Why I decided to submit?
I accept that I cannot control the events that occur in my life or in the lives of others.
Islam is the only religion that communicates total submission to our Creator, the Creator of all people and of all things. As a Muslim I know that everything I do first begins with an intention and then I must transform that intention into an effort in order to carry out what has already been decreed. This wisdom defines my path to be a better person to myself, my family, my community and to all of my brothers and sisters here on earth.
In essence Allah (the one God) opened my heart, Islam gave me the direction, and now I live to serve out the guidance lent by my Creator for happiness here on earth and if Allah wills, in the hereafter.
While religion is a resource to help guide ourselves to good behavior through our spirituality, there is no prerequisite that it should be far fetched in mental comprehension. I am a recent convert. Catholicism is the religion followed by my forefathers. At the age of 14, I refused the trinity concept and narrowed what I saw as a complicated tale of 'three in one' down to 'two in one' and started attending a Baptist church. Throughout my life, I have searched for understanding, but when it came to my faith I truly was confused about why God would come as a human being and would allow himself to die for the sins of only those privileged enough to believe in his (or his son's) crucifixion. I found this explanation extravagant and shared my doubts with pastors and scholars who gave every effort to communicate the Christian belief to my understanding. I asked myself: "Why would my religion need to be so complex?" When I reached adulthood, I decided to make it very simple. There was just one, our Creator and that was it. No other explanation could rationally make sense.
I see Islam as a religion that came to clarify the errors of human beings who changed the original word of God to fit their interests. Islam is simple: God is God. God created us and we worship God and God alone. God sent Moses , Jesus , and Mohammed to deliver his message to guide all people. In Islam, Jesus is the only prophet who never died which is why he is the only messenger who will come back before the Day of Judgment to lead the people of the books: [the Torah, the Injeel (Bible) the book of Psalms and the Quran]. The Quran is the final book that has never been altered to fit the changing interest of people throughout history.
Islam confirms that you are not awarded passage into heaven just because you say you are Muslim. And you may not go straight to heaven just because you believe that God is monotheistic. You go to heaven based on your intentions and actions following the message taught to us by the messengers themselves and confirmed by the original books of God. Heaven is not an exclusive club for those who merely follow what their fathers taught them. Instead it is your responsibility, especially as a Muslim, to constantly search for truth, understanding and to read and think. After reading every chapter in the Quran twice and taking detailed notes, I believe that this masterpiece could only have come from my Creator. Without a doubt the author of this book knows more about me than I know about myself.
It is no secret that Islam is seriously misunderstood and disliked by many here in my homeland, the United States. My conversion to this "controversial" religion has my family and friends puzzled. It is my sincere belief that Allah led me to Islam by enhancing my passion in exploring unfamiliar perspectives through foreign travel. I have a genuine interest in building bridges with all people everywhere rather than promoting my own ideology as the only system that can work for all people.
While culture shock is a mild term to express the drastically different life styles of Muslims in the Middle East, I saw great beauty in the generosity of people, the cohesiveness of families and the immediate acceptance of a girl so foreign in her ways. Even so, in the present I face a culture shock within my own predominantly Middle Eastern Muslim community. I do understand the challenges a Muslim born into their religion faces to dissect their own culture within it. After finding myself in Islam, I am able to adhere to the teachings supported by the Quran and Hadiths while also managing to bypass the cultural manifestations taught by Muslims born into their religion. Islam is multi-cultural and is a system that can be adopted in any environment at any point in time.
I can confidently say that if Allah had not breathed Islam into my soul, I would have never found Angela. Well, today, here I am: Angela, a Muslim American: the soul who persistently searched for her Creator and has found the Creator of all that is in the universe and beyond, in Islam.
Related Suggestions
I say to Allah swt (subkhanahu wata'alaa), that miss Angela collin enter to Islam, so she is my sister in faith, this more than sister in blood.
Many statement in Al-Qur'qn "that brotherhood in Islam is like a building part of the building suport each other, if one part broken the otyer are follow. Wss Wr Wb.
A very brave move spreading da'wah to all your fellow
non-Muslim & Muslim around the world on television. Especially after the devastating 9/11.
Must have gone through tough time since your convert. But I can see you're a strong American woman. Judging by your article, it shows your level of intellect.
What I can possibly see, is that you will go through a jihad to correct the misconception of Islam, even to the Muslim.
May Allah help you along the journey.
