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most-recent When Synagogues Resembled Mosques: A Forgotten Legacy When Synagogues Resembled Mosques: A Forgotten Legacy 103386 397 0 Nov 15 2024 November 15, 2024 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: iViews Spahic Omer iViews Europe, Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights, World Affairs Architecture, Islam, Jews, Neo-Moorish Architecture, Palestine, Western World, Zionism europe faith featured highlights world-affairs architecture islam jews neo-moorish-architecture palestine western-world zionism It is an astonishing fact that many Jewish synagogues across Europe and America from the early 19th century onwards were built in the intricate and visually striking Islamic Neo-Moorish (Neo-Andalusian) architectural style. According to the online magazine “Mogulesque,” the practice signified the Jewish community’s embrace of Islamic architecture. This was prevalent not just in large… 1 Architecture Architecture 21 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 1 1 1 7 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent The Promised Land and the First Enactment of Jihad The Promised Land and the First Enactment of Jihad 101891 489 0 Jun 2 2024 June 2, 2024 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights, Middle East Jews, Jihad, Prophet Moses (Musa), Quran faith featured highlights middle-east jews jihad prophet-moses quran As a people generally led and governed by prophets for ages, and as the recipients of numerous revelations from God, the Children of Israel (Israelites and Jews) must have been familiar with the canon that espouses the sanctity of human life. That is why the Qur’an refers to the Jews – and Christians - as… 1 Jews Jews 26 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 2 1 7 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent State of Israel: Ultimate Display of Antisemitism State of Israel: Ultimate Display of Antisemitism 95742 481 0 Jan 3 2024 January 2, 2024 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: iViews Spahic Omer iViews Featured, Highlights, Middle East, World Affairs Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel, Jews, Palestine featured highlights middle-east world-affairs anti-semitism gaza israel jews palestine As the final messenger of God to mankind and the Seal of all prophets, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the savior of the world. By reviving, confirming, and complementing the divine messages of the earlier prophets, he was the prophet for the Jews (the Israelites or the Children of Israel) as well. Hence, both the primordial… 1 Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism 11 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 3 1 7 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Theodor Herzl's 'The State of the Jews': Muslim Perception Theodor Herzl's 'The State of the Jews': Muslim Perception 93968 1584 0 Dec 5 2023 December 3, 2023 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: iViews Spahic Omer iViews Europe, Featured, Highlights, Middle East, World Affairs Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Jews, Palestine, Theodor Herzl, Zionism europe featured highlights middle-east world-affairs israeli-palestinian-conflict jews palestine theodor-herzl zionism Following the publication of “The State of the Jews” by Theodor Herzl – which, should have been an earth-shattering revelation. No tremors of upheaval were felt throughout the Muslim world. Only partial, sporadic and frantic responses came to pass. The responses were not indicative of any kind of organized or widespread campaign, suggesting how ruinous… 1 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 34 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 4 1 7 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Gaza Tragedy: A Step Closer to the Apocalypse Gaza Tragedy: A Step Closer to the Apocalypse 90205 11477 0 Oct 11 2023 October 10, 2023 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat aṣ-Ṣakhra) is at the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Its initial construction was undertaken by the Umayyad Caliphate on the orders of Abd al-Malik during the Second Fitna in 691–692 CE (photo: iStock by Getty Images). <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: iViews Spahic Omer iViews Featured, Highlights, Middle East, World Affairs Anti-Christ (Dajjal), End Times (Akhir Al-Zaman), History, Islamophobia, Jerusalem, Jews, Orientalism, Palestine, Zionism featured highlights middle-east world-affairs anti-christ-dajjal end-times-akhir-al-zaman history islamophobia jerusalem jews orientalism palestine zionism When the Qur’an said in the context of the battle of Badr - which was the mother of all battles and a precursor of things to come - that the objective of the battle was to establish as well as justify the truth and abolish as well as prove falsehood false “even if the criminals… 1 Anti-Christ (Dajjal) Anti-Christ (Dajjal) 26 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 5 1 7 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Case of Najran Christians: Religious Pluralism and Anti-Muslim Polemics Case of Najran Christians: Religious Pluralism and Anti-Muslim Polemics 79930 6420 0 Jan 25 2022 January 24, 2022 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} The history of Najrān can be traced back to 4,000 years ago. It was once occupied by the Romans; in fact, it was the first Yemeni city to fall to the Romans on their way to the Yemeni kingdom of Saba'. Christianity was introduced into Najrān, in the 5th century AD or perhaps a century earlier. According to the Arab Muslim historian Ibn Isḥāq, Najran was the first place where Christianity took root in South Arabia (photo: Wikipedia). <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Christians, Dawah (Outreach), Diversity, Freedom Of Religion, Islamophobia, Jews, Pluralism faith featured highlights christians dawah-outreach diversity freedom-of-religion islamophobia jews pluralism Al-Mughirah b. Shu’bah reported: “When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: ‘You read ‘O sister of Harun’ (i.e. Maryam, Mary, the mother of Prophet ‘Isa, Jesus) in the Qur’an, whereas Prophet Musa (Moses) was born much before ‘Isa. When I came back to Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) I asked him about… 1 Christians Christians 21 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 6 1 7 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent Abdullah B. Rawahah: An Embodiment of Heavenly Justice Abdullah B. Rawahah: An Embodiment of Heavenly Justice 22016 1579 0 Oct 3 2019 October 2, 2019 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Spahic Omer By: Spahic Omer   Source: IslamiCity Spahic Omer IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights, Middle East Abdullah B. Rawahah, Companions (Sahabah), Jews Justice faith featured highlights middle-east abdullah-b-rawahah companions-sahabah jews justice A "Just" Companion Abdullah b. Rawahah was a leading companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He was from the rank of Ansar (the Helpers, or the local inhabitants of Madinah). Moreover, he was a scribe and poet. During the battle of Mu’tah in the 8th year after Hijrah against the forces… 1 Abdullah B. Rawahah Abdullah B. Rawahah 11 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 7 1 1 7 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1