Dr. Farish A. Noor is a Senior Fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; and one of the founders of The Other Malaysia. Dr. Farish A. Noor is a Senior Fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; and one of the founders of The Other Malaysia.


a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:2061;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:47:"The Evolution of 'Jihad' in Political Discourse";s:9:"the_title";s:47:"The Evolution of 'Jihad' in Political Discourse";s:13:"the_permalink";s:78:"";s:8:"the_date";s:10:"Dec 6 2021";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:37:"June 6, 2003 {wpcf-soft-date engaged}";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:175:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:17:"Conflicts And War";s:9:"the_topic";s:85:"Conflicts And War";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:234:"The term Jihad, has become such a plastic concept is hardly surprising. Plasticity is, after all, a normal feature of language and signifiers invariably lose their roots as they find themselves translated from one context to another. ";}
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a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:3564;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:42:"You are not qualified to talk about Islam!";s:9:"the_title";s:42:"You are not qualified to talk about Islam!";s:13:"the_permalink";s:74:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Jun 24 2009";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:38:"June 19, 2009 {wpcf-soft-date engaged}";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:183:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:5:"Islam";s:9:"the_topic";s:61:"Islam";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:176:"It has become rather commonplace for conservative Muslims - as well as conservative Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews - to claim monopoly over the discourse of religion ..";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:3384;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:26:"Race Relations and Muslims";s:9:"the_title";s:26:"Race Relations and Muslims";s:13:"the_permalink";s:59:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Oct 30 2008";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:16:"October 30, 2008";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:180:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:7:"Muslims";s:9:"the_topic";s:65:"Muslims";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:186:"It is odd, to say the least, that after more than fourteen centuries there remain some people who claim to be Muslims but who still have not internalised the universal values of Islam ..";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:7659;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:36:"Mediating Islam and a Mediated Islam";s:9:"the_title";s:36:"Mediating Islam and a Mediated Islam";s:13:"the_permalink";s:69:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Jul 16 2004";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:13:"July 16, 2004";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:182:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:20:"Anti-Christ (Dajjal)";s:9:"the_topic";s:89:"Anti-Christ (Dajjal)";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:150:"We now live in the age of the simulacrum, when images have come to assume the status of reality and Reality itself has become strangely superficial ..";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1836;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:43:"Why Realpolitik matters to the Muslim World";s:9:"the_title";s:43:"Why Realpolitik matters to the Muslim World";s:13:"the_permalink";s:76:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Jul 30 2002";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:13:"July 30, 2002";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:4:"Iran";s:9:"the_topic";s:59:"Iran";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:122:"A community of one billion carries less clout than rotary clubs meeting if that community can't even get its act together.";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1793;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:39:"Teaching Terror in the Land of the Free";s:9:"the_title";s:39:"Teaching Terror in the Land of the Free";s:13:"the_permalink";s:72:"";s:8:"the_date";s:10:"Jun 4 2002";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:12:"June 4, 2002";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:173:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:12:"Christianity";s:9:"the_topic";s:75:"Christianity";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:162:"Consider, if you will, the following statement: "Oh God, strengthen the will of our leaders and lend us your power so that we will be able to crush our enemies." ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1757;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:35:"Stereotypes of Muslims as the Other";s:9:"the_title";s:35:"Stereotypes of Muslims as the Other";s:13:"the_permalink";s:70:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Apr 20 2002";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:14:"April 20, 2002";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:185:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:7:"Muslims";s:9:"the_topic";s:65:"Muslims";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:685:"Here was I, a citizen from a developing Muslim country, coming to the 'land of the free and the home of the brave' at the invitation of the citizens of the 'free world' themselves. Yet my entry into the socio-cultural and discursive space of the West was already a 'disabling entry', to quote the words of Edward Said. Even before stepping foot on American soil, my identity was already fixed and pre-judged. I was a Muslim, from a Muslim country, with the unhealthy tendency of traveling to other Muslim countries and talking to other dubious Muslims. A chain of equivalences was set into motion: 'Muslim' equals 'Islam', 'Islam' equals 'terrorism', 'terrorism' equals 'danger'. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1736;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:28:"Inventing the 'Enemy Within'";s:9:"the_title";s:28:"Inventing the 'Enemy Within'";s:13:"the_permalink";s:59:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Mar 26 2002";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:14:"March 26, 2002";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:11:"Journalists";s:9:"the_topic";s:73:"Journalists";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:453:"Anyone who has read Edward Said's 'Covering Islam' will know by now that one of the American media's favorite targets has always been Islam and the Muslim world. In his book Said makes the point that 'Islam' and 'Muslims' are never neutral concepts in Western media discourse, for the simple reason that both categories are ideologically and historically loaded concepts that carry with them the burden of a lot of cultural and political baggage. