Anger Management

It was certainly undiplomatic of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to call for Israel to be "wiped off the map" at a conference on Zionism in Tehran. But the wave of Western fury, with countries such as Canada, France, the UK and Spain hauling in the Iranian ambassador and protesting, looks contrived.

Is this the same France that four years ago ignored the comments of its then ambassador in London, Daniel Bernard, who called Israel "that shitty little country"? Is this the same UK that likewise turned a deaf ear? Nor is it the first time an Iranian leader has used such language. Four years ago, former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, regarded by the West as a moderate, called for the nuclear annihilation of Israel. The West did not blink an eye. Ever since the 1979 revolution, Iran has been consistently and vehemently anti-Israel. The rest of the world has known it and lived with it. It lived with the knowledge because it also knew that Iran was not in a position to wipe Israel off the map and that the words were mere rhetoric from those who wanted to give their people something other than their failures to think about. The rest of the world too has been happy to live with the knowledge that most Muslims and Arabs would prefer that Israel did not exist. But it does exist. It is a question of accepting reality. 

So why the apparent anger at something known? And why is it that only the West is making a fuss?

This response has far more to do with Western fears about Iran's nuclear intentions than with its views about Israel. Washington, which does not have diplomatic relations with Tehran and so could not haul in the ambassador to protest, let the cat out of the bag when it said that the comment showed it was right to be concerned about Iran's nuclear program. 

Yet that is a worrying leap of logic. It suggests that the US and the West imagine that a nuclear Iran would bomb Israel. If they do, it is frightening, given what happened with Iraq and the myth of weapons of mass destruction there. Without a breakthrough on the Iran nuclear issue, it makes an attack on its nuclear facilities a strong likelihood. Is the ground being prepared for Israelis doing it, acting on Washington's behalf - a carbon copy of what happened in 1981 when Israel destroyed the Osirak nuclear plant near Baghdad? That cannot be ruled out. Last February President Bush said that the US would back an Israeli attack on Iran if the latter tried to make nuclear bombs and the former felt threatened. And now we have President Ahmadinejad being as provocative as he can, using words that are loaded: To wipe a country off the map involves something fairly spectacular.

This, of course, is Ahmadinejad the radical speaking, Ahmadinejad the politician who perhaps wants to divert attention from his government's failure so far to deliver on his promises to Iran's poor. That is where he needs to concentrate his energies and his passion. The danger is that with such rhetoric he gives his nation's enemies the chance to act.

  Category: Middle East, World Affairs
  Topics: Foreign Policy, Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Occupation
Views: 4930

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Older Comments:
When powerful leaders say they want regime change What does this mean and what action do you think must be taken against them.

When these powerful leaders initiate such regime changes then in our country Sri Lanka too the opposing sides will want regime changes by force and since it is done once by the powerful the powerless will also stoop to these unlawful/illegal methods.

When powerful leaders go to war on lies and as a result hundred of innocents are killed
What action do you think is suitable to bring such leaders to justice for the killing of these innocents.

What action should the kith and kin of these innocents resort to since the powerful claim that it is their right to defend themselves against any attack.

opinion two wrongs would never make a right and justice and fairplay must prevail for the powerful and powerless and similarily for the rich and the poor otherwise the mechanism will always be a failure

Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, lamented that while witnessing the first man made nuclear explosion, he thought of a verse from the Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita:

"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one... "

However he qualified this by considering

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."


Ben Darren, where was your claimed god when the Nazis were barbequeing your brothers in the death camps? Why didn't he show mercy on you then and save your blood by being spilled so easily? The Nazis were exterminating you like you were merely vermin. The Arabs welcomed you to share the land with them, but you greedy bastards want it all, from the Nile to the Euphrates. USSR did not supply her modern weaponry to the Arabs, US did on the other hand supply the Israeli hordes with the latest most sophisticated US weaponry, plus their military intelligence and logistics. Whom do you think you fool, Mr Ben Darren? Israel is a pagan country with a pagan philosophy and a pagan agenda. Nothing is holy for Israel, but power, money and one word, Imperialism. Your religion is Imperialism and your god is money, and this my friend is paganism. If the Arabs would just be allowed to handle Israel, Israel would capitulate in less than 24 hours. However not one US president voiced that if any Arab country would begin a major forceful offensive on Israel, USA would wipe that county off the map. Thus the Iranian president stated in reverse what he heard from the US presidents.

Whatever the president of Iran said is irrelevant to the US-Israeli plans. US and Israel don't need the Iranian presiden to tell them what he thinks about them.They know as all Muslim know what US and Israel think about Muslims and Arabs.

Despotic and Imperialists regimes existed along the annals of history, they rose to power and then fell. As the tides in the sea after they rise are doomed to inevitably fall,so the tide of USA and her pet poodle Israel with her are doomed to fall. Just wait and see.The signs are already there. Can they control Iraq?Can they control Hamas or Hezballah? Not now nor ever. God is the God of the oppressed not of the oppressor. In the whole history of the Middle East, from the time of the Assyrians to date there wasn't a greater oppressor than modern Israel

