 AM in
order to reach the conference at 11 AM. The guest from Tubas, near
Nablus, spent eight hours on the road and at the checkpoints - much
more than the time needed to get from Tel-Aviv to Madrid.

The Madrid conference was covered extensively in the Israeli media, day
after day. The Ramallah conference was not mentioned with one single
word in any Israeli newspaper, TV or radio station, except for a single line
in the gossip column in Maariv, which said: "Uri Avnery has temporarily
gone to live in Ramallah".

THE MADRID conference was relevant mainly as proof that Israeli and
Palestinian politicians can sit together, even after all that has happened.
What was the importance of the meeting in Ramallah?

In the past, I have taken part in many similar conferences that have borne
no fruit. This time, too, the obstacles are enormous. But more than ever,
it is clear that action must be taken against the occupation, and that the
action must be joint, consistent and well planned.

In five months, the occupation will be 40 years old - perhaps the longest-
lasting military occupation regime the world has ever seen. At the
conference, there was general agreement that all forces must be
concentrated in a great public campaign to mark this shameful date and
draw attention to the injustices of the occupation, the harm it does not
only to the Palestinians but also to the Israelis, to bring the Green Line
back into the public consciousness, to act against the roadblocks and the
Annexation Wall, and for the release of the prisoners of both sides. For
this purpose, the conference decided to set up "an Israeli-Palestinian-
International Coalition to End the Occupation".

The continuation will depend on the willpower, courage and devotion of
all peace forces, and their ability to cooperate beyond the roadblocks,
walls and fences - one of whose aims is precisely to obstruct such

Time is pressing. Perhaps that is why one of the lions in Manara Square
has a watch.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Daniel Dworsky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04 January 2007 at 1:58am
Uri Avnery

                      Kiss of Death

SINCE JUDAS ISCARIOT embraced Jesus, Jerusalem has not seen such a

After being boycotted by Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert for years,
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) was invited to the official residence of the
Prime Minister of Israel two weeks ago. There, in front of the cameras,
Olmert embraced him and kissed him warmly on both cheeks. Abbas
looked stunned, and froze.

Somehow the scene was reminiscent of another incident of politically-
inspired physical contact: the embarassing occurrence at the Camp David
meeting, when Prime Minister Ehud Barak pushed Yasser Arafat forcefully
into the room where Bill Clinton stood waiting.

In both instances it was a gesture that was intended to look like paying
respect to the Palestinian leader, but both were actually acts of violence
that - seemingly - testified to ignorance of the customs of the other
people and of their delicate situation. Actually, the aim was quite

ACCORDING TO the New Testament, Judas Iscariot kissed Jesus in order
to point him out to those who had come to arrest him.

In appearance - an act of love and friendship. In effect - a death

On the face of it, Olmert was out to do Abbas a favor. He paid him
respect, introduced him to his wife and honored him with the title "Mr.

That should not be underestimated. At Oslo, titanic battles were fought
over this title. The Palestinians insisted that the head of the future
Palestinian Authority should be called "President". The Israelis rejected
this out of hand, because this title could indicate something like a state.
In the end, it was agreed that the (binding) English version would carry
the Arabic title "Ra'is", since that language uses the same word for both
President and Chairman. Abbas, who signed the document for the
Palestinian side, probably did not envisage that he himself would be the
first to be addressed by an Israeli Prime Minister as "President".

But enough trivia. More important is the outcome of this event. After the
imposed kiss, Abbas needed a big Israeli gesture to justify the meeting in
the eyes of his people. And indeed, why shouldn't Olmert do something
resounding? For example, to release on the spot a thousand prisoners,
remove all the hundreds of checkpoints scattered across the West Bank,
open the passage between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?