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1663;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:37:"Saving Secularism From Its Detractors";s:9:"the_title";s:37:"Saving Secularism From Its Detractors";s:13:"the_permalink";s:70:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Dec 27 2001";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:17:"December 27, 2001";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:10:"Secularism";s:9:"the_topic";s:71:"Secularism";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:515:"As the Islamization race gathers momentum, the first victim to this intra-Muslim struggle has been the concept of Secularism itself. For more than a century now, Muslims have been taught that Secularism is an evil invention of the West, designed to weaken the faith of Muslims and to diminish their will to struggle for a better future. Described as an infernal plot against Islam by its enemies, Secularism has been demonized to the point where it now stands as a counter-factual example of all that is un-Islamic.";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1657;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:28:"Counter-Terrorism for Idiots";s:9:"the_title";s:28:"Counter-Terrorism for Idiots";s:13:"the_permalink";s:61:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Dec 26 2001";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:17:"December 26, 2001";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:12:"Muslim World";s:9:"the_topic";s:75:"Muslim World";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:369:"The news that the United States will now impose new visa regulations to monitor the entry of Muslim males aged between 16 to 45 by asking them to fill in a form which queries them about their past and personal background- ostensibly to find out if they have had any military training or experience- comes straight out of the' Counter-Terrorism For Beginners' guidebook.";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1155;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:69:"Gus Dur's Exit Threatens the Future of Progressive Islam in Indonesia";s:9:"the_title";s:69:"Gus Dur's Exit Threatens the Future of Progressive Islam in Indonesia";s:13:"the_permalink";s:101:"";s:8:"the_date";s:10:"Jul 4 2001";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:12:"July 4, 2001";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:9:"Indonesia";s:9:"the_topic";s:69:"Indonesia";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:428:"Judging by the reports coming from Indonesia these days, it would appear as if the final act in a long and convoluted drama is about to be played out. As President Abdulrahman Wahid (better known as Gus Dur) battles to keep his position as the head of state in the country, the very same forces that were once aligned to him have now turned against the man who happens to lead the biggest Islamist movement in Southeast Asia. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:1071;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:96:"'The Ulama Should Stand Above the Political Process': Interview with Syed Haider Farooq Maudoodi";s:9:"the_title";s:96:"'The Ulama Should Stand Above the Political Process': Interview with Syed Haider Farooq Maudoodi";s:13:"the_permalink";s:126:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Apr 26 2001";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:14:"April 26, 2001";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:180:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:8:"Pakistan";s:9:"the_topic";s:67:"Pakistan";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:614:"Syed Haider Farooq Maudoodi is the son of the famous Islamist scholar and political activist, Syed Maulana Maudoodi, founder of the Jamaat-e Islami of Pakistan. While the Jamaat-e Islami (JI) has become the most powerful and influential force in political Islam in Pakistan today, Farooq Maudoodi leads the 'Jamaat-e Islami Syed Maudoodi group', a breakaway faction that has been ostracized by the JI itself. Together with a number of prominent activists, journalists and academics, Farooq Maudoodi has been trying to propagate what he feels was and is the original message of the JI and its founder, his father. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:887;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:65:"An Epic in the Making? The Other Side of the Mahathir-Anwar Story";s:9:"the_title";s:65:"An Epic in the Making? The Other Side of the Mahathir-Anwar Story";s:13:"the_permalink";s:96:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Jan 29 2001";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:16:"January 29, 2001";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:173:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:7:"History";s:9:"the_topic";s:65:"History";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:441:" Writing history is as much a question of style as it is of facts. One can write the history of a person, a nation or an event according to a number of stylistic modes and tropes. The choice of style in turn decides whether the history in question becomes an epic, a farce or a tragedy. But sometimes the facts of history themselves can determine how that history is written, for they are themselves ironic and tragic in their own way. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:807;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:51:"From Pluralism to Exclusivism: RSS Racism in India";s:9:"the_title";s:51:"From Pluralism to Exclusivism: RSS Racism in India";s:13:"the_permalink";s:81:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Nov 28 2000";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:17:"November 28, 2000";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:23:"Government And Politics";s:9:"the_topic";s:97:"Government And Politics";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:518:" That the world is now home to competing and contradictory tendencies towards globalisation and isolationism is old news to us by now. Aggravated by the poorly regulated process of globalisation, which has brought into being a radically new form of communicative architecture hitherto unknown to us, the world seems split between those who believe in a future with no more political and cultural boundaries on the one hand and those who believe that the future depends on strengthening those frontiers even more. