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The Quran's Purpose & Beauty: A 3D View

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Nouman Ali Khan opens his discussion by reflecting on the grandeur of the Quran and its comparison to the stars.

He highlights how Allah has granted humanity access to the Quran—a divine treasure far surpassing the unreachable stars in the sky. This framing sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the Quran's unique features, emphasizing its beauty, wisdom, and celestial significance.

The Uniqueness of Allah’s Oath

Khan explains that in the Quran, Allah often swears by specific elements to emphasize an idea. However, in Surah Al-Waqi’ah, Allah takes an exceptional approach by not only swearing by the stars but also drawing attention to the magnitude of this oath:

“This is indeed a tremendous oath, if you only knew.”
This self-referential emphasis is rare in the Quran and indicates the profound connection between the oath (about the stars) and the statement to follow, which describes the Quran as “majestic and noble.”

Meaning of the Stars’ “Place of Falling”

Khan elaborates on the term “mawāqiʿ al-nujūm” (the place of the stars’ falling). This phrase can refer to both the physical positioning of stars and their “falling” over time. Modern science reveals that the stars we observe are not in their current state but are light from billions of years ago. This revelation parallels the eternal wisdom of the Quran: while its verses have descended in time, their significance and insight transcend human understanding.

Stars as a Symbol for the Quran

The stars serve multiple symbolic purposes in the Quran:

  1. Constellations and Patterns: Just as stars appear scattered at first glance but reveal patterns upon closer observation, the Quran may seem fragmented initially. However, deeper contemplation unveils its interconnected wisdom and intricate structure.
  2. Guidance and Beauty: Stars guide travelers and beautify the night sky. Similarly, the Quran provides spiritual guidance while enriching life with its aesthetic and moral beauty.

The Quran’s Majestic Nature

Khan explains that the Quran is described as “karīm”—a term denoting elegance, purity, and perfection. He ties this to the imagery of stars, which, though appearing as mere dots to the naked eye, are immense celestial entities with complex structures. Likewise, a superficial reading of the Quran might not reveal its full grandeur, but a deeper study exposes its profound wisdom and transformative power.

Connection Between Stars and Judgment Day

In discussing the stars, Khan reflects on the Quran’s link to the Day of Judgment. The Quran is the last divine revelation, signaling the end of an era, just as the stars' eventual falling signifies the end of the cosmos. This connection reinforces the Quran’s role as both a guide for humanity and a sign of ultimate accountability.

Beauty and Purpose in the Quran

Khan underscores that the Quran is not merely functional; it is also beautiful. He draws a parallel to human appreciation of beauty in everyday life—whether in technology, design, or nature—and explains that the Quran combines purpose and beauty seamlessly. It offers not only laws and guidance but also emotional and spiritual enrichment.

The Quran as a Divine Treasure

Khan concludes by marveling at how Allah has granted humanity access to something far greater than the stars: the Quran.

While stars, despite their distance and magnificence, beautify the sky, the Quran enriches human lives with unparalleled wisdom, guidance, and grace. This reflection invites listeners to appreciate the Quran as a celestial gift that transcends the physical universe.

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