Islam has a new sword (like Khalid ibn Al-Walid). And she is as beautiful as a Muslim woman can be.
Allah is great.
Why would anyone convert to Islam knowing right from wrong as you do/did?
Did you just feel that because you have difficulty in understanding the Holy Trinity or Christian theology that you also felt the need to abandon basic teachings of human dignity,civilization,love and compassion?
I won't deny i am as anti-Islam as they get. (which should not translate as anti-Muslim because Muslims come in different shapes and sizes)
But supposedly we started out somewhere similar, picking up the Qu'ran and reading and yet we come to completely different conclusions about this religion.
How do you feel about men marrying multiple or underage wives? How do you feel about not being allowed to refuse sex to your husband?That he is allowed to beat you? How do you feel about segration of the sexes in society? How do you feel about not being allowed to travel alone without a male being present?
How do you feel about your testimony being worth half that of a man in court? How do you feel about hacking people hands off for stealing? How do you feel about lashing or stoning people who commit zina or adultery? What about the discrimination towards Christians and Jews (Jizya tax/humiliation) ? Not to even mention people who believe there is no God at all or multiple Gods or whatever.How do you feel about the fact you can never abandon or convert out of Islam now that you are in? How do you feel about the genocide of Jewish men and boys of Banu Qurayza and the enslavement of there woman? How do you feel about slavery in general? How is it possible you believe that right hand possesions can be raped?
I clearly get a sense that you are a very spiritual person, but i have difficulty in understanding how one can suggest the things i mention are from a All Mighty creator when they are all so clearly unjust and evil and also in clear contradiction with all previous religious scripture supposedly from the same
Watch an interview with Angela Collins
Dear Sister Angella
Praise be to ALLAH, the Creator of the Universe, and all that contains in it, the Sustainer of live, the Provider, and the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.
I cannot find words to explain how I am feeling about my great religion Islam, about you, your courage to convet to islam facing many challenges of society and your own religin in the way.All I can say that you will inspire many other seeking truth to come to the fold of Islam and pray to ALLAH that you may continue to receive HIS Blessings, Guidance and HIS Rahmah and Baraqah. May god Reward you Jannatulfirdaus
Your Brother in Islam,
If anybody search for truth, he/she will eventually find it and Allah will guide them. How true is the promise of Allah!
JazakAllah Khair sister.
May ALLAH grant all of us entry into Jannat Firdaus.
I read your article as well as I watched an interview of you.I really being impressed.You do really choose the right path.I beseech my Allah to bless us all.Islam is so so a very great faith because it's the truth .
But after I saw her on Al Jazeera Tv, she looked like an angel with
The Islamic (hejab) !
Today I searched her name by Google and here I am !
I am trying to say that I was in USA be for and you don't know how
The American people so kind with open mind and believe me there many
Of like Angela Collins searching for the truth and Angela was so lucky
To hear (Al Azan ) and from there she got the line! And hope from Allah
To let the others find that line and to know how great is Islam !for us the Chechen
People we came from Chechnya and left our heaven lands only to be feel and live
With that great religion !
For you Angela Allah protect you and give you more and more inspiration
And faith to let you tell the other's there about the real Islam!
Issam Shishani
Praise be to ALLAH, the Creator of the Universe, and all that contains in it, the Sustainer of live, the Provider, and the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.
To sister Angela, I pray to ALLAH that you may continue to receive HIS Blessings, Guidance and HIS Rahmah and Baraqah.
Your Brother in Islam,
i sit as tears run down my cheeks Al Hamdu LiLah ;
i pray Allah cause us be guided a right unto Him amidst the company of His Holy Prophet Muhammad swas in our lives to come . In sha Allah Sub han Allah
May Allah bestow his mercy and guidiance to all of us.Angela please follow strictly the Quran-Worlds of Almighty,the hadith and the Sunnah of our beloved prophet and dont follow what other muslim do and with that nothing can make you doubt your religion. Welcome to the only guided religion of GOD.
Kudos to Angela for her bravery and good choice!
To Steven: Yes the articles of faith must be simple because they are meant primarilly to address issue that concern common men & women more than the elite & the philophers.
In fact I have a simple question for you : If Jesus is son of God why did he call himself son of man???
Your piece was great,and i like it.Infact i have watched some of your interviews and they are great too........congratulations.well done in writting this educative piece of work,I wish u all the best,and great success in all ya endeavours.
I just love reading your piece, very sound and so true...Shukran.
May Allah Bless us more, Insha-Allah.
