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Ohio SB 297: An Anti-Free Speech Law That Should Be Rejected

Credit: rudall30

I strongly oppose SB 297 and urge our lawmakers to reject it. This bill is a repressive measure as it restricts our free speech.

SB 297 trumps the First Amendment right of the U.S. Constitution. It falsely conflates legitimate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. This bill would criminalize individuals for daring to criticize Israeli actions. It is being introduced at a time when the Israeli army is committing genocide, ethnic cleansing, and using starvation as a weapon against Palestinians—all of which are recognized as war crimes and crimes against humanity.

While Israel is telling Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank to leave, surrender, or die, SB 297 is telling Palestinian advocates in the U.S., "Stay out of it. Keep your mouth shut or else!"

Still, people in America are free to say:
- God does not exist.
- There is no such thing as Palestine, and Palestinians never existed.
- Call President Biden every name in the book.
- Refer to President Putin as Hitler.
- Mock the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
- Insult over 2 billion Muslims.
- Call Jesus (peace be upon him) a bastard and His mother, Maryam, a whore.

And no one will care. But if you, God forbid, question the apartheid state of Israel or condemn Israeli genocide in Gaza, you are automatically smeared, labeled antisemitic, fired, or forced to pay a hefty fine or make a donation to make amends for what you said.

In March 2015, Frau Ursula Haverbeck, an 87-year-old German grandmother and researcher, denied the mass destruction of Jews and called the Holocaust "the biggest and most persistent lie in history." How many Israeli and GOP leaders have denied the Palestinian holocaust or the Israeli genocide in Gaza? How many in mainstream and pro-Israeli Jewish American organizations have condemned Israeli and GOP leaders (such as Marco Rubio) who referred to Palestinians as animals or non-existent (according to Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich)?

Before the Apartheid Defense League (ADL) and Ohio Senator Terry Johnson whine and complain about the rise of antisemitism, perhaps next time they should stop treating Palestinians as subhuman and stifling free speech in Ohio.

What enrages me is the West’s eagerness to use free speech arguments when insulting and degrading Muslims, yet their cowardice in defending citizens like student protesters across our nation who voiced their opposition to Israeli genocide of Palestinians. Many of these students lost their scholarships, were expelled, or had their names smeared.

If SB 297 passes, this Palestinian retired veteran may face jail time for daring to speak out in defense of Palestine. Meanwhile, other American citizens who choose to enlist in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and take part in the Gaza genocide will be praised by mainstream media and public officials like Senator Johnson, who introduced this bill, as heroes.

It is worth asking Senator Johnson at this juncture: Why is it that if any American joins Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, or any similar organization, they automatically receive 20 years in jail, have their citizenship revoked, or are denied reentry to the U.S., but this does not apply to Americans who enlist in the Israeli Death Forces (IDF)?

To imply that Palestinians are violent and hate Jews is a big fat lie. To argue that Israel has the right to self-defense is like saying Jews were the bad ones and Germany was just defending itself. You defend the land if it is yours, not if it is stolen land.

Let’s not forget that Palestine is occupied, and Israel is the occupier. The only time Israel "defends itself" is when Palestinians fight back after being attacked. Under international law, Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal. It is time for Israelis to accept that as an occupied people, Palestinians have the right to resist by whatever means they can, including "armed struggle." Therefore, it is morally absurd for Israel to label Palestinians "terrorists."

I can assure you that Israel will have long and lasting peace beginning tomorrow if it meets these three conditions:

1. Israel honors all UN resolutions, not just those it likes.
2. Lifts the 17 years of strangling and inhumane siege on Gaza.
3. Frees the 16,000 Palestinian political prisoners (including four U.S. citizens, yes, you heard it right) held without charges or trials for years.

Ohio SB 297 is an un-American and anti-free speech law. I urge our lawmakers to reject it.

Mahmoud El-Yousseph is a Palestinian freelancer for Islamicity.com and ColumbusFreePress.com. He can be reached at [email protected].

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