A friend is not a friend unless he protects his friend in his absence and when he is in trouble, and unless he protects his friend’s children and his inheritance after he dies.
Teachings of Imam Ali (ra), attributed to Al-Jahiz

Importance of True Islamic History
It is truly mind boggling that in spite of enormous literature on Islamic history, a vast majority of Muslims – both young and old – are ignorant of the subject...

History of Hijrah: Migration for Peace and Justice
After Muhammad had preached publicly for more than a decade, the opposition to him reached such a high pitch that, fearful for their safety, he sent some of his adherents to Ethiopia, where the Christian ruler extended protection to them..

History of Imam Husain And His Martyrdom
The month of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, brings with it the memory of the sacrifice of Imam Husayn [radiallahu anhu], the grandson of Prophet Muhammad , and his noble family and friends. ..

Getting People To Care About Humanitarian Crises
Ask any humanitarian volunteer you’ve walked past on a sidewalk — it's an incredibly difficult job to get people to commit themselves to a cause or relief effort in another part of the world.

Top 15 Richest People in History
Here are the top 15 richest people to ever live. These billionaires and trillionaires put people like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos to shame.

Did you know this about Muharram?
Muharram has an elaborate history between Shia and Sunni sects of Islam. It is a month that marks one of the most tragic events in Islam, and various other milestone events of human civilization took place during this month.

Surah Fatiha. Large Faux Canvas Frame. Overall Frame size 20 x 24 inches$44.95

Curtain over the door of the Kaba from Ottoman times. Faux Canvas Frame. Overall Frame size 20 x 24 inches.$54.95
The tradition of covering the Kaba dates back to pre-islamic times.