Jazakallah khair sister, for the Breath of fresh air!
I am highly pleased to read your article "Why I decided to submit" and thank you for bringing your experiences to IslamiCity. Alhamd-u-lillah, you have set an example to those who are seeking guidance, researching and changing their lives as per the frames laid down by the Creator Allah subhana-w-ta'ala (the Manufacturer), the Quran (Booklet) and the Prophet Mohammed SAW (the Enginner), who are responsible for delivering Deen (the product) to the total satisfaction of Ummah (the customers).
Your Brother,
Rais Ahmed Farooqui
I am very happy for you.You will find so much more in Isliam as you go.Allah and the quran will be with you in time that you will need them most.(thay were there for me and still are) I have a friend who wants to convert and I wiil help her to find the way like you did and find the peace in isliam love Emi
I am so glad to hear that you have found
Tha Right Path of Eman. I congradulate you.
All Mighty All may bless you and strenthen your
I will recommend you one website for your Islamic learning .Please visit this site, you will find a great treasure of knowledge here in English. www.minhaj.org
Thank you.
"The other sons who are born by the will of the flesh from the lineage of Adam cannot be called begotten of God... Y'Shuah the Messiah is the only man begotten of God and called the only begotten Son of God"
If your criteria for a person to be called the "son of God" is the miraculous birth like that of Jesus, who was born without any male intervention, then here are a couple of points you might want to consider.
1. God created Eve from Adam (we Muslims believe that Eve was created from the backbone of Adam). That's like creating a being from a male, without any female intervention! Is the creation of a being without male intervention more miraculous, or without female intervention more miraculous? Anyone with a little common sense would agree that birth without female intervention is more miraculous. Then doesn't that make Eve more worthy of being a child of God than Jesus?
2. God created Adam OUT OF NOTHING!!! No male or female intervention. Now that's even more miraculous than the creation of Eve and Jesus. Doesn't that make Adam more worthy of being called the "Son of God"??
Simple argument, but if this doesn't get you thinking, then you just have a blind faith in the religion you profess my friend! I implore you to read Qur'an at least once, and see the simplicity and beauty of its arguments. Most of the Christian reverts to Islam have come to accept it because they don't have to trade Jesus with Muhammad - rather, they come to find the truth about Jesus who they love so dearly in the Holy Qur'an.
I have looked into many religious scriptures, without the fear of losing my Hereafter. If one is indeed in search of truth, there is no doubt that God will guide him to it if indeed he is sincere. It won't help to keep levelling charges against Islam and Muslims without first educating yourself as to what their scripture says. So why not read it once, may be just for academ
The point that is made regarding the differences between the cultural and Islamic influences in Muslim countries is an important one. There are many muslims and non-muslims who are justly repelled by the actions of some muslims who claim that there practices are part of Islam, e.g honour killings, forced arranged marriages, depriving a daughter of educational fulfillment, mistreatment of wives and children by muslim men, dictatorial regimes, censorship of different political ideas and of scientific developments, banning of contraception and so on. The list almost seems endless.
It is heartbreaking that so many muslims fail to make even a notional attempt to understand their own religion. How many muslims are there who have never read the Qur'an in a language that they understand?
Angela makes a very important point about not accepting the belief system that you were brought up in and not taking everything at face value. Wasn't it Imam Ghazali who said that true faith starts with doubt? Each muslim should question his or her belief in Islam. Is it true? Why is it true? These questions should not be feared. It is only by this path that we can appreciate how great a religion Islam is; its profound beauty is awe inspiring. We have the greatest book as our guide, the Qur'an. We have the greatest human being as our example, Muhammad. What more do we need?
Let the rest of the world keep their money, we have the truth.
just would say that may Allah bless u happiness in and after of ur life and may Allah bless u a good health.. and may Allah keep u on the right path of islam..
Allah Hafiz.
And what part did God's mortal messengers (upon whom be peace) have in creating the universe? By the will of God, the Creator, we exist. To God we return.
May peace be upon you. Ameen.
Alhamdulillah this article was so good. Subhan'Allah that such a person was guided to the right religion by Allah(swt).
I find Sister Angela's article not only an expression of my thoughts for a very long time, but very educating, infact it helps me expain my own conviction to the religion of Islam eventhough I am a born Muslim.May Allah continue to guide us to the truth.