Nothing of the sort happened. Olmert did not release a single prisoner -
no woman, no child, no old man, no sick person. He did indeed announce
(for the umpteenth time) that the roadblocks would be "eased", but the
Palestinians report that they have not felt any change. Perhaps, here and
there, the endless queue at some of the roadblocks has become a little
shorter. Also, Olmert gave back a fifth of the Palestinian tax money
withheld (or embezzled) by the Israeli government.

To the Palestinians, this looked like another shameful failure for their
President: he went to Canossa and received meaningless promises that
were not kept.

WHY DID Olmert go through all these motions?

The na�ve explanation is political. President Bush wanted some movement
in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which would look like an American
achievement. Condoleezza Rice transmitted the order to Olmert. Olmert
agreed to meet Abbas at long last. There was a meeting. A kiss was
effected. Promises were made and immediately forgotten. Americans, as
is well known, have short memories. Even shorter (if that is possible)
than ours.

But there is also a more cynical explanation. If one humiliates Abbas, one
strengthens Hamas. Palestinian support for Abbas depends on one single
factor: his ability to get from the US and Israel things Hamas cannot. The
Americans and the Israelis love him, so - the argument goes - they will
give him what is needed: the mass release of prisoners, an end to the
targeted killings, the removal of the monstrous roadblocks, the opening
of the passage between the West Bank and Gaza, the start of serious
negotiations for peace. But if Abbas cannot deliver any of these - what
remains but the methods of Hamas?

The business of the prisoners provides a good example. Nothing troubles
the Palestinians more than this: almost every Palestinian clan has people
in prison. Every family is affected: a father, a brother, a son, sometimes a
daughter. Every night, the Israeli army "arrests" another dozen or so. How
to get them free?

Hamas has a proven remedy: to capture Israelis (in the Israeli and
international media, Israelis are "kidnapped" while Palestinians are
"arrested"). For the return of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, Olmert will
release many prisoners. Israelis, according to Palestinian experience,
understand only the language of force.

Some of Olmert's advisors had a brilliant idea: to give Abbas hundreds of
prisoners as a gift, just for nothing. That would reinforce the position of
the Palestinian president and prove to the Palestinians that they can get
more from us this way than by violence. It would deal a sharp blow to the
Hamas government, whose overthrow is a prime aim of the governments
both of Israel and the USA.

Out of the question, cried another group of Olmert's spin doctors. How
will the Israeli media react if prisoners are released before Shalit comes

The trouble is that Shalit is held by Hamas and its allies, and not by
Abbas. If it is forbidden to release prisoners before the return of Shalit,
then all the cards are in the hands of Hamas. In that case, perhaps it
makes sense to speak with Hamas? Unthinkable!

The result: no strengthening of Abbas, no dialogue with Hamas, no

THAT IS an old Israeli tradition: when there are two alternatives, we
choose the third: not to do anything.

For me, the classic example is the Jericho affair. In the middle 70s, King
Hussein made an offer to Henry Kissinger: Israel should withdraw from
Jericho and turn the town over to the king. The Jordanian army would
hoist the Jordanian flag there, announcing symbolically that Jordan is the
decisive Arab presence in the West Bank.

Kissinger liked the idea and called Yigal Allon, the Israeli foreign minister.
Allon informed the Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. All the top political
echelon - Rabin, Allon, the Defense Minister Shimon Peres - were already
enthusiastic supporters of the "Jordanian Option", as were their
predecessors, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan and Abba Eban. My friends and I,
who, on the contrary, advocated the "Palestinian Option", were a marginal

But Rabin rejected the offer categorically. Golda had publicly promised to
hold a referendum or elections before giving back even one square inch
of occupied territory. "I will not call an election because of Jericho!" Rabin

No Jordanian Option. No Palestinian Option. No nothing.

NOW THE same is happening vis-�-vis Syria.

