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Ramadaan and our negligence

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Forum Name: Pillars of Islam
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Topic: Ramadaan and our negligence
Posted By: syed_z
Subject: Ramadaan and our negligence
Date Posted: 11 June 2017 at 11:23am

Asalaam O Alaikum, I wish and pray that this Ramadaan be a source of Allah's mercy for the entire Ummah and may all Muslims get the opportunity to earn the best of Blessings this beautiful month.

Some inspiring words that will InshA'Allah help us if excuses prop up in our minds suggesting us not to fast despite having health. Negligence this month can cost us individually and collectively. Our Nafs (evil self) makes us fear that we will become sick or weak just as how shaytan prevents believers from spending in the way of Allah (swt) by threatening them with loss of wealth:

Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. (2:268)

Sayyidunā �Alī (r.a) has narrated that the Prophet of Raḥmah, the Intercessor of Ummah has said, �Allah (swt) sent a revelation to one of the Prophets of Banī Isrāīl commanding him to inform his Ummaĥ that if anyone fasts a day for My pleasure, I will grant him good health and reward him greatly.� (Shu�ab-ul-Īmān, vol. 3, pp. 412, Ḥadī� 3923)

Fasting actually makes us strong not only spiritually but also physically as the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) himself informed us that "Sumu Taseehu" which means "Fast; you will get healthy" (Ad-Dur-rul Man�ūr, vol. 1, pp. 440)

Zakah means charity and to purify. We give Zakah so we can purify our wealth from its harms such as stinginess. Sayyiduna Abu Huraira (r.a) narrated that Rasool Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) has said "There is Zakah (Charity) for everything, and the Zakah of your body is fasting, and fasting is half of patience." This also means that our health is purified of all toxins build up throughout the year in our body with excessive eating or unhealthy eating habits. In Islam every name has a relation to its meaning and nothing in Islam has been given a name without a reason or purpose. Similarly Allah (Swt) chose to give this month the name 'Ramadaan' in Arabic because 'r-m-'d means scorched due to intense heat which indicates the burning of our sins and purification of our body from bad health effects.

Sins in Ramadaan leads towards the Ummah being disgraced.

Sayyidatunā Umm-e-Hani (r.a) has narrated that the Beloved and Blessed Rasūl (sallAllahu alaihi Wassallam) warned, "My Ummah will not be disgraced as long as it fulfills the rights of Ramadan." He was asked as to what was meant by the disgrace of Ummaĥ in this matter, he replied, "Committing sins in this month." He further stated "If anyone fornicates or drinks alcohol in this month Allah (swt) and all His angels curse him, if he dies before the next Ramadan he will not have a single virtue to save him from the fire of Hell. So fear Allah (swt) concerning Ramadan. As the reward of good deeds is increased in this month compared to other months, the severity of sins also increases.�

As you can see that today our Ummah is in a disgraceful situation due to many of us not fuliflling the rights of Ramadaan. Allah (swt) blessed certain times of the year as doing righteous deeds in them multiplies them,such as the 1st 10 days of Dhul Hujjah or the night of Mid Shabaan or the last 10 nights of Ramadaan, similarly avoiding to do good deeds, or worst, doing bad deeds in them can cause harm in this life and the hereafter. Due to our negligence entire Ummah is also affected as Rasool Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) said "My Ummah is like one body, if one part hurts it disturbs the entire body."

Mercy on Fire Worshipper for honoring Ramadaan

There was a fire worshipper who lived in Bukhara. One day he was walking through a Muslim marketplace along with his son. His son began to eat something publicly. Seeing his son eating, he slapped him and scolded him saying, �Aren�t you ashamed of eating in the Muslims� market in Ramadan?� His son replied, �(But) Father, you also eat in Ramadan, don�t you?� The father replied, �I don�t eat in front of the Muslims, I eat at home where they can�t see me, I don�t desecrate this holy month.� After some time, this fire worshipper died. Someone had a dream in which he saw the deceased stroll in paradise. Amazed, the dreaming person asked, �You were a fire worshipper; how did you get into Heaven?� He replied, �You are right; I was a fire worshipper but at the time of death, Allah blessed me with faith for honoring Ramadan and granted me Heaven after death.� (Nuzĥa-tul-Majālis, vol. 1, pp. 217)

Allah (swt) had mercy on a fire worshipper and honored him for honoring Ramadaan then what about the Ummah of Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) who have been gifted with this month? If we take care of this month as it should taken care then how much blessed and honored will we be in this life and the hereafter.

Allah Says in the Quran - Surah Baqara Verse 183 - 184

O those who believe! Fasting has been made obligatory upon you as were made obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become pious. The days are counted. Then whosoever among you is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days, and those who have no strength, should give in fine meal to a needy: then whosoever does more good, then that is better for him, and fasting is better for you if you know.

Our Nafs (evil self) might make us focus on the words 'ill' or 'those who have no strength' but do not consider the words 'Obligatory' and 'fasting is better for you if you know', which have more weight in the above Ayah.

Life is very short and we should consider the following hadith:

Five before Five

The Beloved and Blessed Prophet (sallAllahu Alaihi Wassllam) has stated, �Value five things before five things: (1) Youth before old age (2) Health before illness (3) Wealth before deprivation (4) Leisure before busyness [i.e. being busy]. (5) Life before death.�

(Hadith references taken from the book Faizaan E Sunnat)

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