Netanyahu Facing 'Mass' Protests from Israeli's

Netanyahu is under increasing pressure from both sides, but the mood amongst Israelis "has shifted" and he could be facing "masses on the streets", says Israeli-Palestinian journalist Noga Tarnopolsky.

The video discusses the evolving public sentiment in Israel regarding the ongoing conflict with Gaza. Initially, the primary focus was on bringing home Israeli hostages, but now, there is a growing demand to end the war altogether.

This shift is reflected in public demonstrations and polls showing a narrow majority of Israelis supporting a ceasefire in exchange for a deal. "That poll showed a clear majority, 56% Israelis are prepared to end this war for a deal."

The Israeli government is under pressure from both international mediators, including the U.S. and European nations, and domestic protests to agree to a ceasefire. However, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu faces opposition within his coalition, which complicates the negotiations.

The situation is tense, with significant pressure on Netanyahu to make a decision that could have far-reaching consequences.

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