In the name of God, The Beneficent The Merciful

"“.. and act justly. Indeed, God loves those who act justly.”"

Quran 49:9

Misreading Slavery and Polygamy in the Quran
There is a common misconception about the position Islam takes on Slavery and Polygamy. Slavery is mentioned in at least twenty-nine verses of the Quran, most of these are revealed in Medina and refer to the status of slaves.
Reclaim Societal Structure Founded by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) transformed the lives of generations caught between the ever-changing machinations of rival decadent empires. As 7th century Byzantium and Persia each sought to exploit the independent tribes of the region, the Prophet (PBUH) succeeded in inspiring the people to rise above servitude as vassals to foreign powers and also to rise above tribal limitations that engendered ..
Responsibility of Pluralism in Islam
For many religions, both Eastern and Western, it was pretty much: “Follow my way or I will send you on the highway to Hell.” Although the belief system and code of conduct of believers was clearly delineated, the rights of unbelievers were often reduced to the right to die..
Salat - A Comprehensive info about Islamic 5 Daily Prayers
Salat or Salah in Arabic (?????) or nam?z in Persian, is one of the Five Pillars in  Islam and is an obligatory religious duty for every Muslim. It is a physical, mental, and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times every day at prescribed times.
Language describing Islam & Muslims
What is the Muslim world? At TEDxLancasterU, linguist Tony McEnery argues that this phrase, which was used 11,000 times in articles discussing Islam written from 1998 to 2009 by the British press, highlights an unsettling trend in the media -- using language that characterizes Muslims as violent and unusual -- a trend that, as he shows, has a long history and he
All bazar products help support IslamiCity's outreach efforts.

100% Authentic. 400gm Pack. Contains about 50 AJWA DATES. Mentioned in the Hadith AJWA DATES were the Prophets (pbuh) favorite dates.

Pendant: Bismillah with WHITE Stones
Hand crafted from pure silver and than plated with real gold for that special look. About 1 inch in diameter..

33 Bead Genuine AGATE STONE Tasbih in a White Box
CARRY IT WITH YOU EVERYWHERE. Traditional Tasbih used for Dhikr after each Salat.



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