Once all prejudice, impatience and ego are put aside, I've realized, the true journey begins-- the journey towards Truth. Although I was born into a Muslim family, I have only within the last few years begun to understand and appreciate the underlying ideals and values of Islam. I have always believed in God, but I have not always worshipped Him in the precise manner by which He demands. This is really the point because the issue of transgression is the issue of people worshipping Allah as they see fit, not in His disbelief.
If I could chat with sister Collins I would congratulate her for manifesting a high level of truth within her life. But she does not need me to acknowledge her righteousness nor her purity, after all, her gift is with her Lord, and I rejoice in what inshallah lies ahead of her in the next life for it not only confirms my own beliefs but it inspires me to act for the sake of inshallah sharing a potentially similar fate.
welcome to islam u have really chosen the right oath for ur salvation keep it up u will never be sorry hope u try to encourage ur family and other colleagues as well.
once again welcome Allah bless u
Actually i myself and other brothers and sisters who are conacted to alfajr islamic center congratulate you for ur courageous decision to join the holy religion of islam, yes of course you have chosen the path that u will never regret.
may Allah (swt) accept this from u and keep u alife for the service of islam with honored life for so long and bless u with his mercy in hereafter.
the story of u will be translated to pashto and dari languages and published in our monthly magazine.
wassalm alikum
ur bro. fazal ghani kakar
May Allah be with you always.
Dear Angela, you are bold to question why God needs different forms and representations when He is All-powerful and able to do everything Himself. How do you understand the need for the services of Moses to lead Israelites from Egypt to Palestine (then called Canaan)? The people were not lead by the power of Moses but of God Himself who cannot be seen by any natural man. Y'Shuah (Jesus) is like unto Moses (visible representation of invisible God) leading people at present to the Father's House - much, much, incomprehensibly better than rich and self-sufficient physical Canaan. ....
after read your article, i'm proud and impression that you have to come round for your self.
may Allah bless you and given direction to yr self and yr family.
Wass, Leojie PABA
Welcome Sister Angela and others to Islam (Your natural birth right)
Conversion word is used for people who changed their religion by means of proseltizing. After reading your article, sounds like you have searched, thought and comtemplated at a great deal.
In the words of Maulana Wahidudding Khan, a world renowned and respected Muslim scholar and thinker from India, your coming to Islam is an "Intellectual Transformation."
See another great website www.alrisala.org for his thought provoking articles.
Dear Angela,
I also converted to Islam about just a year ago,and all u have said was all like whats on my mind that I always want to express whenever my christian family and friends asked me why I converted to Islam. The time I was reading your msge I feel very much touch to all your words,u express whats inside me.I am so proud of you my sister.I wish you good luck.
Firstly you call us 'Mohammadans'. This is very wrong because no Muslim worth his name calls himself a "Mohammedan" - please stop repeating that and lean to show some respect and knowledge because by calling us 'Mohammedan' you show your own ignorance.
Mohammad pbuh, was only a man who was chosen by God to become a prophet, just like Jesus pbuh was. The reason we do not take to being called Mohammedan is exactly because we do not wish to worship a human being like you do. If Jesus was not of flesh, how come he was born of flesh. Did he not eat, sleep, etc. all the stuff that a flesh needs. Besides if Jesus is the only path to God then you have to throw away your own Torah (Old Testament) because, by such logic, all the previous prophets will not go to Heaven. We are talking about Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Issac, and the rest. How can you account for that?
Abraham's first born was Ismael. In the Jewish tradition/religion the first born receives ALL. therefore the Convenant God made with Abraham should be bestwoed on Ismael according to Jewish Law. Still, why argue with such nonesense, becuase as Muslims we believe the Convenant was for all of Abrahams children BUT on condition that they obeyed God and remained pious, otherwise no logical person would accept that reward is for all. Take any faculty in life, the ones who get rewarded are the ones who pass the test. We even put the bad ones in prison. In some countries they even kill the bad ones!!
As for Jesus v. Mohammad, please try reading this website:
There is only ONE GOD - the ship with three captain will assuredly sink!
GOD belss us all and may HE lead us to HIS true path, "not the path of those who are accursed nor of those who went stray."
I too am a newcomer to Islam.
It has been 4 years since I took my shahadah.
Some people view Islam as complex.....I
view Islam as a way of life. This article really
says a lot that I have trouble with verbalizing.
Sometimes I'll feel un-Islamic. At those times
I'll open my Quran to any given page.....and it
seems that I am guided by Allah.....the page
that I open to is consistent with what my
thoughts are at that particular time. I find
answers to questions that I have, without
asking them. Alhamdulilah! May Allah bless
you, Angela and all those who are faithful.
