One of the well-respected Muslim scholars in the Western world, Shaykh Yahya Rhodus has studied at some of the most prestigious learning institutions in the Muslim and Western world.

Having embraced Islam at the age of 19 in Santa Clara, California, he immediately began his study of the Islamic sciences with local teachers. Shortly thereafter, he traveled to Mauritania to pursue a full-time course of study where he was able to learn from one of Mauritania's greatest scholars, Murabit al-Hajj. Yahya then went on to spend several years in Tarim, in the Hadramawt Valley of Yemen. There, he studied at the reputable school, Dar al-Mustafa, with the renowned scholars Habib Umar bin Hafiz and Habib Ali al-Jifri.

Upon returning to the United States, Shaykh Yahya served for a period of time as a full-time instructor at Zaytuna College. He holds a B.A. in Near Eastern Studies from UC Berkeley, an M.A. in Islamic Studies from the Graduate Theological Union, and a Ph.D. in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Cambridge, England. He is the Founding Director of al-Maqasid.