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Syrians Are Celebrating Fall of Assad, Even as "the Bigger Picture Is Grim"

discusses the significant shift in Syria's political landscape with the collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, which had ruled for over 50 years.

The United Nations has called for an inclusive transitional government to help restore Syria's unity, while international actors like Israel and the United States have been deeply involved, with Israel claiming its military actions against Hezbollah contributed to the regime's downfall.

Meanwhile, Turkey-backed groups have seized control of areas once held by Kurdish forces. The segment explores the complexities of Syria's future, including the role of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an extremist group that governs parts of Idlib but is unlikely to lead the country due to both regional and international opposition.

The analysis highlights the precarious future of Syria, facing economic hardships and the challenges of rebuilding, all while international powers such as the U.S. and Israel continue to influence the region's trajectory.

The segment emphasizes the importance of recognizing the plight of Syrians amidst the geopolitical struggle, as the path to stability remains uncertain.

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