Peace and Blessings
The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Jesus, it is the same. The message is the same, over and over and over again, be we refuse to see.
May Allah continue to guide you.
Maasha Allah, bravo & Allahu akbar for every wind that blows, for every bird that flies & for every rain that drops...& for every leaf that falls...
Dear Laurie Burgess, if you only felt the beauty of Imaan & the Truth of Islam, the kings & queens & the billionaires of this planet will envy you.
If you only knew that Islam is planet earth's first religion & that God commanded Adam to follow it. If you only knew that Ibrahim aka Ibraham addressed the ancestors of monotheism & their descendants -what we call today Jews & Christians -by their original name MUSLIMS then you will uncover what may seem like a hidden secret & is not; that's what sister Angela uncovered.
Laurie, if you only do your search well, you will find that prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not start Islam but completed it.
Like you said earlier "the Truth is within you" but you still have to do your (real)homework Laurie!!!
Wa salaam
I'm very embarrassed with myself after reading
about your effort to find Allah. Even a born
Muslim we do not put enough effort like you do
before knowing our Creator. I'm really amazed at your understanding of truth. I will pray to Allah
for his guidance to all mankind especially for our loved ones. Welcome to Islam.
No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (The other sons who are born by the will of the flesh from the lineage of Adam cannot be called begotten of God as they are alien to God by inherited fallen nature of the natural man of earth that show affinity to the seductions of the flesh, the world and Satan. Y'Shuah the Messiah is the only man begotten of God and called the only begotten Son of God. The Mohammedans deny him to be the Son of God, one of the main reasons being the genealogical dispute that began between Ishmael and Isaac - the natural and promised descent from the same father - Abraham. It is to be understood that God works through the lineage of promised descent and makes people know that God's cause shall stand howsoever weak it may look before man's cause howsoever strong it may seem. Although Ishmael was firstborn and blessed for the sake of Abraham, the covenant of redemption was carried out through the lineage of Isaac)
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Dear Angela, you are bold to question why God needs different forms and representations when He is All-powerful and able to do everything Himself. How do you understand the need for the services of Moses to lead I
for the first time in my life I had felt the first time of peace in an overached confused heart. Thank You sister once again.
Scott Shields
[email protected]
Great effort sister. May Allah SWT give us all the courage and sabr to remain on the straight path. Ameen.
challenge when you are born and raised here in the
U.S. I absolutely can relate to this because i
converted also into Islam five years ago. I am
american/french, female and single. The daily
struggle/jihad is rough. al-Hamdullilah, thank you.
well written and passionately expressed.
al humdu il Allah
all the best to you and yours ya' anisa.
fi amen Allah
well written ya 'anisa. al humdu ila Allah
"Innaka la tahdi man ahbabt wa lakinna ALLAH yuhdi man ya chaa" Sadaka AllAH al AADIM
Dear Brothers n Sisters
Hats off to you Angela, everyday I try to talk my fellow american people to convince to accept the message of Quran as the message of our Creator, The one and only Allah (the lord of everything in the universe.
My words are enough to explain to them but I try my best. But you know what helps me communicating the message of god to the fellow american people, is the message from you new muslims posted on Islamicity.com. I give them your message n they are shocked out their mind this what an american people are saying n accepting ISLAM then they want to take a look at Islam.
See, do not worry as Shaitan is trying plot something against the mankind but Allah has his own plan and Allah is the msater n creater of all the plans and Allah's plan is the one will prevail.
Allah says in the Quran close meaning of which, If muslim to follow Islam Allah can bring another who will worship him and follow him, so lets work for Allah and insa-allah he will glorify ISLAM. ISLAM is here to stay in this universe and all other ideologies will fail with the grace of almighty Allah.
Again Assalamo Alaykum
A Servant of Allah
You have read the Quran twice and taken notes. Your sincere words show that and it is pure beauty that has touched your being.
Such is the power of the All-Encampassing Creator of this Universe and the Next World.
The whole intention of Islam was and is to unify mankind in worshipping One and Only God. The Creator of all of us. Blessed be your soul for finding its final abode at peace with the One Lord.
May Allah keep that faith strong in your heart and may HE lead us all to HIS true path, Insha'Allah. Ameen.
I salute your courage, Angela. And I pray that almighty Allah keeps you and all those that believe in Him, in Islam. And that He guide us unto that path that is straight to Himself, Ameen.