Again there are two alternatives. The first: to start negotiations with
Bashar al-Assad, who is making public overtures. That means being ready
to give back the Golan Heights and allow the 60 thousand Syrian refugees
to return home. In return, Sunni Syria could well cut itself loose from Iran
and Hizbullah and join the front of Sunni states. Since Syria is both Sunni
and secular-nationalist, that may also have a positive effect on the

Olmert has demanded that Assad cut himself off from Iran and stop
helping Hizbullah before any negotiations. That is a ridiculous demand,
obviously intended to serve as an alibi for refusing to start talking. After
all, Assad uses Hizbullah in order to put pressure on Israel to return the
Golan. His alliance with Iran also serves the same purpose. How can he
give up in advance the few cards he holds and still hope to achieve
anything in the negotiations?

The opposite alternative suggested by some senior army commanders: to
invade Syria and do the same there as the Americans have done in Iraq.
That would create anarchy throughout the Arab world, a situation that
would be good for Israel. That would also renovate the image of the
Israeli army that was damaged in Lebanon and restore its "deterrence

So what will Olmert do? Give the Golan back? God forbid! Does he need
trouble with the 16 thousand vociferous settlers there? What then, will he
start a war with Syria? No! Hasn't he had enough military setbacks? So he
will go for the third alternative: to do nothing.

Bashar Assad has at least one consolation: He does not run the risk of
being kissed by Olmert.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Daniel Dworsky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 December 2006 at 1:40am
Uri Avnery

                Sorry, Wrong Continent

A FEW weeks ago, the 15th Asian games, the "Asiad", was held in Qatar.

The Israeli media treated the event with a mixture of derision and pity.
Some kind of picturesque Asian circus. Our television showed an exotic
horseman with a keffiyeh at the opening ceremony, riding his noble Arab
steed up a steep staircase to light the Olympic flame. And that was that.

One question was not asked at all in any of the media: why are we not
there? Does Israel not lie in Asia?

That was not even considered. We? In Asia? How come?

WHEN I followed the event on Aljazeera television, I suddenly
remembered a private anniversary that had slipped my memory.

Exactly 60 years ago a small number of young people founded a group
that called itself in Hebrew "Young Eretz-Israel" and in Arabic "Young
Palestine". With money out of our own pockets (at the time we were all
quite poor) we published occasional issues of a periodical we called
Bamaavak ("In the struggle").

Bamaavak stirred up a lot of stormy waves, because it voiced infuriatingly
heretical opinions. Contrary to the dominant Zionist narrative, it asserted
that we, the young generation growing up in the country, constituted a
new nation, the Hebrew nation. Unlike the somewhat similar group of
"Canaanites", that preceded us, we proclaimed that (a) the new nation is a
part of the Jewish people, much as Australia is a part of the Anglo-Saxon
people, and (b) that we are a sister-nation to the resurgent Arab nation in
the country and throughout the region.

And, no less important: that since the new Hebrew nation was born in the
country, and the country belongs to Asia, we are an Asian nation, a
natural ally to all the Asian and African nations that strive for liberation
from colonialism.

On Wednesday, March 19, 1947, a few months after the first edition of
Bamaavak had appeared, the Hebrew daily Haboker reported: "On the
occasion of the opening of the Pan-Asian Conference (in New Delhi), the
group Young Eretz Israel has sent a cable to Jawaharlal Nehru reading:
'Please receive the congratulations of the Eretz-Israeli youth for your
historic initiative. May the aspirations for freedom of the peoples of New
Asia, inspired by your heroic example, become united. Long live the
united and arising Young Asia, the vanguard of fraternity and progress'."   

A similar news story appeared on the same day on the front page of the
Palestine Post (the predecessor of the Jerusalem Post), with the names of
the signatories: Uri Avnery, Amos Elon and Ben-Ami Gur.

Bamaavak appeared from time to time, whenever we had enough money,
up to the outbreak of the 1948 war. In the Hebrew press, more than a
hundred reactions were published, almost all of them negative, many of
them vituperative. The famous writer Moshe Shamir, then a left-winger,
made a neat play on words, calling us Bamat-Avak ("stage of dust").

