In the name of God, The Beneficent The Merciful

"There can be no prosperity where there is immorality; no oppression where there is justice; no justice where there is murder; no wealth where kin shun one another."

Ali ibn Abi Talib (r)

Ashura and Muharram of Sunni and Shia
At the beginning of each Islamic lunar calendar, in various parts of the Muslim world the first ten days are observed as a commemoration of a most horrific and tragic event.
Hijra: Start of Islamic history
Tamim Ansary considers the history of the world through Islamic eyes. Starting from the same cradle of civilization, he explains how Western and Muslim perceptions of civilization diverged into two separate universes
Exile toward the Beginning
Someday we are bound to come back to the beginning. Even the most distant pathways always lead us inward, completely inward, into intimacy, solitude between our self and our self—in the place where there is no longer anyone but God and our self.
Rohingya fleeing Myanmar find no shelter in Bangladesh
Over 400,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar for Bangladesh, where they live in appalling conditions.
Hadith #1: The Gravity Of Injustice
Sh. Omar Suleiman and Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research presents "40 Hadiths on Social Justice"
All bazar products help support IslamiCity's outreach efforts.

Learn 50 Arabic words in less then 2 hours
FREE - This innovative, dual language, educational game, is ideal for second language learners. It teaches everyday words in a fun, interactive way with the help of digital Flashcards, and multiple Educational Games..

365 Duas with stories. Everyday Stories Based on Prayer. Hardcover.
This book, with its simple yet profound dua and stories, set in the circumstances of our daily existence, expresses the joy and challenges of life..

Quotation from Surah Yusuf (12:64). Overall Frame Size 24 x 20 inches.
Quotation from the Quran, Surah Yusuf (12:64)Dried (skeleton) tree leaves adorned with pious phrases in beautiful Arabic calligraphy were produced in Bursa, Turkey, during the Ottoman period.



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