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:795;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:50:"Crosscurrents: When Victory Pays For The Powerful";s:9:"the_title";s:50:"Crosscurrents: When Victory Pays For The Powerful";s:13:"the_permalink";s:80:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Nov 14 2000";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:17:"November 14, 2000";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:168:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:7:"Germany";s:9:"the_topic";s:65:"Germany";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:233:" The old adage 'history is written by and for the victors' remains as true today as it ever was. One could also add to that the obvious claim that losers are forever bound to live within the margins set by the victorious as well. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:779;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:67:"PAS's Proposal to Build 'Multicultural Mosque' in Kelantan Laudable";s:9:"the_title";s:67:"PAS's Proposal to Build 'Multicultural Mosque' in Kelantan Laudable";s:13:"the_permalink";s:96:"";s:8:"the_date";s:10:"Nov 2 2000";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:16:"November 2, 2000";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:168:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:8:"Malaysia";s:9:"the_topic";s:67:"Malaysia";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:313:" It was recently reported (, 30th October 2000) that the state government of Kelantan wishes to host a 'Pesta Kesenian Cina' (Chinese Cultural Fest) in an effort to woo tourists to the state which has been under the control of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) for the past ten years. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:774;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:40:"When Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemies";s:9:"the_title";s:40:"When Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemies";s:13:"the_permalink";s:72:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Oct 26 2000";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:16:"October 26, 2000";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:17:"Conflicts And War";s:9:"the_topic";s:85:"Conflicts And War";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:527:" As the situation in Palestine teeters precariously on the edge of chaos, the world is bracing itself for the long-term reactions that are bound to follow. Almost as soon as the fighting in Palestine began to escalate, there were fears that acts of reprisal and copy-cat violence would occur in other parts of the world. Sadly, the negative prognosis has proven to be true, and once again we are forced to the conclusion that in the face of mounting crises, the Muslim world's worst enemy are some Muslims themselves. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:733;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:72:"Farewell Adalusia: Apostasy bill a step backwards for Islam in Malaysia";s:9:"the_title";s:72:"Farewell Adalusia: Apostasy bill a step backwards for Islam in Malaysia";s:13:"the_permalink";s:102:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Sep 27 2000";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:18:"September 27, 2000";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:23:"Government And Politics";s:9:"the_topic";s:97:"Government And Politics";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:664:" By now most of us would have heard about the Islamiah Aqidah Protection Bill that has been passed through the legislature of the state of Perlis and is making its rounds in the corridors of power in the country. The bill 'provides for the protection, rehabilitation and determination of the aqidah of a Muslim and matters concerned therewith'. Immediately after the Aqidah Protection Bill made its way through the state legislature of Perlis, news of it spread all over the country. We are now set to witness yet another heated controversy over the question of how Islam can and is being used by the State in order to control the Malay-Muslim constituency. ";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:730;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:27:"Welcome to the New Malaysia";s:9:"the_title";s:27:"Welcome to the New Malaysia";s:13:"the_permalink";s:59:"";s:8:"the_date";s:11:"Sep 25 2000";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:18:"September 25, 2000";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:174:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:0:"";s:9:"the_topic";s:0:"";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:536:"Keen observers of Malaysian politics will be the first to tell you that there has been a perceptible change in the political terrain of the country of late. Evidence of such change can be found everywhere, in practically all areas of social, political, economic and cultural life in the country. It manifests itself through a multifarious array of epiphenomena which often slips through our analytical lenses for the simple reason that much of it seems so mundane, yet these signs are ever-so-important if one knows how to read them.";}
a:14:{s:8:"zoneInfo";s:0:"";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:8:"is_video";b:0;s:6:"the_id";i:578;s:13:"the_title_ORG";s:35:"Stereotypes of Muslims as the Other";s:9:"the_title";s:35:"Stereotypes of Muslims as the Other";s:13:"the_permalink";s:67:"";s:8:"the_date";s:10:"Apr 2 2000";s:12:"the_date_ORG";s:13:"April 2, 2000";s:13:"the_thumbnail";s:168:"";s:10:"the_author";s:14:"Farish A. Noor";s:14:"the_topic_text";s:12:"Muslim World";s:9:"the_topic";s:75:"Muslim World";s:11:"the_excerpt";s:682:"Here was I, a citizen from a developing Muslim country, coming to the 'land of the free and the home of the brave' at the invitation of the citizens of the 'free world' themselves. Yet my entry into the socio-cultural and discursive space of the West was already a 'disabling entry', to quote the words of Edward Said. Even before stepping foot on American soil, my identity was already fixed and pre-judged. I was a Muslim, from a Muslim country, with the unhealthy tendency of traveling to other Muslim countries and talking to other dubious Muslims. A chain of equivalences was set into motion: 'Muslim' equals 'Islam', 'Islam' equals 'terrorism', 'terrorism' equals 'danger'. ";}