When the war broke out, this whole chapter was overshadowed and
forgotten. But almost all we said 60 years ago remains relevant today.
And the most relevant question is: To what continent does the State of
Israel actually belong?

I BELIEVE that one of the most profound causes for the historic conflict
between us and the Arab world in general, and the Palestinian people in
particular, is the fact that the Zionist movement declared, from its very
first day, that it did not belong to the region in which we live. Perhaps
that is one of the reasons for the fact that even after four generations,
this wound has not healed.

In his book "The Jewish State", the founding document of the Zionist
movement, Theodor Herzl famously wrote: "For Europe we shall be (in
Palestine) a part of the wall against Asia�the vanguard of culture against
barbarism�" This attitude is typical for the whole history of Zionism and
the State of Israel up to the present day. Indeed, a few weeks ago the
Israeli ambassador to Australia declared that "Asia belongs to the yellow
race, while we are Whites and have no slit eyes. "

One can perhaps forgive Herzl, a quintessential European, who lived in an
era when imperialism dominated European thought. But today, four
generations later, those forming public opinion in Israel, people born in
the country, continue along the same path. Former Prime Minister Ehud
Barak declared that Israel is "a villa in the middle of the jungle" (the Arab
jungle, of course), and this attitude is shared by practically all our
politicians. Tsipi Livni likes to talk about the "dangerous neighborhood" in
which we are living, and the chief advisor of Ariel Sharon once said that
there will be no peace until "the Palestinians turn into Finns."

Our soccer and basketball teams play in the European leagues, the
Eurovision song contest is a national event in Israel, 95% of our political
activity is focused on Europe and North America. But the phenomenon
extends far beyond the political arena - this is a "world view" in the literal
sense. In our world, Israel is a part of Europe.

In the 50s, when I was the editor of the news magazine Haolam Hazeh, I
once published a cartoon that I am still proud of: it showed the map of
the Eastern Mediterranean, with an arm projecting from Greece and
holding scissors that cut Israel off from Asia. It is a pity that I did not add
a second drawing, showing Israel being attached to the shore of France
or, preferably, Miami.

These days it would be hard to find anybody who would assert that Asia -
India, China - is barbarian. But it is easy to find people in Israel, and
throughout the West, who believe that the Arab world, and indeed the
entire Muslim world, is a "jungle". With such an attitude, one cannot make
peace. After all, one does not make peace with poisonous snakes and
ravenous leopards.

In the Bamaavak days, we coined the slogan "Integration in the Semitic
Region". But how can one integrate oneself in a region that is seen as a

A WORLD VIEW is not an academic matter. It has a huge impact on actual
life. It influences people when it is conscious, and even more so when it is
unconscious. It shapes the practical decisions, without the decision-
makers being aware of it. Politicians, too, are only human beings (if that),
and their actions are directed by their hidden beliefs.

In Israel we are used to consider unquestioned "conceptsias" as the
mother of all our mistakes and defeats. But is such an assumption any
different from the expression of an unconscious world-view?

The world-view influences many aspects of the state. It is the core of the
education system, which forms the mind of the next generation. We have
perhaps the only education system in the world that does not teach the
history of its homeland. In our schools, very little is taught about the past
of the country. Instead, what is taught is the history of "the Jewish
people". This starts with the ancient Israelite kingdoms before the sixth
century BC ("the First Temple"), then the Jewish community in the country
before the beginning of the Christian era and for some years after ("the
Second Temple"). Then it leaves the country and dwells on the Jewish
Diaspora for some thousands of years, until the beginning of the Zionist
settlement. For almost 2000 years, the annals of the country disappear
from the school.