We have so many other family members missing still, but inshaallah they'll be guided as you.
af fushshilat:30 to encourage yourself everytime you feel down
may Allah lead us to His path..
hope that we could be together in Heaven
Jesus said "He who denies me, denies Him that sent me."
The Name "God" unqualified means "Allah, our Father in Heaven."
There are many Attributes of God which people deny. To deny the Creator Son of God of this Universe, or to deny the Daughter Spirit of God, is NO different to denying your own mother and father.
So long as people deny or reject Personality Elements of God, those same people are denying God Himself.
The Urantia Book available at www.urantia.com will enable you to find a more Complete Truth.
Islam is clear, clean and truthful. Do not follow any twisted way to analyze things, stick with those who are true and honest with their faith. Do not disconnect with your blood relationship. EEven if they are not Muslims. Seek Allah and He will prevail and show you the way.
May Allah keep yopu on the straight path
sister Angela Collins it is now obvious that whoever Allah find a genuine and sincere quest to know Him, He opens such person breast to al-islam.
Praise and adoration be absolutely to Allah who guides whoever He wills to the plain untainted truth of Himself.
Dear Favoured Angela welcome to the ocean of the core truth of your guidain Lord-(creator) who teaches by his sacred qalam. My sister i have many things to say but i advise you continue to focus on your soul and watch your step as you move in the ocean of knowledge.therefore if you must do this sucessfully let the Prophet's last sermon be your guide. till i here from you ma-a-salam.
Assalamu Alaikum O'rahmatullah-
May Allah bless you manyfold. I am a born Muslim Insa... but I think I have to born again through your endless and very deep beliefs and feeling on ISLAM. May Allah guide me/us matching your wisdom and moral strength- AMIN
One of your to be brother amongst million
May Allah lift Islam above all false hood and disbelief. AMEN
Asalaam wa alaikom wa rahmatallahi wa barakatu
I liked this article "Why I decided to submit?", however I would like to share a few thoughts that came to mind while reading it. First, in Islam, we believe that we as Muslims will enter heaven by the Mercy and Grace of Allah (swt) and not by works alone. Even if we accomplish good intentions and deeds in this life, this is seen as being due to the Mercy of Allah (swt). As Muslims, we believe in predestination, so one should not take credit for the good they do. Instead, we should always pray for guidance, and praise and thank Allah (swt) for continually showing us the Straight Path. Secondly, all Muslims will need the intercessionship of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) on the Day of Judgement, because all of us will be coming up short of Allah (swt) absolute Justice with our good deeds alone.
That said, belief in and testification to the kalima of Islam "There is no diety except Allah (the God) and Muhammad is His Messenger ," is what is absoutely imperative for someone to do while alive here on earth, in order to receive salvation from Allah (swt) and enter heaven.
Finally, in finding Islam and becoming a Muslim one should be extremely humble before their Creator in accepting His Religion (Islam). For however much we strove and searched for the truth, Allah (swt) is ultimately the One who guides and saves us from unbelief and ignorance.
most of my life.
I have been reading Islamic Literature the last yea, and much to my surprise and
wonder I felt a powerful feeling of redemption in reading the Holy Koran. But Ive been afraid to speak my truth and become a Muslim. One as a Caucasian Male in the United States with all the wrongness that is going through my country, I cant hide my heart from Allah anymore. And so tonight Im Submitting myself.
THank you Angela for sharing you message and helping me to find myself as well.
Scott Shields
[email protected]
I congarulate you of your new findings in faith towards your life.Just remember the hadiths of Rasullallah saw BE A HUMAN THAT IS BENEFICIAL TO OTHER HUMAN.
MAY ALLAH swt BLESS YOU AND you must remember what ever that comes in our lives by ALLAH willings and just have faith INSYAALLAH you will be guided and protected.
May Allah bless you and your Family,You have proved the ways of Allah, Your simple and elegant ways of searching truth reminds me of Abraham Alai Salam's(PBUH) sunnah, Now i wonder why a muslim revert is high in Allah's and his Prophet's(swas) eyes .Bravo to you lady and may Allah grant you every thing you have wished for.
I am very impressed with your article and very please to hear about your experience. You have definitely chosen the right path and may Allah keep you guided on the right path. Welcome to Islam sister. Being a Muslim is the best thing in ones life and you have given yourself the best gift of all - true faith which is Islam.