There are two kinds of Muslim leaders, those are
pro-American, live and die by America, installed and fed by Ameria, those will eventuially recognise Israel and oppress the muslim nation or loose their jobs, and there are those, very rare who are anti-Usa and israel.
Until few years ago, the latter were the only hope for the Muslim Nation to raise our heads and restore our dignity, and now unfortunately even that only hope has faded away and stolen from us or rather given away to the ennemy of our nation.
Pakistan has been the only Muslim Nuke power keeping Isreal at bay but now, Busharraf has disclosed all the nukes information, capability, locations etc... to India, it is obvious to even the blind to know that India will pass all the info to Israel and they are the bitter ennemy of islam, need not talk more, so, Busharraf has sold out our hope for a designer suit look. that is heart breaking betrayal for the Umma. But, to my belief, I had hope in another country, Iran to hold our sprit high, unfortunately, The new naive hot blooded president, in a crasy moment has just gave our ennemies what they are looking for: the reason to distroy the last hope from our hearts.
The ennemies of Iran, were trying to get in to Iran through the window, but the Stupid President told them to come in through the door. Couldnt he shut up until he got the economy right, and completed his nuke development? didnt he think about consiquences?
In short this is my opinion as a muslim and I know, there are only 1.2 billion people who share this opinion also. To wipe out Israel of the face of the earth? the brother is too late.
to liberate Al-Quds Al-Shareef and make this come true, by Allah I will give my life for it


Those Who Bless Her (Israel) Will Be Blessed, And Those Who Curse Her Will Be Cursed.(Genesis 12:2-3)
Take a closer look at their Holy Koran This is simply amazing. The Koran mentions "Israel" [or "Israelites"] 47 times, "Jew" or "Jewish" 26 times! Even "Christian" or "Christians" gets 15 mentions!
Several wars were forced upon tiny Israel by the entire Arab nation using cutting-edge technology provided by the then USSR. The Arab nation possesses 99% of the entire Middle East land mass while Israel occupies only a 1/2 of 1 percent speck on this same map. What happened? Surely the world can see the awesome hand of the mighty hand of GOD at work that thwarted and humilated the aggressors not once but thrice!
Think again.

zions have treatned to bomb Iran so what if Irans returns the favour.
Jues can bomb but no others can do the same How ridicoulos..Remember Shakespear's Merchant of Venice-It is banned in the Bush country.

If the gutless, sycophantic Arab governments (led by the corrupt asbolute monarchy where Arab News lives) had been true to their supposed principles and values we would not have had to rely on Iran and Syria and Hezbollah to carry the torch against the criminal, illegal and brutal destruction and oppression of the Palestinians. Iran's President was no doubt undiplomatic when he made his statements, but is that a greater sin and crime than the hypocrisy and pathetic surrender of the Arab regimes and their supporters?

The Iranian president is walking the walk its just plain talk Israel exist and its a fact wether we like it or not its the failure of the arab and muslim world luck of understand that a 5 million jewish people has more weight in the world then 1.3 billion muslims and lets not forget who invited the americans to invade baghdad its our fellow muslims regime so lets stop whining and lets review ourselves arabs and muslim are too emotional and they always refer to the past its over israel is a part of the international community.

The Iranian President is right on in his assessment of the situation - "Israel" is an outlaw state that has engaged in wiping out Palestine - and would not hesitate to wipe out Islam and Muslims if given the opportunity.

It is in the welfare of Muslims that the President has spoken - and this "Arab" news service does not know hoot about what is going on in Iran.

The president is making significant changes to the Iranian economy. Maybe if Iran was a Wahabbi country - the "Arab" news service would be more objective. And please tell us - what kind of stand has "Saudi" Arabia taken? "Pak"istan has of-course totally sold out to the Zionist entity - and has little backbone left. And Islamicity continues to publish silly apologetics from so-called "moderate" Moslems.

Owen, are you off your meds? Yout dont have a clue to what you're talking about.

This Arab news editor simply has no concept of reailty.
To quote:
"This response has far more to do with Western fears about Iran's nuclear intentions than with its views about Israel. "

The editor does not seem to realize that the West's preoccupation with Iran's nuclear weapons is precisely because it threatens Isreal. Iran does not posses a delviery system strong enough to target Western cities, but Isreal is within reach.

Arabs, especially the ones in power refuse to realize that the West and Isreal are the same entity. Even the "famed" political scientist Sameul Hungtion did not distinguish between the West and Isreal when he divided up the world into his spheres of influence. The Islamic empire was considered a different entity. One can only speculate as to why he did this - perhaps he wanted to demonize the Islamic culture, or perhaps he genuinely felt that the Islamic model did not fit well with the Western model which includes Isreal.

Arabs really need to understand that Washington is Tel Aviv and vice-versa. As such, in a Isreal-Palestine negition, Washingtion is not an unbiased arbriter.

Coming back to Iran, this means that the West's disgust at what the Iranian president said, is totally understandable. Please bear in mind that , it is allowed for Western governments to criticize each other (case of France & Isreal).

I don't understand how such a sophisticated person as a President could make such harmful comments. By harmful, I mean harmful to his own country. This gives another reason for Isreal, USA, UK to attack Iran.

The Iranian President has made the the wong statement at the wrong time. The West are searching for the green light to attack Iran and the Zionists will milk this for all its worth. Its true past iranian leaders have been making statements like these for years but the current nuclear issue has propelled this to centre stage and will not go down well with Western public opinion. Iran need to tread gently and speed up the development of its nuclers industry PRETTY FAST now.

AHMED said:
Considering Israel's track record of terrorism and genocide, the Iranian President was merely voicing what many people, including Europeans feel is the greatest threat to world peace.
Where was the uproar when Bush the lesser declared war 3 countries in a row with his "axis of evil" speech?! Iran has every right to persue the nuclear option. Its obvious that any country which does not have the ability to defend itself will be attacked. Nuff said.

No sir, this is Ahmadinejad the dangerous. Seems like Iran has got itself someone who can take it back to the middle ages. While the rest of the world goes forward Iran will find itself isolated leading to a rapid decline in any remaining influence it may have had in the region. Something which I suspect the rest of the Arab world will be pleased to see. Ahmadinejad has certainly not done the Palistinians any good at all as now the Israelis can now point to Iran and say 'You see, the Arabs want to eliminate us'. ...