I once talked about this in a speech in the Knesset. I said that an Israeli
child born in the country, whether Jewish or Arab, should study the
history of the country, including all its periods and peoples: Canaanites,
Israelites, Hellenists, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Mamelukes, Turks,
British, Palestinians, Israelis and more. In addition they could be taught
the story of the Jews in the diaspora, too. The Minister of Education
responded humorously and insisted on calling me, from then on, "the

LATELY IT has become fashionable for politicians and commentators in
Israel to speak about the danger of annihilation that hovers, or so they
claim, over Israel. It is hardly believable: the State of Israel is a regional
superpower, its economy is robust and developing, its technological level
is one of the most advanced in the world, its army is stronger than all the
Arab armies combined, it has a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons. Even if
the Iranians were to obtain a bomb of their own, they would be mad to
use it, for fear of Israeli retaliation.

So where does this fear of annihilation come from in the 59th year of the
state? A part of it surely emanates from the memory of the Holocaust,
which is deeply imprinted in the national mentality. But another part
comes from the feeling of not belonging, of temporariness, of the lack of

That has, of course, domestic implications, too. Consciousness also
affects practical interests. The assertion that we are a European people
automatically reinforces the position of our ruling class, which is still
overwhelmingly Ashkenazi-European, over and against the majority of the
citizens of Israel, who are of Asian-African Jewish and Palestinian-Arab
descent. The profound disdain for their culture, which has accompanied
the state from its first day, facilitates discrimination against them in many

A CHANGE affecting the consciousness of a community is not a short-
term proposition. It cannot be achieved by decree. This is a slow and
gradual process. But at some stage we shall have to start it, and first of all
in the education system.

I started my booklet "War or Peace in the Semitic Region", which was
published in October 1947, just a few weeks before the outbreak of the
1948 war, with the words:    

"When our Zionist fathers decided to set up a 'safe home' in Eretz Israel,
they had the choice between two roads: they could appear in West Asia as
a European conqueror, who sees himself as a beachhead of the 'white'
race and a master of the 'natives'�(or) see themselves as an Asian nation
returning to its homeland."

When I wrote these words, the rise of Asia was still a dream. World War II
had ended just two years before, and the United States looked like an
omnipotent superpower. But now a quiet revolution of huge proportions
is taking place. The nations of Asia, with China and India in the lead, are
becoming economic and political powers. Should we not gradually move
toward this camp?

That brochure, 60 years ago, ended with the words of a Hebrew song:

"We stand and face the rising sun / To the East our homeward path�"

Edited by Daniel Dworsky
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Daniel Dworsky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Daniel Dworsky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 December 2006 at 1:34am
In Israel. The police departments are sort of like protected workshops for
the mentally challenged. We have improved here on the buddy system.
We have three policeman in each car.
It used to be two like in the states so that one could need only read and the
other write.
Now with all the decent and human rights talk we need a third to keep an
eye on these two budding intellectuals...

That was a Joke... I think.

Edited by Daniel Dworsky
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Daniel Dworsky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 December 2006 at 12:21am
I'd like to say that we've been holding the Caterpillars at bay since then
the army doesn't always do "when" very well it's all about what, where and
how. We have our guys letting us know from the inside about the

Our information is that the Army Engineers are ready to take it down in
the next few days.
Once the deed is done it's done.

I've been at demolitions, Nassalat Issa, where the army took down an
entire shopping center in Palestine. We had a stay of demolition from the
superior court (Israeli Superior Court) In our hands and when we
interfered we were beaten up by border guard. I personally am putting at
least once dental surgeon's child through college. this all depends on
wether I decide on implants or leaving the back teeth out. My wife says it
looks like the place you put a bit for a horse. I digress. The point is that
we need legal help outside of Israeli law. Here the law isn't so much an
ass as it is a little bunny rabbit. Really bad people are running things
here especially in the Israeli army right now.

