See all posts on TRUSTWORTHINESS

most-recent Communicating with Allah Communicating with Allah 11433 79977 1 Sep 6 2023 April 12, 2017 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} Woman is concentrating and reading the Quran, with mosque in background (photo: iStock by Getty Images). <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Allah, Dhikr (Rememberance Of Allah), Prophets, Revelation, Taqwa (God Consciousness) Spirituality, Trustworthiness faith featured highlights allah dhikr-rememberance-of-allah prophets revelation taqwa-god-consciousness spirituality trustworthiness Almighty Allah as the Creator communicates with His creation He does so in various ways most of which are unknown to man. He informs us through His revealed Word, the Holy Qur’an, for example, that He communicates with the heavens, the earth, mountains, the fire, hellfire, animals, etc. Allah communicates with man, His vicegerent on… 1 Allah Allah 28 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 1 1 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent COVID-19: The Importance of Home COVID-19: The Importance of Home 24714 1452 0 Apr 3 2020 April 2, 2020 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Coronavirus, Depression, Economy, Family, Health, Heaven, Humanity, Information Age, Materialism, Modern Society, Pandemic, Paradise (Jannah), Wealth Compassion, Contentment, Hope, Peace, Spirituality, Trustworthiness faith featured highlights coronavirus depression economy family health heaven humanity information-age materialism modern-society pandemic paradise-jannah wealth compassion contentment hope peace spirituality trustworthiness While COVID-19 rages unabated, many countries are adopting total lockdowns as an emergency protocol aimed to combat the spread of the virus. In Malaysia, the government opted for the Movement Control Order (MCO), which is sometimes referred to as the “Malaysian partial lockdown.” Either way, people are instructed but to stay home. Especially medical frontliners,… 1 Coronavirus Coronavirus 27 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 2 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Why is Happiness So Elusive? Why is Happiness So Elusive? 23375 2069 0 Mar 4 2020 March 2, 2020 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} Man sitting besides a large tree trunk during the early morning (photo: iStock by Getty Images). <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Featured, Highlights, Life & Society Agnosticism, Happiness, Humanity, Information Age, Islam, Islamic Culture And Civilization, Islamic Law (Sharia), Life And Death, Life Hereafter (Akhirah), Marriage, Materialism, Modern Society, Muslim Life, Nature And Environment, Neighbors, Soul (Nafs), Taqwa (God Consciousness), Wealth, Worship (Ibadah) Contentment, Gratitude, Harmony, Knowledge, Manners, Morality, Spirituality, Trustworthiness, Truthfulness, Wisdom featured highlights life agnosticism happiness humanity information-age islam islamic-culture-and-civilization islamic-law-sharia life-and-death life-hereafter-akhirah marriage materialism modern-society muslim-life nature-and-environment neighbors soul-nafs taqwa-god-consciousness wealth worship-ibadah contentment gratitude harmony knowledge manners morality spirituality trustworthiness truthfulness wisdom According to a song in Disney’s 1991 film Beauty and the Beast, “life is so unnerving for a servant who’s not serving.” When I heard this, my reaction was: “What a cute way to recap the whole truth about life – and happiness. How right it is that elements of the truth can be found… 1 Agnosticism Agnosticism 19 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 3 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Reading the Signs of Allah Reading the Signs of Allah 22757 6396 0 Feb 20 2020 February 18, 2020 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Believers, Close To God, Dhikr (Rememberance Of Allah), Islamic Knowledge, Miracles Of The Quran Guidance, Humility, Knowledge, Spirituality, Trustworthiness, Wisdom faith featured highlights believers close-to-god dhikr-rememberance-of-allah islamic-knowledge miracles-of-the-quran guidance humility knowledge spirituality trustworthiness wisdom The first thing Almighty Allah communicated to mankind through their final messenger, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), were the words “Read! In the name of your Lord who has created (all that exists)” (al-‘Alaq, 1). This is the first verse (ayah) of the surah or chapter al-‘Alaq (the Clot). The surah ends with… 1 Believers Believers 20 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 4 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Be A Soldier of Truth Be A Soldier of Truth 22309 1660 0 Nov 14 2019 November 14, 2019 <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Highlights Battle Of Badr, Day Of Judgement, End Times (Akhir Al-Zaman) Contentment, Spirituality, Trustworthiness, Wisdom faith highlights battle-of-badr day-of-judgement end-times-akhir-al-zaman contentment spirituality trustworthiness wisdom Life is an endless and multi-tiered confrontation between good and evil. It is a battleground in every sense of the word. Almighty Allah says that He created life and death “to put you to the test and see which of you is most virtuous in your deeds” (al-Mulk, 2). As such, this life is the… 1 Battle Of Badr Battle Of Badr 10 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 5 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Live and Die with Dignity Live and Die with Dignity 17079 3216 0 Dec 12 2018 October 2, 2018 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Featured, Highlights, Life & Society Humanity, Social Justice Trustworthiness, Truthfulness featured highlights life humanity social-justice trustworthiness truthfulness So difficult and complex is the predicament of Muslims nowadays that it, perhaps, has no equal in history. The problems and challenges are ubiquitous and global in character, encompassing all aspects of life. However, the most critical and so, most systematically targeted are such aspects as are related to spirituality, morality and education.  The much-talked-about… 1 Humanity Humanity 13 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 6 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Asking versus Disputing Asking versus Disputing 11310 1836 3 Mar 25 2017 March 25, 2017 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured Iman (Faith And Belief) Knowledge, Spirituality, Trustworthiness, Truthfulness faith featured iman-faith-and-belief knowledge spirituality trustworthiness truthfulness Asking is a praiseworthy and indispensable method in the realm of seeking and applying knowledge. It is its key. Moreover, since the truth and knowledge in Islam are inseparable, yet virtually synonymous, asking is generally as important in the realm of the truth. Muslims are instructed not to follow anything or anybody blindly and irrationally,… 1 Iman (Faith And Belief) Iman (Faith And Belief) 14 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 7 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Modern Primitiveness or Primitive Modernity Modern Primitiveness or Primitive Modernity 11307 1497 0 Mar 23 2017 March 29, 2017 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured Contentment, Knowledge, Trustworthiness, Wisdom faith featured contentment knowledge trustworthiness wisdom According to the worldview of agnosticism, certainty and knowledge are impossible and we will never be able to know the true reality. A constant skeptical approach to epistemology, thus, ought to be a norm. Exemplifying somewhat this doctrine, Albert Einstein once remarked: “I don’t try to imagine a personal god; it suffices to stand in awe… 1 Contentment Contentment n/a Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 8 1 1 8 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1