But on the flipside as Sister Amah pointed out when you get several warnings to stop then, you simply must stop.
Brother Israfil, this admiration is mutual and, out of sheer respect for Sister Amah and our Board�s counting skills, I won�t go into how many of these several warnings had come my way.
but because of the fact that he constantly singled out one country and constantly (although sometimes subtle) bashed America.
Brother, I promise, I had genuinely reformed.
I had started to hold the 172,000 Tuvalu Islanders, for turning our world into a powder keg, out of their greed, their need to plunder global resources and, specially, their constant practice of igniting wars, under one pretext of the other, since as far as I remember.
But then a week ago, one of your own ex-Presidents spilt all the beans about how all of this actually happens and who relly runs the U S. Please, trust me, not my fault, he wrote book entirely on his own and out of his experiences.
. . . but at the same time a person's constant reference to America and doing the "blame game" does get tiresome and it does in a small way, can be offensive.
My friend, "blame game" is when someone points a finger at someone without any justification, but when hard factual Historical Record are placed on the table then it�s known as slightly a different thing.
Before the days of my exile, I used to ask for three things the U S had done, by design or even unwittingly, since 1953, that haven�t harmed or badly suppressed people who happen to be other than full blooded Americans. But, since my re-instatement, I have reduced it to just ONE.
(Please believe me, it�s impossible for me to make any further reduction in this offer)
I promise you, in front of all these people that if you post just ONE such incident or accident, I will go back to blaming the Tuvalu Islanders for all the wrong done to this poor little world Be honest, isn't that an absolutely fair offer?
The point is to not constantly spam discussions (with refernece to MacDonalds) about how bad the United States is.
My brother, my offer is open, please just show us one good thing the US can be accused of doing for �my part of the world�. To me, it matters not how many Wallmarts or Dunkin Donuts you have in your country, I can and I will only count how much blood the US has shed � under one pretext or the other � since 1953.
Honestly, we wouldn;t tolerate if a Jewish individual or Christian-Or even Muslim came in here stating heretical stuff about Islam or making false claims about Islam like they have done in the past and even now.
I love you for your absolute innocence.
My friend, the day anyone (not just you) proves that anything I have ever posted is �heretical stuff� or some �false claims� I will admit my sins, apologise and cease posting.
Not just that, I will burn all my notes on Cap It All itis (collected since 1968) and not publish my thesis on Alternative Financial Therapy.
In fact, I will take ultimate step, I will go totally American and start to live as if the world ceases to exist beyond the divinity of the US.
Edited by Whisper