Those two disasters to hit the US (Bush and 9/11) have coincided with or
caused a total disrespect for justice and even the law. Lately it has gone
as far as in the case of extra judicial executions, to pervert the law it's

Capital punishment is a disgrace any where. To put it in the hands of the
government as a legal tool is banana republic stuff. When they say some
one is going "Bananas" this is what they mean. This isn't about st**id
policeman who are about this far from being criminals themselves or
bored soldiers who fire a round into a Palestinian water heater from half a
mile away after 8 hours of guard duty. No. These are politicians and civil
servants popping off people from behind a desk. Dispatching people like
they were Judy Dent and Pierce Brosnen. This is how they see themselves.
Romantically. I would say that animals behave like this but the insult is
too brutaI to the animals of course.

Edited by Daniel Dworsky
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Salaams and Bismillah,

Brother Daniel,

This says:  However, the Hope Flowers School received a demolition order for
the school cafeteria from the Israeli army (Case 107/02) on 5th
November, 2003.

So it is now three years after this order was issued.  What's going on?  Please elucidate.  Thanks.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Daniel Dworsky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 December 2006 at 10:10am
Write a letter to keep The Hope Flowers School accessible


I am kindly asking you and the Civil Administration NOT to continue with
your plans to demolish the cafeteria building of the first, and only, school
for peace and coexistence in the Palestinian Territories.

We are also concerned that the wall/fence that the Israelis authorities
started to build near the school will prevent Israelis from reaching the
school. We are asking you to create a Gate or Entrance in that wall near
the school to allow Israelis to reach the Hope Flowers School.

Attention: C/O: Subject: The Hope Flowers School in Al Khader, Case
Number related to demolition: 107/02


Dear Sir,

We kindly request your attention to the following matter. For several years
we have supported a Palestinian school on the West Bank in Al Khader
village near Bethlehem. The name of the school is Al Amal, The Hope
Flowers School. We support this school because of its approach to peace
and democracy education. The Hope Flowers School was established in
1984 when the late founder of the school, Mr. Hussein Issa (may he rest
in peace), was confident that the Palestinian and Israeli conflict could not
be solved by violence. He believed that the only way to solve the conflict
was to create a new generation of Palestinians and Israelis that believed in
peace, coexistence and respecting the rights of each other. Mr. Issa
thought that by bringing Palestinian and Israeli children together and
teaching them to look beyond the fear that years of conflict and
stereotyping has created, then these children would grow and bond in
friendship. He also hoped that they would then create a peaceful solution
to the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. Therefore, the school has many
contacts and partnerships with Israeli schools, teachers and students.
Israeli volunteers and teachers worked in the school before the
Palestinian uprising started in 2000.

1.     However, the Hope Flowers School received a demolition order for
the school cafeteria from the Israeli army (Case 107/02) on 5th
November, 2003. We are very concerned about this recent threat to
demolish the cafeteria building. I am kindly asking you and the Civil
Administration NOT to continue with your plans to demolish the cafeteria
building of the first, and only, school for peace and coexistence in the
Palestinian Territories.

2.     We are also concerned that the wall/fence that the Israelis
authorities started to build near the school will prevent Israelis from
reaching the school. We are asking you to create a Gate or Entrance in
that wall near the school to allow Israelis to reach the Hope Flowers
School. This will keep dialogue alive and will allow hope to flower for the
next Palestinian and Israeli generation.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

Name. Address.

[Send it to:] a) Commander Israeli Civil Administration (Sub Committee for
Supervision of Building Activity in Beth El), Fax: (Israel) 2 997 7326.

b) Mr. Ehud Olmert, Israeli Prime Minister: E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (Israel) 2 566 4838 or (Israel) 2 267 5475, Tel: (Israel) 2 670 5555.

3.     The Israeli Embassy / Consulate in your home country.

System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 36)
Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "c" (ordinal 3)

System Message: INFO/1 (<string>, line 39)
Possible title underline, too short for the title. Treating it as ordinary text
because it's so short.

d) Dr Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State, address: U.S Department of
State, 2210 C Street N.W, Washington D.C 20520, USA. tel: (USA) 202 647
5291(Dr. Rice s office) / 202 647 4000 (State Dept. main number) Email: .
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