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Embracing Diversity: Unity, Justice, and Equality for a Better World

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Human life, evolving from primitive to civilized ways of living, has also seen the emergence of various ideas and ideologies. Throughout history, humanity has experimented with diverse political systems of governance.

However, none has succeeded in establishing a truly fair and just system that brings a "heavenly abode on earth" for all. Even the democratic system, which advocates fairness and justice, is not perfect, as it too can be manipulated. Despite its deficiencies, democracy is accepted by most countries around the world.

What makes the rainbow beautiful and interesting are the different shades of colours. What makes humanity interesting is the variation of our race, colour, language, culture, e.t.c. So why fight and Kill one another.  -Dr Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak

The Legacy of Western Expansionism

In Western civilization, the expansion of territories by superpowers was primarily driven by a desire to establish power, plunder the wealth of other nations, enslave non-European peoples, impose taxation, and pursue various other objectives.

In modern times, European countries fought two world wars for ideological reasons. The death toll during World War I and II was staggering—approximately 60 million people, including both combatants and civilians.

Beyond the devastating loss of human lives, these wars caused massive destruction to the environment and infrastructure. Since the establishment of the United Nations, European nations have dramatically reduced warfare on the Western front.

However, they have hypocritically instigated and promoted wars in other regions, particularly in the oil-rich Middle East, as well as parts of Asia and Africa.

Islam's Peaceful Spread

In contrast to the West, the spread of Islam was primarily peaceful. Muslims, like Europeans, expanded into territories in Europe, Africa, and Asia. However, unlike Europeans, their presence in foreign lands was mainly to share the Bushra (good news) of the Qur’an.

Muslims used peaceful means to spread their religion, rather than the forceful tactics employed by Europeans. They did not compel others to convert to Islam, as this contradicts the Qur’anic injunction: “Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood” (Al-Qur’an 2:256).

While vast empires were built by Muslim caliphates, there may have been isolated incidents where Qur’anic norms were breached, but such occurrences were likely minimal.

The Beauty of Human Diversity

In God’s world, created for all flora, fauna, and humanity, no one can claim it exclusively for themselves or their race. Humanity as a whole should learn to appreciate diversity and avoid racism or xenophobia towards those who differ. The rainbow serves as an apt analogy: it teaches us that beauty within humanity is created when love, care, cooperation, and coexistence become our philosophy of life.

Philosophically, no one chooses the race into which they are born. God’s wisdom in creating humanity in different shades of color and variations in languages is not to teach color consciousness or racial superiority, but to demonstrate His Might and Majesty.

In the Qur’an, the topic of human diversity is emphasized:
“O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may get to know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.” (Al-Qur’an, 49:13)

“And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colors. In this are signs for the learned.” (Al-Qur’an, 30:22)

Since God created and placed us on this planet, there are sufficient provisions for all life forms.

We need not view others as rivals who would deprive us of our share. There is no need to create wars or spread diseases to eliminate others so that we alone may enjoy God’s bounties.

All that is required is to care for the planet and protect it from pollution, which leads to the destruction of forests and depletion of essential resources like oxygen, water, and food.

Rejecting Dangerous Ideologies

The concept of “God’s Chosen People” is a dangerous ideology that devalues the rest of humanity, treating others as unworthy of God’s love and grace. This ideology becomes even more problematic when it drives individuals to invade and usurp another nation’s land, undermining the rights and sovereignty of others. In our modern, civilized world, we must reject outdated practices of war and territorial conquest.

The Role of Democracy and Global Awareness

As democracy remains the preferred system on the international stage, we have learned to embrace its principles of fairness, justice, and the values outlined in the UN Charter, which promotes peace, security, human rights, social progress, and global cooperation.

In this era of rapid communication, the rise of the internet and social media has greatly increased global awareness. University students and young people are now more informed about issues such as genocide, human rights abuses, oppression, land theft, foreign occupation, the caste system, racism, terrorism, and the tragic killing of innocent women and children in war zones.

World leaders and policymakers must recognize that they no longer control the narrative of global events. Empowered by technology, ordinary citizens can report the truth to millions through smartphones and social media platforms.

Given that traditional media is no longer the sole source of information, political leaders must adhere to principles of fairness, justice, truth, and transparency when interacting with their citizens. Failing to do so will mark them as failed leaders in history.

Leadership and Accountability

Leaders who cling to power through manipulation of electoral processes, despite widespread public protest, should reflect on the wisdom of the saying: “Do not overstay your period of welcome.” Ignoring this advice may lead to disgrace and disaster, ultimately ending their political careers.

Dr Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak is an academic from the Department of Fundamental and Inter Disciplinary Studies, AHAS KIRKHS, International Islamic University Malaysia. The quote titled “Humanity” is an original quote from the author.

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