The Secret of the Night of Power
As creatures aware of our own existence, we human beings have a direct responsibility for our survival on earth. For this reason, each individual needs to know where to obtain whatever is necessary to ensure this survival.

Ethical Triangle of Islam
Taqwa, Ramadan and the Quran: The Triangular Link of Our Ethical System. Most of us have encountered many months of Ramadan in our life. Unfortunately, it is a reality that our lives most often have not been touched or affected by this month of fasting, even though every ceremonial aspect of Islam.

The Blessed Night of Power
The blessed month of Ramadan is coming to an end. The first one-third of the month was for seeking mercy, the middle one-third for forgiveness and the last one-third for salvation from the Fire of Hell. In the last part of this month lies hidden the Night of Power or Decree (Laylatul Qadr) about which Allah says...

8 Ways of Approaching the Quran with Purity of Intention
Read the Quran with no purpose other than to receive guidance from your Lord, to come nearer to Him, and to seek His good pleasure.

Leaving Inheritance to Abusive Father??
Aslamalaykum. I am looking to make an Islamic will. I have no husband or children. I would like to leave the 1/3 bequest to my siblings and charity, with the remaining 1/6 going to each parent. This leaves 4/6 after the bequest, which I am told Islamicly automatically goes to my father as I have no other first relative.

The Story Behind the Night of Power
Join Hamza Karamali on his Ramadan Forever Challenge to make this Ramadan last forever, with a change that stays with you when Ramadan leaves.

Tips For Laylatul Qadr Night
Laylatul Qadr, the Night of Power, holds immense significance in the Islamic faith, believed to be better than a thousand months.

Between Honor and Obligation
In this video, Nouman Ali Khan explains a comparison made in the Quran about people who were supposed to follow Allah's laws in the Torah but didn't.

Beef Satay Maranggi
Satay Maranggi composed of Beef marinated with shallots, garlic, coriander, palm sugar and Tamarind Juice, Tastes just perfect.

Greeting Card
Enrich Connections with Heartfelt Physical Greeting Cards, Showing Love Uniquely..

Best gift for her
Beautiful Islamic Pendant Express Your Identity

Calligraphy for your house and office
Beautify your house and office with Allah'word art.

Sakoon HALAL Nutrition, boost your health.
Sakoon Nutrition is Cruelty free, 100% Halal, No Gelatin, Paraben free, Non GMO. No Burps, No Bitterness! It's the essential protein that is one of the main building blocks of healthy bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Alcohol Free (Halal) Roll-On and Spray Perfume
Our perfumes are alcohol-free they do not evaporate quickly and are not overpowering

Ihram and Money Belt
Get ready to perform umrah, don't forget ihram and money belt.